Automatic Gain Level and Auto Mic Switching

I am a film maker and have recently challenged myself to build a film rig around the iPhone 6. But ive hit a few snags. Getting audio into the phone as proved to be a problem. I am hoping that either I can get some tips to help with the issues or find out if Jailbreaking has potential to resolve the issues. (not currently jailbroken yet).

My goal was to overcome the phone's built in Auto Gain Level by using a mic with a +20db boost so I could turn the mic input level down in my filming app (MoviePro). However, it seems that when I plug the mic in (using the right cable adapter), sometimes it will pick up the mic and sometimes not at all. Also, if I turn on the +20db gain on the mic the phone shuts off the input altogether.

I am hesitant to go buy a separate expensive preamp (which might not even work) if I can make the phone and mic work together without it.

I suspect jailbreaking would give access to control these things but im not sure if anyone is working on jailbreak apps that help control the audio.

Any thoughts on this?
