1-3-5 To-Do - Daily To-Do List and Productivity Manager
Posts: 1
Hello everyone! I would like to share some interesting information about the app we released recently.
It's called 1-3-5 To-Do, our new productivity app for iOS and Android, designed to battle never ending to do lists. While regular to-do apps do help to list all your
tasks, they all have one problem - the list has so many to-dos that you can’t accomplish them all. When it’s getting bigger, it’s even harder to complete all tasks.
That really drove us mad and we have come up with a simple solution to get things actually done - we narrowed down the daily task list to only 9 core items: 1 big
task, 3 medium tasks and 5 small tasks. All tasks are visible on one screen while the list has predefined priority so you can quickly and easily manage your tasks.
1-3-5 To-Do is very simple to use. The app has 3 main to-do lists: Today, Tomorrow, Someday (for unprioritized tasks). All tasks can be moved between lists and you can
always have a snapshot of your tasks. For better task management, there are tags to describe the context of your tasks. There’s also Calendar that allows you to plan
your future to-dos, track history and quickly check how many to-dos you have for any specific day.
Check it out here (the app is available on iPhone and iPod touch):
App Store: http://goo.gl/FQMl40
Let's talk! If you have any questions about the app, I will be happy to help you out!
It's called 1-3-5 To-Do, our new productivity app for iOS and Android, designed to battle never ending to do lists. While regular to-do apps do help to list all your
tasks, they all have one problem - the list has so many to-dos that you can’t accomplish them all. When it’s getting bigger, it’s even harder to complete all tasks.
That really drove us mad and we have come up with a simple solution to get things actually done - we narrowed down the daily task list to only 9 core items: 1 big
task, 3 medium tasks and 5 small tasks. All tasks are visible on one screen while the list has predefined priority so you can quickly and easily manage your tasks.
1-3-5 To-Do is very simple to use. The app has 3 main to-do lists: Today, Tomorrow, Someday (for unprioritized tasks). All tasks can be moved between lists and you can
always have a snapshot of your tasks. For better task management, there are tags to describe the context of your tasks. There’s also Calendar that allows you to plan
your future to-dos, track history and quickly check how many to-dos you have for any specific day.
Check it out here (the app is available on iPhone and iPod touch):
App Store: http://goo.gl/FQMl40
Let's talk! If you have any questions about the app, I will be happy to help you out!