Skype's iPhone App: Open-Internet Advocacy Group asks FCC to Investigate Restriction Imposed on VOiP

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imageSkype's iPhone App: Open-Internet Advocacy Group asks FCC to Investigate Restriction Imposed on VOiP Calls over 3G

Skype's iPhone app which was released last week is probably the best VOiP app I have used. However, the problem with it (if you haven't jailbroken your iPhone) is that like other VOiP iPhone apps, you can only use it to make calls over Wi-Fi due to limitation of iPhone's...

Read the full story here


  • metromepmb
    metromepmb Posts: 36
    via Wordpress

    has anyone tried a skype call over 3G is the call quality any good compared to wifi?

  • marc
    marc Posts: 103
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    I'm curious as to how respectable Free Press is...

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Taking the wifi route is brilliant. It allows Apple to continue selling iPhones via telco channels while at the same time setting the scene for dispensing with their services. The traditional telcos are just dinosaurs on the way out, but while they're still there it pays to be polite to them.

  • Andrew
    Andrew Posts: 168
    via Wordpress

    Apple can put any restrictions they want on the internet on their product. If you don't like it, you should use the free market method of simply not buying one. Until consumers wise up to how badly the wireless industry is ripping them off, they will keep doing it. For example, how much does it really cost to send a text message - a fraction of a second of air time and they charge 10 or 15 cents.

    At some point, someone else will come along with a wireless device that only needs a data plan and always uses VOIP, and uses twitter for text messaging.

  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    its ok (i live in a bad 3g area, often switches to edge (edge to 3g preserves ip addr. but 3g to edge transition does not, i.e. loses any open connections) and drops out) but when on 3g in someplace like san fran or berkeley or NY its awesome

  • David
    David Posts: 225
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    I have tried skype over 3g with good signal and found is the same as on pc. Calls from italy to great britain are ok, calls from italy to italy perfect.

  • Tank
    Tank Posts: 12
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    T-mobile and everyone else is in big money losing trouble, everyone will be using Skype :) The problem is that if they want to, they will not make push notification support to the Skype in iphone OS 3.0

  • Pdext
    Pdext Posts: 3
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    one reason that text cost a few cents is because it "travels" though the network or another carriers network to send the message. if your text travels though a diff cell tower than of course your going to be charged. and there is a data only cell plan. its for the hearing impaired

  • ZedSefi
    ZedSefi Posts: 130
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    Well, we should consider ourselves lucky and be thankful that at least we can use Skype to make free calls over Wifi (or over 3G if you know what I mean). Some places in the world like Dubai and China are blocking all VOIP connections and it is not possible to use Skype even at home (in Dubai, Skype's website and software are completely blocked and banned from being used). Seems to be the road to the world of FREE INTERNET and democracy is going to be very loooooooong already.

  • ZedSefi
    ZedSefi Posts: 130
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    In China they even blocked YouTube ... WHAT A SHAME!!

  • Brad
    Brad Posts: 54
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    works great on 3g with a jailbroken iphone

  • asdaf
    asdaf Posts: 1
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    I've been using fring on my nokia over att's 3g network to make calls from US to EU. The quality is acceptable, but if you are driving, it may become very weird experience (delays). It means att is not blocking voip, but it is apple that's implementing those user unfriendly policies. I've switched to Mac about 2 years ago, and I've seen apple going from user friendly corp to ebay, or sony like customer haters. If that won't change I will cut them loose same way I did with Microsoft...