Apple's New iPhone Specs Revealed? Launch date July 17?

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageApple's New iPhone Specs Revealed? Launch date July 17?

Folks at iPhone fan blog are reporting that a source close to Apple's hardware team has revealed the specs of Apple's next generation iPhone to them. They are also claiming that the source has told them that Apple's new iPhone will be announced at the Worldwide Developer Conference next month...

Read the full story here



  • Tyler927
    Tyler927 Posts: 9
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    wow. Sounds really cool I think I might sell my 3g and buy one of these

  • Vishnu
    Vishnu Posts: 199
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    But there is no camera in the front for video calling
    that is the only this it missing and removable battery.
    I need video calling

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    It's highly unlikely that we'll see video calling feature in the next generation iPhone.

    It could probably be the next big thing for the 4th generation iPhone.

  • NO
    NO Posts: 15
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    Perhaps FM transmitter is being mistaken for an FM tuner?

  • jim
    jim Posts: 128
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    what if it is an internal fm transmitter, that allowed you to choose a channel and then play back the music on your radio from you ipod. I know i have one of those and i hate connecting it.

  • jim
    jim Posts: 128
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  • Jonny H
    Jonny H Posts: 47
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    Dude, no camera on the OLED face? That would be HUGE for uploading videos on YouTube. Especially for everybody who's considered vlogging, I mean c'mon! This may be Apple's biggest mistake if someone else comes out with a dual camera phone for uploading videos on YouTube. Now THAT would be a REAL iPhone killer.

  • Charlie
    Charlie Posts: 41
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    So far I can't really see any features that are making me excited about the new iPhone. I use a normal camera for photos and video recording so I don't really care about these, and I don't feel that I would benefit massively from faster CPU/more RAM (although I'm sure this will allow for better graphics etc in games).

    I've learnt to live with the battery, don't need any more storage space and have never needed to send an MMS! They are all "nice to have" features, and I'm not sure if they are enough for the people like me who just like to mess around with new apps and games and enjoy using a very slick piece of kit.

    I guess what I'm getting at is that these features would be mediocre in any other phone. It's like this new iPhone is 'catching up' instead of innovating. It's almost like a 'patch' release - upgrading the poorer bits to compliment the good bits, as opposed to a brand new phone. Something along the lines of upgrading Windows Vista to Windows 7 - a few nice bells and whisteles but nothing actually worth forking out the cash for (yet we all will!)

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    I agree that the changes don't seem to be revolutionary.

    But do you really think that Apple needs to bring a revolutionary iPhone?

    I think the video capabilities in the next generation iPhone will be a big one. It might seem trivial but Apple has always blown us away with a combination of hardware and software.

  • Phil
    Phil Posts: 87
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    ...and when will they ever let us delete/edit songs and song lists in iTunes directly on the phone!?

  • Mike Le
    Mike Le Posts: 14
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    The thing im most excited about (if the above specs are real)is more battery life. When I use an iPhone 3G i feel like i have to limit my usage and do things do conserve battery life. I shouldnt have to limit my use on a product ever. Im also liking the faster processor and more ram (anyone hate having apps close?). The capability to record videos is cool too.

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    True, I've actually cut back on downloading apps and now only have 2 springboard pages instead of 4 or 5 in hopes of allowing it to run faster. I also try to close all web pages when I'm done and anything that may require memory. I think Apple should worry less about things like an FM transmitter and focus more on the iPhone's processing power before they find themselves in a parody to their own commercial where the iPhone is the PC that crashes. I hope double the Ram is enough for now at least.

  • iPhone Guy
    iPhone Guy Posts: 9
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    There is no such thing as an iphone killer!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Xymoxxy
    Xymoxxy Posts: 0
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    FM Transmitter to play music through your FM Tuner in
    your car, for those that don't have bluetooth


  • Xymoxxy
    Xymoxxy Posts: 0
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    FM Transmitter to play music through your FM Tuner in
    your car, for those that don't have bluetooth


  • Xymoxxy
    Xymoxxy Posts: 0
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    FM Transmitter to play music through your FM Tuner in your car, for those that don't have bluetooth connectivity.


  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    i cant wait, I just bought my 3g in January will i be able to upgrade to the new one in July or will I have to buy it outright

  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    is there anything about insurance for lost or stolen phones? I mean i've been able to foil one robbery attempt, but i wasn't so lucky the second time and all apple/att does is say oh well would u like to buy another...

  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
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    sleek iphone will look ugly!!!
    i wish the new battery is better !!!

  • Major
    Major Posts: 15
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    i will love the ram and processing upgrades!! i use backgrounder SO much.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Id lay money saying that Apple have already decided on whats in and whats out for the new release.
    It's too close timewise to the release date for pre-production to begin now, that would have been done and dusted. I bet that they are sitting on warehouses full of components with all the programming charted and ready for the green light. It takes weeks or months of intergrating hardware into a small package and they can't just think " oh, iPhoneHacks reader had a good idea, lets do that" and do it,it's an almost impossible task.
    There's going to be rumour after rumour until Apple actually release the Techsheet, only then will we be suprised, happy or just plain dissapointed, either way, there's going to be iphone haters and iphone fanatics everywhere.
    I've sat and considered upgrading to the unknown, but then i look at my 3G and think " it does what i want it to do" so why spend my money on an item thats only going to be slightly better than this one?? I ride a secondhand Motorbike (FJR1300) but it's a damn fine machine, i see newer bikes but dont go buying everytime an upgrade is released (yes, I can afford to lol)
    I'm far more interested in the new 3.0 O/S, looking forward to the weeks following (so the hackers can do their stuff) before i hit the download button.
    ***What if the new iPhone is IMPOSSIBLE to be Jailbroken?? Would you want one then??? I know i wouldn't!!!

    Levels of interest:
    New iphone 3/10
    New O/S 9/10
    (New FJR 2/10 lol)

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Sony Ericsson W850i did it, various Nokia's do it, S/E S500 could do it, Ok, granted they do it slowly but they can do it (yet they havn't killed the iPhone)
    My 7 year old uses the W850i for vlogging to her school website, their projects are burned to dvd and form a presentation each term, they are set a topic and vidblog (just been told that's the term they use lol) through the term on that one subject
    She had Castles!!!!! Every weekend it was " Can we go to XxxxxX Castle today?? " gets to you after 3 months of it

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Quote/ There are now far too many other good I-phone-like devices out there in the market place
    Thats so very true, but none of them have the 3rd party backup of the Jailbroken iPhone (yet)
    Quote/ Also why no SD slot for user upgradeable storage needs?
    An idea that nearly ALL the other manufacturers have taken on board, and it works. My thinking is that they bypassed the SD slot because of possible iTunes bypass and therefore loss of revenue.

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    That's a valid point, it will be interesting to see if Apple has raised the bar enough for people to buy it for the first time or upgrade from their existing iPhones.

    It might convince 1st gen iPhone users but it might be a lot harder to convince iPhone 3G users.

    I would like the next generation iPhone to:
    Improve gaming experience (so that I don't have to carry my PSP).
    Video recording (so that I'm not tempted into buying a Flip which has been on my wishlist).

    So if Apple's new iPhone has faster processor and more RAM which should improve gaming experience, video recording capabilities and much better battery life then I will be convinced.

  • Cashmnty
    Cashmnty Posts: 1
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    Could it be that they purposely want to stay behind cause it ensures that they will keep the iphone family alive and well for future iphones. If they introduce to the world a top of the market revolutionary device that no one can compete with, then they will have no reason to make anymore new model iphones which is what apple is all about! For now they feel they need to stay with the industry standard so they can keep the "game" up. (None of this is based on's just my speculation, but it sounds bout right lol).

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    we dont have video calling in US yet ???

  • Kray-Z
    Kray-Z Posts: 85
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    ok this is my question. They say OLED and 1.5 times the battery life, so does that meant 1.5 battery life because of the reduced power consumption due to the OLED or the new battery is 1.5 times longer lasting than the current one??? that would make a HUGE difference. If its 1.5 times better then the new one, combined with the OLED then that would mean a massive jump in battery performance but if its the same old battery and we only get 50% more life because of the OLED then its not that big of a jump honestly.

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    There are doubts about an OLED screen but I believe Apple will definitely improve the battery in their next generation iPhone. How much will be the improvement, is anybody's guess.

    We also need to take into consideration that Apple's new iPhone will come with improved hardware and new features such as video capabilities.

    So if the new iPhone has better battery life with a faster processor and other new features then it would be quite good.

    An OLED screen would be an icing on the cake if it indeed becomes a reality.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    My friend, you are so very wrong!!!!
    There is an Undisputable Killer of iPhones....
    It's called Bethan and it's a 4 year girl, it can kill technology at any level, anytime!

    ( Loves her really though :{> )

  • Gary
    Gary Posts: 37
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    OMG- Thank you! The first and only comment on this board I felt passionate about. I listen to my music on there, so why can't I make the changes/mods right there?