AT&T Opposes FCC Chairman's Proposal For Net Neutrality

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageAT&T Opposes FCC Chairman's Proposal For Net Neutrality

The recent spat between Google and Apple over the rejection of the Google Voice iPhone app and the recent statement by John Silverman, the CEO of Skype about the oneness of Internet on the wired and wireless medium have come at a very opportune time as there is a heavy...

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  • Dwain
    Dwain Posts: 19
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    Open it up... If it was open from the beginning then we wouldn't have this issue and the system (s) would have been expanded and built for this. Each cell company is trying to maintain a lock down on there piece of the pie... this doesn't work any more.

    So net neutrality should happen for cellular. We wouldn't have to worry about this and the FCC would not have to get involved if the cell companies were not greedy. They think they are going to loose out on something... This day and age I have to have a cell phone. Many people are now using them for there home phone number so they need it for voice and internet.

    I need tethering on my iPhone. and I am tired of having to jailbreak it...

  • PA
    PA Posts: 9
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    When you pay the same price for having high speed internet at home as you do on a cell phone it should be opened up. Actually when I think about it you pay more I have 3 iphones at what $40/month just for data so $120 for data thats more then I pay for a static IP address to run my servers at home only pay like $80 for home.

  • Kevin
    Kevin Posts: 154
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    Cell phone data is expensive for a reason... It is a lot easier to send data down copper or fiber than a wireless signal that degrades with other signal in the area. If it is opened up, the quality of service is going to match that of the proposed health care reform.

    It all sounds good until we get it, then everyone is going to want it to go back to the way it was.

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    Blah blah blah. Who's side are you in? The consumer who always gets ripped off or these giant companies who would rather give their suits fat paychecks than to invest in improving the technology. How is it that Apple brings so many new customers to AT&T each year in the US yet they don't seem to have the resources available to even include a small feature such as MMS while other carriers are doing just fine. You can't say AT&T doesn't have money so why are they playing catch up in technology?

  • Kevin
    Kevin Posts: 154
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    That was an intelligent reply. I'm on the side of quality of service. I would love for the idea for slingbox to stream over the air, but is it too hard to plan the kind of data pipe each cell tower would need. Imagine being at a football game with 40,000 people in attendance and each one was consuming 1000Kbps. Run the numbers, then figure out the cost to make that possible.

    So what if the suits at AT&T are making boat loads of money. What entitles you to get something for free. Personally I have great service with AT&T.

    I think that wireless providers should sell data plans like home data plans are.
    For $ XX.00 you get 512Kbps vs this unlimited and every device is fighting to get data. If it was speed was limited by price, it would solve lots of problems.

    You get what you pay for. If you spend $100 per device for data, then I think you should be able to do what you want.

    I think that if wireless data becomes open, things are going to come to a hault, then the price is going to skyrock because if the needed upgrades.

    Maybe a bigger question is, why don't all wireless providers use similiar technology to distribute the cost?

  • laurnzo
    laurnzo Posts: 35
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    @ Kevin, its sad to have some one think like you do. Open wireless data will not come to a halt since an upgrade will be made to cater for the needs.

    I'm an IT guy and i tell you what, it is very possible for it to happen only if the big shots in the cell company's, for once think of advancement in technology rather than big fat bonuses.
    You sound like one of those Americans that have never traveled pass their shores.

    If you go to Europe,which is where am from by the way, and also Asia, you will find out that wireless date advancement is far better than the united states, have long taken ground and are working great. Because of the bureaucracy you have in the US companies always want to see laws passed before doing what they already know they are to do.

    Please expand your horizon to learn more before you post. Just my $2

  • anonymous
    anonymous Posts: 106
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    No you are wrong. Canada does not have unlimited Data like AT&T. Can you name one country where Data is unlimited at this cost - $30 per month.

    Grass is always greener on the other side. I am happy with AT&T service and iPhone.

    I agree with Kevin, it is difficult to plan and design wireless data nodes because end users are mobile. We always need to give priority for services in the following order - voice, sms and last Internet browsing. There should be class of service. Also pricing should also be based on usage other wise unlimited usage(ie skype) can hog the data pipe

  • Greedisgood
    Greedisgood Posts: 0
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    Forced changes, rarely lead to good things. Free market would solve the problem. However their is no truly free market, even in U.S., due to regulation and it slows down progress. As for "fat bonus checks" and companies being "greedy," no one turns down a pay-raise and the reason you have a job is because someone is greedy. Because they want to make as much money as possible they expand the company and hire you. They also fire you. But that's the nature of the beast. Besides everyone is greedy. You are greedy for buying an iPhone when you could just get a free phone from you cell company.

  • JT
    JT Posts: 60
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    Open it up and see what happens.

    These companies seem to forget who *owns* their medium in the first place.

    The only thing that allows them to operate *at all* is government regulation of those airwaves. Without that, no usable medium.

    They need to stop whining and "man up", or get out of the way of someone who can. Such is market dynamics.

    I don't feel a particular need to preserve their business model, except as a footnote in history books.

  • RickD
    RickD Posts: 1
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    Years ago Ma Bell (aka AT&T) said that allowing competition for local and long distance service was a mistake and would hurt the consumer. What do you expect, now?

  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    what does being greedy have to with having an iphone....

  • Kevin
    Kevin Posts: 154
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    I agree with you 100%. I couldn't imagine what the cell phone industry would be like in the states if there was one company (given that they acted in the best interest of the consumer and the industry).

    There is a lot of cost to put my 4 cell phone towers in the same area, all to support 4 main cell companies.

  • Kevin
    Kevin Posts: 154
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    I agree with you 100%. I couldn't imagine what the cell phone industry would be like in the states if there was one company (given that they acted in the best interest of the consumer and the industry).

    There is a lot of cost to put my 4 cell phone towers in the same area, all to support 4 main cell companies.

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    You don't have to imagine. AT&T is that one company. Apple doesn't offer iPhones with Verizon or other networks which is why AT&T is slow to act. You really think if AT&T were to compete with Verizon and Verizon had offered MMS from the start AT&T would be successful? Why do you think all of a sudden Microsoft created the Zune or why Is Microsoft trying to open up stores like Apple? Now the once dominant OS is on a decline. Truth is that until the monopoly that AT&T is running finally expires and we get competition, then we will get the customer service we deserve. By the way, you don't need 4 towers. It's not uncommon for carriers to share.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    UK!! Buy a pay and go for £342 and get 12 months unlimited data included in the price
    End of 12 months? Ebay for new iPhone sim, port original no over and hey presto, another 12 months free data.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Free Phone????
    Sorry, but the cost of ANY CONTRACT PHONE is included in your monthly cost??
    Yeah Right, something for nothing involving a network carrier?
    If they did that, they'd be the no1 carrier in the WORLD!!!!!!!!!

    I bought my Iphone with hard earned cash as it worked out A LOT CHEAPER. Why does that make me greedy? Because i choose to feed my wife n kids before paying a call plan????
    Sorry, but i think your reasoning is a bit irrational
    (I no longer work due to a motorbike accident, how would i pay for a plan with minimum income, the carriers would have me in court regardless of situation)

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Most towers in the UK are privately erected, the mobile carriers 'rent' their space on them. the Military also 'rent' space for their MMDLS relay stations on the same towers.
    My cousin built one on his farm in the mountains of South Wales, he takes £1000 a month per carrier plus free topend contracts with new handsets offered every 3 months from each of the 4 carrier providers who have TX/RX units installed. Military installations nearby rely on this main tower.

    My cousin is a knobber, he don't like the iPhone, he prefers the SE Xperia X1, no hope for him lmao

  • N Tesla
    N Tesla Posts: 0
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    I still believe that is possible to have wireless electricity. The problem why hasn’t been invented it is because where would you put the meter. This really happen in 1906. It seems like the groundbreaking free choice always gets eaten up by the greedy. It has past 100+ years and because of the greed of businessman, we now have what you can probably call the dirtiest energy solutions available. Many of you still think that T Edison and J Morgan where wonderful man.

    I should be able to unlock my iphone legally and use it anywhere in the world. My two years at&t contract are over. Cannot free up MY iphone. Why?

    Open it up... We need to empower the current and future generation to achieve the impossible. It is sad to see people with fears that their service quality may go down. These are the fears that put our self back in the dark.

  • Justin Davis
    Justin Davis Posts: 1
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    Justin Davis

    Legal Disclaimer: Author does not represent any legal position of Lightspeed Systems Inc. and is the author's opinion only. Lightspeed Systems provides internet filter services to K-12 schools and institutions