iPhone Firmware 3.0 Video Walkthrough

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageiPhone Firmware 3.0 Video Walkthrough

Did you get the urge to update your iPhone with beta iPhone firmware 3.0 that was seeded to developers of iPhone developer program to checkout the 100 new features that were announced in Apple's next generation operating system for the iPhone? But don't want to take the risk? Then you...

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  • cody
    cody Posts: 101
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    would it be ok to update to firmware 3.0 if you just have a jailbroken iPhone 3G?

    I saw something that said not to do it if you have yellowsn0w but I don't have it and my carrier is ATT.

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    how do i get this though like from what site

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    We would advice users to avoid upgrading to beta version of firmware 3.0, its only for developers, as it will have your iPhone wiped and locked, inactivated unless you have a dev account.

    You can checkout this post and the comments to find out more details.

    TRIXXY DIXXY Posts: 25
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    Looks quite buggy at the moment, I suppose the release is still quite a while away though. Looking forward to being able to use my bluetooth headphones without having to have a dongle plugged into the bottom of my phone. Also proper Sat Nav software and a slingbox app will definitely be getting my money if they bring it out soon.

    Anyone know if dev's can use these new API's now and release apps using them, or do they have to wait for firmware 3.0 to be released?

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Developers will be able to launch apps which use the new APIs only after firmware 3.0 is launched.

  • geogo3r
    geogo3r Posts: 127
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    Yeah you can update to 3.0

    Just like most updates, it will format your phone, which means it will remove your jailbreak then put the new update on it. Of course this won't stop you from re-jailbreaking it when the dev team comes out with QuickPwn for 3.0

  • geogo3r
    geogo3r Posts: 127
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    It seems buggy which is pretty understandable as it is a beta after all.

    Really looking forward to 3.0!

  • Cheeze439
    Cheeze439 Posts: 8
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    I'm pretty sure that if it was possible then they'd do it for 1st gen. It's just paranoia to think it's a marketing ploy to make you upgrade to a 3G. The extra money the networks could make from MMS messages alone would be reason enough to do it. Stop being cheap and upgrade if you want it.

  • Ben Lloyd
    Ben Lloyd Posts: 5
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    It can be done with jailbroken apps on the 1st gen iPhone. So if they can do it I doubt very much that Apple cant, It is either laziness or like Metallica suggested, they want users to upgrade...

  • Kray-Z
    Kray-Z Posts: 85
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    have you considered the fact that you are getting MMS thru push, basically thru the inernet connection rather than the cellphone tower connection with the current jailbroken 2G iphone. The way MMS is supposed to be is thru the cellphone towers, and the 3G can handle that, while 2G cant. And I highly doubt they will reconstruct their way of sending MMS just for the 2G. yes it sucks but either stick with your jailbreak or get the new phone. But stop complaining over something that not only Apple but a third party person that has no interest in Apple said that it was a hardware thing.

  • Ljs
    Ljs Posts: 14
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    matallica is right my dad has the first nokia phone with a color screen and he can get pictures his phone is like 9 years old dont kid your self apple would do anything to make a buck

  • Kray-Z
    Kray-Z Posts: 85
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    what does a color screen have anything to do with its capability to send and receive MMS?? But ok, if you insist that it can you have two options, write your own program so you can MMS, or just accept the fact that every company wants to get you to upgrade your phone and Apple just happens to be good at it. Oh and a third choice, keep it jailbroken and then you have MMS, if you already have it what are you complaining about. I don't really care that they didn't release video recording on 3.0 cuz i already have it via jailbreaking. Basically be thankful for what has been given, its already much more than anybody expected.

  • Ben Lloyd
    Ben Lloyd Posts: 5
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    Actually there is an app that will do it though the cell towers as well as internet connection on the first gen. Its not an issue for me anyway as I own a 3G, I just don't see why Apple need to make their customer suffer. The bluetooth problem is complete BS too, but thats common knowledge...

  • Kray-Z
    Kray-Z Posts: 85
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    not just in the UK but here in US they also made the 3G cheaper than the 2G. Is it f**ked up yes probly but its how the market works, they want you to spend more money and get the newest and most expensive thing. Just like when HP stops supporting certain computers because its more than 2 years old, or why any thing older than XP and soon to be XP also is no longer supported by microsoft's help line. Its a shark pool out there, sorry but it sucks

  • Kray-Z
    Kray-Z Posts: 85
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    same as i said to Metallica, its all to get their money. Why didnt they make the first and second and most probly third one perfect? because they want you to buy the next one. They could of easly put a 5MP camera or better with 2x optical zoom and video capability, with a front end camera for video calls and all that jazz but they didnt so that you get the next one. What can you say, they are good at what they do which is making money

  • Kray-Z
    Kray-Z Posts: 85
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    hey i was just giving them the benefit of the doubt, but like i said there was a 3rd party that said that is was a hardware problem. i would cite the source if i knew it of the top of my head, i don't see why they would lie but again, its a money making scheme, learn to love it, In America we are all about money its not something to be proud of but we are good at it.

  • Kray-Z
    Kray-Z Posts: 85
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    it has nothing to do with the fact that its a color screen quite the opposite they gave it a color screen because it has MMS but yes, i do agree with you that its all to make a buck, whether its a hardware problem or not its to make money, if it is a hardware problem im sure they thought ahead of time and purposely didn't put it there just to make your upgrade, now looking at the glass half full they could of seen MMS as a soon to be out dated method and thought that email was the true and future way of sending pictures, they were right with AAC and some other format that i forgot about that made it world wide. But hey that's just my optimistic side talking

  • Kray-Z
    Kray-Z Posts: 85
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    lol didn't even know about the PSP 4000 but yea, i would actually hold of for the new iphone to come out in July. And about if 3G or 2G i think the plans are the same regardless, actually they don't even sell the 2G commercially any more.

  • Kray-Z
    Kray-Z Posts: 85
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    arent they fully unlocking bluetooth??

  • rez
    rez Posts: 6
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    I thought I'd mention something here as I have been reading on a lot of sites that people a really not happy about still not having background tasking abilities.

    I have been using the Backgrounder app (only really for IM) to get around this and I also use an app for short cuts - I can't remember the name of it but you swipe across the clock at the top of the screen to activate it's pop-down menu?

    Anyway - the short cuts app allows you to see how much RAM is remaining and after some monitoring I have found that from a fresh boot (and running the always on Phone & Mail apps) I am left with approx. 20-30MB so with that in mind how were we ever going to get proper background tasking? The iPhone simply doesn't have the RAM!? My guess is that it has something like 60MB to start with which seems very low but surely it's not something that can be changed as this down to the hardware!?

    Please feel free to advise differently if I'm totally of the mark here.

    Cheers - rez

  • Patrick
    Patrick Posts: 124
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    Great Video, I can't wait for this to be released.

  • Super Kerr
    Super Kerr Posts: 1
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    to all people who did not use a beta on the ipod touch
    you must pay for 3.0

    to all people who did use a beta for 3.0
    downgrade to 2.2.1 and then check for an update
    you are welcome :)