Instead of Jail Breaking , can we not hack apple .dll files as an alternative ?


I would like to start a discussion on if hacking the .dll files is not a way to give more functionality with out jailbreaking. and if it is another way to take control of an iphone .

I ask as my non-jailbroken iphone has 10 apps (Versions of .iap files ) not found on google or the itunes store.

Names like

And a lot of my apple .dll files on my PC mentions errors , talks of access violations , run time errors ,there is a problem with your application ect , Or should all .dll files list all possibilities

also i have this warning on my computer

invalid map/set iteratormap/set too longvector too longApple Software Update Testing Mode Enabled** If you see this otherwise, please contact your system administrator. **This configuration could reveal potentially malicious packages not signed by Apple.

Any thoughts welcome