Ipad 2 stuck in restore. Help!

I was given an Ipad 2 (A1397). Whenever I power it on the white Apple logo appears for a few seconds and the screen then goes black.

Whenever I connect it to iTunes it prompts to restore and update. It goes almost all the way through the restore and update process and then gives and unknown error (24). I have tried repeating with the anti-virus and firewall disabled. I have checked the hosts file and found no entries pertaining to apple.com. Whenever I attempt to ping gs.apple.com it times out. I also attempted to restore in DFU mode.

I have attempted to fix with redsn0w. The software states that this version Ipad 2 is not supported.

I used tinyumbrella to attempt to retrieve .shsh blobs. It was able to retrieve OTA blobs which appear to be at ios 8.4.1.

Anyone have any other suggestions to try? I feel like there is a simple fix.
