Security Vulnerability in iPhone's SMS Messaging System to be revealed Today

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imageSecurity Vulnerability in iPhone's SMS Messaging System to be revealed Today

Researchers Charlie Miller and Collin Mulliner claim that they have found a security vulnerability in the iPhone's SMS messaging system which could allow hackers to in theory "take over every iPhone in the world". It occurs regardless of hardware revision or which version of the iPhone OS is running. They...

Read the full story here


  • Benny the Irish polyglot
    via Wordpress

    - Hey Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
    - Same thing we do every night Pinky... try to take over every iPhone in the world!!

  • Nada
    Nada Posts: 70
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    Now I can stop ppl from calling me who wanna chat just cause it's mobile 2 mobile.

    "I got one that can see !"

  • MO
    MO Posts: 132
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    Interesting. So if my new 3gs like blows up from these hackers or stops functioning will it be covered under warranty?

  • Jake
    Jake Posts: 62
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    nope, won't be covered under warranty since that focuses only on hardware failure or 'manufacturers defects' in hardware only (not software).

  • Caco Potoso
    Caco Potoso Posts: 14
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    So much for apple's argument that jailbroken phones were a problem. It seems it is the iphone's shoddy security that is a problem. Apple resembles micro$oft more and more.

  • MO
    MO Posts: 132
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    Wow. It's apples fault tho. We probly won't see an update that fixes it untill 3.1 comes out which is supposed to be released in September.

  • Tigger & Pooh
    via Wordpress

    I have not received any texts from any unknowns, but both my 3GS and my wife's 3g have mysteriously shut off today (not at same time). Both are jailbroken & 3.0. 3G -> Redsn0w 3GS -> Purplera1n. Both on AT&T, neither one unlocked (no need yet). Could this be Apple testing for jailbreak or unlock?

    Anyone else had a similar issue?

  • gil
    gil Posts: 34
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    Caco I think that hackers are gonna go for the masses that's why they attack windows pc so much, and now with the iPhone getting up to 30 million they've found a base. I hope I don't have to run a mobile version of trend micro MCcillin. Lol
    on a more personal note Caco are U Jose Manuel?

  • tahkcalb
    tahkcalb Posts: 1
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    okes watch out the sms r already releases,,,
    the best thing is to switch off ur phone until apple fix that in the nxt version,, put ur iphone into safe mode,,
    this is for jailbroken iphone,,,
    one of my friend got it ,,,so BLACK HAT control his phone n sending the sms in all his contacts.,
    guys the game has start ,,,
    let just wait n c,

  • MO
    MO Posts: 132
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    We should be seeing an update that fixes this bug tomorrow!!!!!


  • MO
    MO Posts: 132
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    Update: it's out! Just waiting for jailbreak before update

  • ben
    ben Posts: 235
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    nobody is going to keep their phones off just because of this exploit. And even if you did keep your phone of for how ever many days,weeks,months it takes for apple to officially release the fix, as soon as you turn your phone on to update, you will get the SMS and your phone will be hacked.

  • at&tHaTer
    at&tHaTer Posts: 21
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    how gay...

    what if you use another sms app instead of apples ?

  • news newer
    news newer Posts: 1
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    Thanks for sharing, i really like your posting...nice..nice :) hihihi

  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
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    right, so all of the press leading up to this talk was about how the iPhone had been totally hacked, that we should be expecting maybe an iPhone virus, that attackers could dial out and completely control the phone through SMS... then the talk comes and all they can do is crash an iPhone... i want to live in the media's world... it's so much cooler in the media's world... hackers work in high tech labs with hundreds of monitors and plant viruses on the president's phone... in the real world it turns out that the so-called hackers can just cause your phone to stop working until you reboot it... pretty _amazing_ stuff there, charlie... these researchers certainly do have media-trolling down to a science though...

  • plopps
    plopps Posts: 1
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    Please i realy need the sms iphone hack.. help
  • Ren
    Ren Posts: 3
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    Hi all, So my Iphone G4 (4.3.5) was hacked last night (October 13th, 2011) NOT so COOL!! be careful also programs out to incept your sms messages. Just a heads up.Take care