New Beats subscription pricing.

Kray-Z Posts: 85
So currently apple has iTunes Radio with an ad free subscription for $25 a month. This subscripsion also includes the Match program. That comes down to $2.08 a month. Now that Apple has aquired Beats they are looking at integrating the music service. Rumor has it that they want the price point to be about $5 a month but are being pushed to go up to $7.50 a month. Someone please explain to me what the difference between these two services are that they are able to offer one at $2 a month with extra services while the other they have to charge $7.50...


  • Gautam
    Gautam Posts: 491
    edited May 2015
    iTunes Radio is an internet radio service. You can listen to radio stations, which are essentially curated playlists. iTunes Radio is acutally free. You can't listen to any song you want. Apple charges you $25 for iTunes Match, which essentially allows you to upload your music collection to the cloud, and stream it.

    In case of music streaming service like Spotify, you can listen to any song you want from their catalogue, which has millions of songs.
  • Kray-Z
    Kray-Z Posts: 85
    So the difference is being able to select the exact song I want vs. similar songs in the genre of the song I selected.