Apple working on various Options to Gain Smartphone Market Share with iPhone

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imageApple working on various Options to Gain Smartphone Market Share with iPhone

Analyst, Yair Reiner of Oppenheimer, who visited Apple's headquarters in Cupertino, CA last week had something interesting to report based on his discussion with Apple's management. According to Apple's management: "iPhone is still in its early days and could gain share by: providing more functionality; lowering prices; growing geographically; or...

Read the full story here


  • ZedSefi
    ZedSefi Posts: 130
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    Let them make different iPhone models, I don't care ... I'm going to get only one, and that will be the most sophisticated :)

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    From looking at the past & present trends of the UK market, you'll notice that when mobiles became modern wonders and the 'must have' addition, it was Nokia that first ruled the roost with the 33xx models. The 3310 was about the most robust thing there was, it did two things: It Called people, it Text people.
    Soon after came Samsung with the T100, a world first!! colour screen and polyphonics!
    Then Sony & Ericsson joined forces and along came some nippy little phones with some serious walkman properties, later to come with pretty good quality cameras.
    Then came the PDA phones, the first of the 'smartphones'. Windows mobile o/s, all face and costly to run to full capabilities.
    Arriving quietly came the Blackberry's, seen by most as an office workers tool and marketed as such
    Now we come to a point where Apple step in with the iPhone as competition to the current trend and suddenly the iPhone either gets loved or hated (or rather you got hated by those who wanted one)
    The market hots up with new Blackberry units as Apple release new O/S and prepare to announce maybe more than one unit.
    Some smaller manufacturers try touch screen units, but against the iPhone? they rate a miserable 2nd

    Behind the scene, are you aware that Nokia are going into the market with the best they can offer (5800) as their company heads towards collapse. An iPhone killer?? Nah, just another same old same old.
    Sony Ericsson sales have been hit too, recession hits everywhere, yet they keep bombarding the market with new models (mostly new 'skins' for an almost identical device internally) SE's are seen as 'Reliable' rather than 'Ultimate'
    If Apple are to take serious advantage of the current market (UK) then 2 or more devices being released Alongside, NOT Against the current 3G, would be a real winning move. 3 or 4 differently priced units could effectivly cover the market, if each had ipod capabilities then they have a two pronged attack....Do I go for a 32 gig ipod or a 16 gig iPhone?? about the same's a strategy!!

    Sorry if long winded, please feel free to correct me if my points are wrong

    There used to be a thing called a walkman (mp3) they are all referred to as ipods now!! regardless of who actually made it

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Good points Tim.

    I think multiple iPhone models is definitely a winning strategy.

    I also think having multiple models will also give Apple room to get more innovative like they have with the iPod family. They were able to launch revolutionary new iPod Touch but at the same time kept updating the older iPod models so customers have a choice.

    Currently they can't change much in the next generation iPhone as if they do something radically different and users don't like it then there is no plan B (other than continuing to sell the older model which competition would have caught up with).

    The other important issue that Apple needs to address with multiple iPhone models is pricing especially a cheaper iPhone for fast growing markets of China and India, they hold massive potential which can't be tapped at the current price range.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    there's a lot of people on a lower budget over here who have gone 2nd best due to the fixed price & network monopoly of UK iPhones.
    I see friends with Samsung Tocco's. 5800's but they can't wait to have a play with my JB iPhone.
    Should Apple address this lower end Market, then they stand a real chance of a full house
    If they aim to place a model either side of the current 8/16gig 3G's and one right at the pinnacle of everyones Xmas list then it's bound to cover the needs of everyone
    If they slimmed down the factory standard apps and left it to choice from the app store, would it not be age friendly too? Decided by you for you.
    There's so many ways that Apple could go, but a 'multi' range would benefit everyone, but. The risk of overkill (Nokia) still remains
    I hope I still feel, after the finalized details of the Next generation are announced, that little bit privileged, because I own 'more than just a phone'

  • Kwopau
    Kwopau Posts: 294
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    TBH. Apple should make more the one model per year, I know the fact that in Korea they always come out with new models every month or so, and still sell the models that were made last month. So if Apple does follow this trend, then they could be making so much money and so many models to choose from.

  • Bradyramone
    Bradyramone Posts: 18
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    I agree that much more models to choose from makes it more close to everyone's budget....but what i dont like is that owning an iPhone won't feel more special as there are too much of other similar models of it (original ones, as the fakes makes you feel more special)...idk..just an opinion

  • 3amer
    3amer Posts: 23
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    omg wat u people like scientests or something? hahaha jk

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Electronic Engineer with a morbid facination for mobile technologies lmao.
    I'm just 'can't' go buy a mobile without hours of research and equally as many harassing sales staff.
    Young girl in CarPhone told me last weekend that the new iPhone was at least two years away and the internet is full of untruths !! (She'll be a 'Johnny No Stars in McD next week)
    Scientist, nah, don't like labcoats lol. ;)