Iphone 5 Itunes logo loop

Well I'll try to explain it well and in a nutshell.
I have my iphone 5 and update the software stopped working , I'm in the know but do not give anything.
I've tried for in DFU mode and simply the iphone not me " leaves " . I tried to connect to itunes all possible ways is never recognized.
Now the strange thing is that when I put the aparce load the symbol of the apple and just after the itunes red ( I even without pressing any key ) and makes loop , is a bit like the itunes logo and back to restart and back to do the same so again and again. Connected to the PC does the same, does not recognize will not let me get in anyway. It's like having an infinite boot loop without any software .

Does anyone know help me?
not worth it tell me to go into recovery mode or connect to itunes, or even try to use RecBoot or reiboot because I've tried both and neither program recognizes