iPhone App - Mover: Sharing Photos and Contacts has never been so much Fun
There are a number of iPhone apps available on the App Store that allow users to send photos and contacts over Wi-Fi. But I haven't found any of the iPhone apps as intuitive and appealing as the latest app called ‘Mover’ developed by Infinite lab. Mover is an app just...
It does require both phones to have the app which is a bit of a downer
ok i have a quick question, what does the arrow have anything to do with it? how does it know weather you have them lined up or not and if you dont what happens? if your on wifi why do you have to have the phones lined up a certain way? or is it just for show purposes?
Would be nice to send music files...
The arrow just shows you the other iPhone in your network.
probably if there's more than two iphones?
It would be nice to send music, but also ringtones, doc., and much more. Just about anything and maybe apps.
Yup, it would have been great to transfer other file types as well but Apple wouldn't allow transfer of music files or apps as it would mean piracy.
Apple should not care whether people transfer music files. Since these music tracks are now DRM-free.
The transferring of music tracks between iPhones/iPods are like lending a physical CD to a friend.
Won't it be great if we can share via Bluetooth after paring the two iPhones in additional to being on the same WiFi network.
Question though. After you send a photo or a contact to the other iphone, then does it allow you to take that photo or contact and add in to your own phone contacts list and photos section of your phone?
Yes, that's correct. It's just a fancy way of copying over photos and contacts to another iPhone. It automatically saves it when you receive the photo/contact from the other iPhone. Try it. It should end up in your contact list/photo album.
I agree completely. Since when can apple stop me from buying a CD, and giving it to my friend to rip onto his iTunes.
Thanks for the post and video. I didn't get the whole "matching up the arrows" thing. I couldn't figure out what I was missing. I love this app!
I'm having issues with the transfer. Both phones have the app and I've turned them both on at least 8 or 9 x's and of those, have only successfully seen an arrow on BOTH iPhones. But I'm still unable to transfer. So I'm having issues with connectivity and transferring.
I meant have only seen an arrow on BOTH iPhones only ONCE of those 8 or 9 attempts.
I can't seem to get the arrow on both phones at the same time. It does alternate which phone has it though, so I know they are both working.
I keep getting "this item can't be opened because there's no app that can open it installed on this iPad. Install one with support for this kind of item from App store first." what other app do I need to open these videos