Apple Working with Verizon on two New iPhone-like devices?

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageApple Working with Verizon on two New iPhone-like devices?

Business Week is reporting that two sources "familiar with the matter” have told them that Apple and Verizon are working on two new iPhone-like devices: one device is a smaller, less expensive version of the current iPhone and the other device termed as a media pad, which would let users...

Read the full story here


  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    The second device doesn't make sense to me? If it is being sold as a "media pad" only making calls over wi-fi, then why would Verizon be selling it? It's not a cell phone? Or am I missing something...

  • metromepmb
    metromepmb Posts: 36
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  • p-green
    p-green Posts: 1
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    FYI. this rumor is B.S since news out today that microsoft will be working with verizon for a touch screen phone that of course would operate on windows mobile.

  • Gilberto Arellano
    Gilberto Arellano Posts: 32
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    I think this rumor is dead on what i heard here. That apple will release a cdma iphone for the masses in china wich I think is the same phone that this article talks about.

  • Tj
    Tj Posts: 102
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    Umm, wow you're really not familiar with business practices are you?

    Verizon will offer both, just like AT&T advertises phones competing with the iPhone and even claims they're better than it.

    It provides Verizon with leverage against both companies, as it can devote more or less advertising revenue to whichever company is offering them a better deal for the rights to sell the product. The "Pink" phone that M$ is working on will very likely be an iClone failure, BUT because it'll run modified WinMo it will sell well in the business world. This way Verizon has the two top phones for its primary demographic.

    As for the rumored data-pad, I predict it will be a tablet-pc type gadget that links up with that ridiculously stupid Verizon home-base-station thingamajig.

  • Zoltan
    Zoltan Posts: 18
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    cant wait for an LTE iphone, wiki it, 192Mb/s downstream, 144Mb/s upstream. damn fast, like SATA/150 Fast, only online! damn we'll need new servers for everything

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    I'd lay money that apple are looking towards touchscreen tablet 'netbooks' similar to the newly announced Asus. A modified iPhone os with sim capabilities.
    The current (UK) trend towards portability would make it a hit and would be a first over here.
    My current webbook sports a 7 inch screen, 2 gig ram with 160gig hdd, comes complete with 3G connectivity built in, battery gives 2 hours
    A mini mac with iphone os in the palm (hahaha) of my hand, I'd buy one!!!

  • metromepmb
    metromepmb Posts: 36
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    arm a9 cortex cpu is measured in days and not hours for batt life.

  • Zoltan
    Zoltan Posts: 18
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    me too, they need to step up and make a netbook! YAY APPLE NETBOOK or jst hack an msi wind, theyre completely mac compatible in terms of hardware.

  • Zoltan
    Zoltan Posts: 18
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    too bad the rest of the world is intel (INTEL ATOM FTW!!! 3W OF POWER) and if they put a small batt on it it would die in a minute, its the battery that counts smart one

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    I remember watching a video were they coverted an iPhone into a huge table touchscreen. In the video they played the game app TouchGrind which made the game much easier to play because you could see the entire skatepark as you played, unlike the original version. Although that table is not for sale, watching that video made me want a bigger screen which led me to believe Apple would offer another iPhone model with a secondary slide out touchscreen in hopes of adding a little more "viewing room". This would definatly be the better alternative to my idea and may even get me to sell my laptop.

    I'm also thinking Apple may be looking into creating some sort of home phone which could be the so called "iphone lite" since several apps would be useless. I'd like to see that someday if they're not planning this already. Maybe we could finally throw away the old phone book.

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    "with 32 GB of flash memory"

    Are you sure its not 32 GB of memory, with flash? I'm pretty sure Apple wouldn't dedicate 32 whole GB just for flash.