How do you recover old photos from an old pkgbackup?

My pics and vids were saved as "photo-000, photo-001, vid-000, etc.." When i restored it, nothing showed up. On pkgbackup's website it says;
How do I manually restore my pictures?
R.To manually restore pictures, do the followings 2 steps:
1. Put all the PHOTOS-??? files into your device /tmp/
2. Go in /tmp/ & do: cat PHOTOS-??? >> PHOTOS.tbz ; tar -xf PHOTOS.tbz -C /tmp/
But i have no idea what that means.


  • antsu
    antsu Posts: 66
    edited June 2015
    In english cat lists ie photos-000 inside to a photos.tbz and tar -xf extracts them to folder defined. Do that to all files one at a time. Just move after extracting before do next file. Do them one by one.

    Those are shell commands so you need to do them in shell. Either via terminal on device or ssh into it.