AT&T Considering a $10 Price Cut in Monthly iPhone Plan to Boost Sales?

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imageAT&T Considering a $10 Price Cut in Monthly iPhone Plan to Boost Sales?

According to Cote Collaborative analyst Michael Cote, an industry pricing strategist, AT&T might be considering a $10 price cut in monthly iPhone plan when Apple announces the next generation iPhone at next month's Worldwide Developers Conference. Cote believes that the one of the reasons for the price cut could be...

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  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    heck yes! This would be a deal breaker.

  • Degali
    Degali Posts: 0
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    Wait a minute. What about the rest of us paying customers??

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    It's anybody's guess but if this turns out to be true then i think it would be only for new customers and not for existing customers.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Posts: 91
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    omg that would suck why do loyal customers always get screwed by the phone companies why dont we ever get deals or the breaks that they lavish on the new customers. thinks congress needs to pass a bill that wipes out the early termination fee on contracts and i guarantee u that the cell companies will appreciate loyal customers

  • R
    R Posts: 19
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    The main reason I dont have my iphone with apple is because of the monthly bill. I can have unlimited Text, Picture Mail, and Internet for 69 per month with 400 minutes and unlimited starting at 7pm and nights and weekends.

  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    Please this $120 bill isn't cutting it. >=O

  • AG
    AG Posts: 9
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    what would really attract customers is reducing Data Plan by $10. people use different plans based on how many minutes they need, mandatory data plan @ $30 is a lot for many.

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    Don't they charge something like $175 to get out of the contract? You could still end up saving money although there's always that one time charge for starting a new contract and you may loose your number.

  • DeezNuTz
    DeezNuTz Posts: 2
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    If i was a new att customer $10 oof the original iphone plan will not attract me...probly $20 or more then we could talk :-)

  • Gilberto Arellano
    Gilberto Arellano Posts: 32
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    if youre not rewarding the early adopters i could care less. I dont care if its a contract i will see plenty of pissed off people complaining. remember those $100 credit from apple. power to the people!!!!!

  • Fred
    Fred Posts: 30
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    If AT&T reduces the price by $10 for new customers buying an Iphone, they should also lower the price for the customers who started before the price lowering.

    Lowering the price to new customers and not to older customers is an insult to the older customers.

  • yankii
    yankii Posts: 51
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    i really dont care... im using my iphone with a regular at&t plan regional plan, not iphone plan... i will not go to an iphone plan until they are worth it...

  • cody
    cody Posts: 101
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    After I got my developer account (working on making a couple of great apps!) I borrowed my friends Razr phone and just went into AT&T and was like, "Hey I broke the screen on my iPhone and I can't afford to fix it yet. So I want to use this phone till then."

    They set me up with a cheaper plan. I get unlimited texts and data for I believe $15 or $20. So technically I already have the $10 off discount.

    Oh and the reason why I told them I have a different phone was to get Picture Messaging to work, and it does work. Great! :D

    --If you want to help develop iPhone apps contact me! ( also I would like to see this site easier to view from iPhone! Contact me if you would like my help!

  • Major
    Major Posts: 15
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    they should definitely do this because the monthly bill is quite expensive.

  • Ray
    Ray Posts: 121
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    I agree with Fred & Marcus on this one, they should give current iphone owners an incentive to continue to use this product and the service.
    Always giving the new customers deals and not providing current customers that have been paying a boatload of money for older technology and outdated service (non 3g users) is just absurd. Give us a reason to stay with you since we continually get screwed cause apple likes to release new versions so quickly that we feel like tards for buying it when we did.

  • hardwired
    hardwired Posts: 1
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    If they do not give the 10.00 discount to the customers that already have the iphone that would piss a bunch of people off including me. "Oh we will give a discount off the new iphone to new customers but to hell with all the people that have had it for 2 years already". If that be the case i will jump ship contact or not (then they will be losing more money from me $70.00 a month not $10.00). T-mobile will be sounding good then.

  • MD
    MD Posts: 0
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    Thanks for making it more affordable for the rest of us! Someone's gotta use the technology when it's more expensive to bring the price down...

  • Kathy
    Kathy Posts: 5
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    I already have an AT&T voice plan. So to add the iPhone I have to add the $30 data plan. That't the only thing stopping me right now. Do I really need 24/7 data? I wish there was a way to have the iPhone and skip the data plan, just use WiFi.

    If they drop the monthly data plan to $20 per month. I'll think about it.