Reload Cydia

I have a I-Phone 5s on IOS 7.1.2. Have installed Pangu 1.2.1 & believe it may have added malware to sources that caused excessive data usage. Can same version of Pangu be reloaded for this IOS ? Is there another untethered jailbreak for this IOS ? Do I have to wipe device, or just re-load


  • RHettsterhhhh
    I'm not sure that Pangu would do that. Your pretty much stuck on that jailbreak because there is no jailbreak for iOS 9 yet. Go into Settings-Cellular and scroll down. You'll see how much data each app has used. At the bottom, you'll see system services. If that is excessively high, than it might just be cloud services using data. Tap on system services to see whats going on. In the list, if General is using a lot, than Pangu is most likely at fault. If that's the case, than your just going to half to wait until next month when iOS 9 gets opened up. Make sure not to use iMessage while on Cellular. That can add up real quick.
  • Mervinr
    I have downloaded IOS 8.0.2 from the following website
    I've backed up Iphone, & tried using I-Tunes to restore to this version (Shift + click on restore). Unfortunately the over 2 gig file does not have any file ending with extension .IPWS. Do you know where I can download this IOS, as there is a TAG jailbreak available for this version.