Apple responds to Ninjawords Dictionary iPhone App Rejection

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imageApple responds to Ninjawords Dictionary iPhone App Rejection

John Gruber of Daring Fireball had reported yesterday about how the Ninjaword Dictionary iPhone app had to go through a lengthy two-month approval process wherein the app got a "17+" age rating even after the developer had removed a number of "objectionable" words, including some with non-objectionable definitions, from the...

Read the full story here


  • Tigger & Pooh
    via Wordpress

    Are more Apps being rejected, or are we just hearing more about it? I like the idea of developers placing the Apple unfriendly Apps on Cydia and charging a little less. I also think all Apps from the Apps store should let you try before buying. I have not bought many that I would have if I could at least find out if it even works. So many Apps have bad reviews, why must someone find out they don't like it or it doesn't work as promised after paying?

    This could make the difference on many purchases for me and others if all had even a two day demo period...

    Oh and Apple, if you want to hear more great Ideas, let me know I would be happy to help :) Coupertino is not far for me at all....

  • Jim Harding
    Jim Harding Posts: 4
    via Wordpress

    I hear all this noise from people on the internet about the quality of apps on itunes, well Apple is giving you what you want. They are not going to take in these crap programs that are breaking copyright laws and all that. the quality of the app store is about to change.

  • Debbie Izaguine
    Debbie Izaguine Posts: 1
    via Wordpress
    Great information :)