Need Help with IPHONE 4 Jailbreak

I have a jailbroken iphone 4 that turned off because of battery life on me a few weeks ago. I turned it back on for a few days until I could boot it up with redsnow and do the tethered startup. However, in those few days my Windows computer broke and that thing is completely dead. So I downloaded redsnow on my wife's MacBook Air. I did the whole boot up process with redsnow but it wouldn't work. I then tried to do the whole jailbreak process again hoping that would help but it still didn't. I can get the phone to start booting up with the Pineapple logo coming on but it takes forever to boot up and then when it does it switches to the apple logo and it's a normal bootup and cydia won't open along with many other apps. Can anyone help me out with this? I'm using the 6.0 restore when trying to jailbreak and the tethered boot just like on windows.
