Apple Actively Investigating Poor Battery Life Problem Reported in iPhone OS 3.1?

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imageApple Actively Investigating Poor Battery Life Problem Reported in iPhone OS 3.1?

One of the problems reported by users who have upgraded to iPhone OS 3.1 has been poor battery life. According to folks at TheiPhoneBlog, Apple is contacting users who are reporting the problem and asking them for more information. They're also sending these users an unsigned profile to enable battery...

Read the full story here


  • Dwain
    Dwain Posts: 19
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    it' s one problem after another... Apple, Open up the restrictions... make the phone open source and then everyone wouldn't have to jail break...

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    What about all the people who phones were bricked when they upgrades to 3.1 is apple investigating that I won't upgrade to 3.1 till those occurences are down

  • ZedSefi
    ZedSefi Posts: 130
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    What about random shutting down problem? This is so serious that I really do not want to upgrade even if OS 3.1 becomes jailbroken for 3GS users :((

  • JT
    JT Posts: 60
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    i'm still using 3.0 on a jailbroken unlocked (ultrasnow) 3G and my battery life varies wildly from day to day even with the same average (low) use. just running the maps app once in the day the battery will only last half a day.

    some days, the battery is dead by noon without using a single app.

    as far as i can tell, the battery use relates primarily to the phone's ability to connect to a network. the more unreliable the network, the faster the battery drains down. for instance, it seems to drain faster with a weak network. possibly, the phone has to work harder to process the signal and error correct the data.

    in any case, i hope Apple releases the battery data so that people can manage better power conservation strategies.

    per murphy's law, the phone goes dead right when i need it the most.

  • bart
    bart Posts: 13
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    Running a jail broken phone is asking for poor battery life in my opinion. Although I have to agree that the battery of the iPhone us not good to begin with.

  • UnderDesire
    UnderDesire Posts: 4
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    One more bug in 3.1: My clock alarm on the iPhone started ringing while in a phone call ... sorry for my bad english

  • zoki
    zoki Posts: 0
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    I'm with you on this one, i don't have jailbroken iPhone and i'm running OS 3.1. I've noticed the battery problem with installation of 3.0 but now it just got worst. In my opinion the problem is with introduction of push notifications (maybe also correlated with poor cellular network performance).
    I have to note that i rarely use 3g network or wi-fi.

  • Franz
    Franz Posts: 0
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    Hi to all, but I've no one of these bugs...
    using 3GS with 3.1 original (never jailbroken)

    the battery (in normal use = 10 calls/day 50SMS/day + some WiFi but NEVER 3G connection and no push app installed) life is (more or less)suspend: 1 day 23hrs used 7hrs this means 48hrs of running time...
    compared with a poor nokia (1 week of battery life) is nothing but I charge my phone every 2 days...

    I've noticed with the push service active the battery will discharge wery qickly (solved with removal of app uses push service)
    with the wifi active is normal to have a huge battery drain...

    anyway waiting some fixes ;)

  • ben
    ben Posts: 235
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    same here I upgrade to 3.1 about a week ago and I haven't been able to jailbreak it yet, but I have not encountered any problems, in fact I even seem to have an improved batterry life but my guess is that's because it's no longer jailbroken. But regardless of that, I haven't had any of the reported problems.

  • iphonedeveloperthailand
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    Here! Here! But Steve would rather have another liver transplant without anesthesia than open 'hissss precioussss' iPhone OS!

  • nhatlinh82
    nhatlinh82 Posts: 1
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    (solved with removal of app uses push service)? Why, man?. You just need to go: Setting - Notifications Off. That's all.

  • Anna Langella
    Anna Langella Posts: 2
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    When I use Yahoo Messenger, I can see the battery percentage drop like water down the drain. It is worse than watching video.

  • Gil P. Magyanes
    Gil P. Magyanes Posts: 1
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    hmmm.... thinking outloud: "Coma Mode", battery life problem could be a related issues... what you think?

  • AMG
    AMG Posts: 1
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    If you have SBSettings app on your iphone, get rid of it as it's one of the worse battery drainer.

  • artmanp
    artmanp Posts: 9
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    I have a jailbroken 3gs with sb settings and my battery life is good. I charge my phone every 3 days. I use the phone regularly and SMS a lot, I also use my slingbox a lot

  • Brady
    Brady Posts: 7
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    I just went into a country with no data service and even though I come here often something new happens with my 3.1 3G (never jailbroken).

    Constantly it complains about being unable to activate the cellular data service, even when I'm in messages. I turned off everything that should be accessing data and it still happens. So draining battery would be expected if its constantly accessing data when it shouldn't be doing anything.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    I think its down to batch manufacturing.
    I have 3G 8gig Jailbroken with wifi on when im home (almost all day) When out i use the ipod video or music a real lot and havn't really noticed any dramatic changes since upgrading to 3.0.1 (jb ipsw 3.0)
    I'm in the UK, and have heard that the UK models were made in a separate manufacturing facility to USofA models.
    Another consideration is distance from 'cell towers' or relay stations, here we have them quite close, whereas in the USofA they tend to rely on relay stations due to the vastness of the area. A relay station does decrease signal reception and as a result, packets sent may have to be reconstructed by the iPhone's OS before useage, over here, O2 has 99% coverage inland, yet beach resorts can suffer.
    It is a shame that with todays available technologies that Apple couldn't settle for a really high capacity battery cell.
    I recently purchased an in-car charger and a Kensington batterybooster (charge via usb then transfer to iPhone/Touch when needed)tho only use in-car when needed if away from home or using TomTom/Co-Pilot/Sygic etc

  • Brawler
    Brawler Posts: 5
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    I still have iphone 3G 3.0 Jailbroken and unlocked and to me my battery is just fine. No issues at all.

  • Shelly
    Shelly Posts: 6
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    my battery life seems to be alright, but I am having the mysterious shutdowns/comas.
    apple is taking too long to get a fix for it.

    has anyone actually gotten one of those "emails"?

  • jim
    jim Posts: 128
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    I just have had with OS 3.1 and I am going back to 3.0.
    I have a 1st generation jailbroken iphone and never have had any problem until 3.1 update.
    Since updated to 3.1 a couple weeks ago, the battery drain about 10% faster, and a few instances of iphone is heating up to the point I have to shut it down for a few minutes before restarting it and WiFi sometimes is very slow.
    bye 3.1! Hello 3.0!

  • Islam
    Islam Posts: 1
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    i have found a solution for battery problem

    after upgrading my iPhone 1st generation to 3.0 my iPhone temperature is gone mad and the battery has been eaten so fast without doing anything

    so i restated it many time with no hope of success

    then i closed notifications and put my iPhone in airplane mode for 3 or 4 hours

    and then the iPhone worked so well and the problem have been fixed

    try that may it works for you