AT&T "Extremely Nervous" About MMS Launch?

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imageAT&T "Extremely Nervous" About MMS Launch?

DSLReports is reporting that according to their source, AT&T is extremely nervous about the launch of MMS feature to their iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS customers scheduled for this Friday. They claim that the reason for the nervousness is the results of some early testing with some selected users caused...

Read the full story here



  • colin
    colin Posts: 28
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    will I have to upgrade to 3.1 to be able to use MMS? or can i stay at 3.01?

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    You don't need to upgrade to iPhone OS 3.1, AT&T will be enabling it via a
    carrier update.

  • Dwain
    Dwain Posts: 19
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    they should have had it from the beginning and then upgrade in areas that needed it. Now they have to upgrade the whole system at once. Idiots.. pay now or pay later.. guess they waited will they had enough revenue for the over priced service here in the USA.

  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    who the heck uses MMS anyways? I simply email any pics direct from my phone.... Telcos simply enjoy charging an extra premium for MMS .. I cant remember the last time I sent an MMS... Nearly all phones now can send/receive emails so get with the program people MMS is old old news

  • colin
    colin Posts: 28
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    Don't mean to sound daft but can someone explain how to send a MMS. I have not seen an option to send mms messages. when att enables it via thier update will it add that option to the phone?

  • Olanolan
    Olanolan Posts: 2
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    lol...i think it's gonna cause the networks to go apeshit. then they will pull back mms capabilities and piss us off even more. but i'll be ok because i've been mms'ing on my iphone since 2.2.1.

  • NateDawg
    NateDawg Posts: 42
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    Yes, it is an option that won't be available until Friday this week (unless you hack). Once you update your phone through itunes, the option will show up when you send a message, it's a photo icon to the left of where you type your text messages.

  • RawkThisFistRed
    RawkThisFistRed Posts: 1
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    Yeah, exactly. People who swear e-mail is the only way to exchange pictures are daft.

    It's pretty simple. Maybe my girlfriend and I are shopping and we split up. What if she wants to show me a quick pic of what she picked out, to make sure that's the kind of cereal, beef, etc that I want? I have to go through my e-mail for that? Lame.

    What if I wanted to snap a quick joke about someone wearing UGZ in the summer? What, I have to wait until my girlfriend checks her e-mail, or how about I just MMS over a pic and she'll get it (and the joke) instantly, while it's still fresh? This actually happened to me and she got the pic and the joke about two hours later, when it wasn't funny anymore.

    MMS is still useful. Stop bashing it. It's quite annoying.

  • skp
    skp Posts: 15
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    i am still a bit perplexed about how MMS for an iPhone can be so different than using say a Blackberry.

    it should not have even come down to a network issue. the limitations were in the iPhone OS, and once it was available in 3.0, it shoudl have just what am I missing?

    people have been doing MMS all the while on blackberries, right?


  • Cheddar Bob
    Cheddar Bob Posts: 1
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    I just find it funny that the ihone is the only wireless device in the past 5 years that didn't do mms. Not everyone has a smartphone for email, but nearly all modern phones do mms. My iPhone was the first phone of mine incapable of mms since my Nokia 5190, yes AT&T dropped the ball, but really apple should have had mms from the very beginning back with the first iPhone in 2007. Just my 2 cents, 3 Canadian.

  • 50Kbps LOL
    50Kbps LOL Posts: 0
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    The real problem is that iPhone users account for about 50% or more of AT&Ts network usage. I personally think there are goin to be massive problems on Friday and will only continue throughout the week as more and more iPhone users realize mms is available and dl the update.

    I have witnessed first hand the 3g network go down the drain in the last 6 months. I live in a rural town that had pretty decent 3g coverage about 7 months ago. Ever since the 3g s launch in June the network has slowly gotten to the point where I almost won't use the web unless I'm on wifi. The local AT&T store signs up about 10 people a day and at least 8 are iPhone users who pay $30 for the web access and are damn well gonna use it. With
    this increase my average speed on the 3g network is between 50-150Kbps. That is dial up speed and sometimes even slower. My edge network is almost always faster.


  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    I wasnt Bashing MMS at all.. merely voicing my opinion..

    I have had MMS ability for years on my iphone
    and simply dont use it...

    My email is PUSH so i get emails instantly or shortly after..

    Enjoy sending your jokes/pics via MMS :)

  • bryan
    bryan Posts: 57
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    @ steve

    Not everyone has email enabled, let alone supported on their phone. Maybe in your fishbowl of people, they do. For the rest of us, its a feature we would like to use.

    @ cheddar bob

    2 US cents + 3 Canadian =

  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    maybe i should just MMS you a pic of my middle finger LOL

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    The OS alone did not make MMS possible. A carrier update is also required to enable it which is what AT&T will finally release on Friday. I do wonder though how the MMS feature can work on other phones and not the "iphone". You don't hear about Blackberries or other phones crashing the network.

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    hmmh . . . check out ipushit on the appstore . . . 1 buck well spent ;-)

  • Sman
    Sman Posts: 1
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    It makes me laugh, here in the UK MMS is used now and again, are you telling me that people are all waiting to send MMS to each other on friday? AT&T should have launched the service without telling anyone there would then be no surge with people trying it out!

    People seem to go crazy when a network goes down for 30 minutes, a whole article on it, most of the people that notice and **** about it are the ones not using their phone for anything, the ones doing speed tests instead of having an actual use, a reason to browse the web or make a call while mobile. Its as if its turned into a hobby for them. lol

  • Patrick
    Patrick Posts: 124
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    Agreed! If they never released a set date, everyone wouldnt be waiting on Friday to test it out...hence causing that strain.

  • djman10
    djman10 Posts: 94
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    Yes you were bashing it. You said: "Nearly all phones now can send/receive emails so get with the program people MMS is old old news." That's bashing. If you just wanted to state your opinion you should have said something like "Personally I don't find MMS usefully because....."

    And you MMSing a pic of your middle finger is a perfect example of the usefulness of MMS. It's immediate and apropos. We all must remember that No one solution works for everybody!

  • djman10
    djman10 Posts: 94
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    It's not the type of phone that prevented AT&T from allowing iPhones to use MMS once the iPhone software was updated. The issue was that AT&T was/is concerned about the volume of MMSes that iPhone users would/will generate due to the popularity and ease of use of the iPhone, and the demographic that uses iPhones. In other words iPhone users are more likely to use MMS in Mass since they can MMS pics, vids, contacts, and Map locations with just a few taps.

  • Equivocal
    Equivocal Posts: 1
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    I was just wondering, I'm on 3.0.1 jailbroken, I have already read that I don't need to update my firmware because it's a carrier update but will this break the tethering hack? It's the main reason why I didn't update to 3.1

  • JT
    JT Posts: 60
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  • Anthony
    Anthony Posts: 66
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    If you've updated to the 3.1 Jailbreak will this ATT update screw anything up with the JailBreak?? Or will we need to wait for another Pawnage Tool? NO one has really said anything about this? Or I just didn't see it.

  • skp
    skp Posts: 15
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    hey i thought that AT&T was supposed to be upping the network to 7.2mbps in order to handle the MMS.

    haven't heard much about that. anyone have info?

  • g rod
    g rod Posts: 41
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    Mms working 7am eastern time. Even over edge it's impressively fast. Videos too

  • Posts: 0
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    MMS is not old, please.
    Email? Now who wants to send pictures using email it is such a hassle. And many kids out their use MMS not email. If someone asks you to send them a picture what are you going to say? "Okay, but wait what is your email?" No, normal people just send MMS unless it is going to a company.

  • juan
    juan Posts: 46
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    So the iphone just had a carrier update, was this suppose to be mms, dont see anything?

  • juan
    juan Posts: 46
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    Nevermind, its working, yayyy