Error -1102

Hello everyone,
So here is the issue:
ipad Mini 3
Already jailbroken on 8.1.2.
Has 1.9gb free space, in Airplane mode, find my ipad off, and no passcode active,
taig is running in parallels, as admin.

First tried updating to 8.3 but grey button on taig software wouldn't go green.
Tried Taig for 8.4, started off great, but it always stops at 30% getting error -1102
I've read and made sure pass code is off and in airplane mode..but still nothing happens...

any clues?


  • krs225
    krs225 Posts: 1
    Go into Parallels preferences (might be called Configuration) and increase the memory that the Mac allocates to Parallels. That worked for me. The reset memory after jailbreak is finished.