Lost Cydia Icon and Messages/BiteSms

New here can't seem to fix this myself so really looking for some advice.
I'm jailbroken on a iPhone 5s ios 7.1.2.
Today I went into winter board and for whatever reason I clicked the summer board button and resprung.
After that the cydia icon and my messages are completely gone.
If I search for them nothing shows up.
However cydia is still installed if I go to cydia:// in safari it loads.
I have tried manually downloading the cydia.deb file and installing it using IFile that doesn't work.
I have deleted all my tweaks also with no success.
If I boot using substrate safe mode cydia shows up and also my messages.
So I'm stumped I just don't know what's happened and how to fix this without a restore.
I really don't want ios 8 on this phone and would like to get out of substrate safe mode.
So if anyone could help that would be awesome :).