New Verizon Ad Directly Attacks AT&T Coverage, Claims 5 Times Better 3G Coverage

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageNew Verizon Ad Directly Attacks AT&T Coverage, Claims 5 Times Better 3G Coverage

Verizon Wireless launched a new ad campaign yesterday during the big Monday Night Football game which directly attacks the "spotty 3G coverage" of AT&T. With a catchline, 'There's a map for that', the ad also takes a potshot at the now famous 'There's an app for that' iPhone ad. The...

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  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    Sorry Verizon but you are full of it. I have wireless internet service with Verizon and of course the iPhone with the tethering hack for 3G service. I should also mention I am a truck driver and travel all across the 48 states. I can honestly say that I preffer AT&T's service to Verizon's because of SPEED. The coverage is about the same and the proof is on your iPhone's top left corner. If you look at the map Verizon describes as AT&T's coverage then you would wonder why people aren't complaining about paying for a data plan that doesn't work. Some complain about paying for 3G and only getting Edge but even then they are still getting service.

  • g rod
    g rod Posts: 41
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    go verizon. its about time they put adds like that up. AT&T hasnt done **** to expand there 3g areas...not in years.

    year after year after year no expansion. hell it took them years just to come out with 3g anywhere when verizon had it deployed nationwide years ahead of AT&T.

    i am so sick and tired for over a decade now of AT&T consistently proving over and over again they are always playing catch up. They will be playing catch up once again with verizon drops 4g before AT&T.

    if i could score an iPhone on verizon i will say it proudly which i never imagined i'd do....but i'd switch in a second.

  • iphonethailand
    iphonethailand Posts: 2
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    Apple needs to drop ATT and pick up Verizon. They will definitely see a boom in their iPhone sales.

  • Mark b
    Mark b Posts: 2
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    I had Verizon for 3 years before switching to ATT for the iphone. We have 5 lines, and 3 of us were ready to go (out of contract) and we did. We learned real fast about coverage differences. We went out to a fairly rural area near Mt Rainier. We got out of the car, went to call home (like the lady next to us on her phone) and saw the NO SERVICE. On all 3 of our iphones. Said, oh well, we'll call later. A few seconds later, my kids phone rings (she was still on Verizon)..Obviously, I was a bit pissed her phone rings, and mine doesnt! This story went on for a few months until I ported her over to be on the same plan. Verizons Phones Ring more places, and don't drop the calls. Now who's a better carrier, or has cooler phones, etc. All that. I can't say. But for coverage and call drops. I had a live test without knowing for a couple months. Verizon Hands Down (at least here in the Seattle area) kills ATT in coverage and call drops.

  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
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    I live in Long Island and I rarely ever make a call that doesn't drop on the phone ever but crappy service

  • Birol Kanmaz
    Birol Kanmaz Posts: 1
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    How can you say the coverage is the same when it is 5 times better? It is not 2-3 times it is 5 times better. So someone who is traveling 48 states should see the difference better than anyone else. You also claim AT&T speed is faster. Do a little research before. When comparing 3G speed between the 4 carriers AT&T's speed was last. 1st place was Verizon's, 2nd T-Mobile, and 3rd Sprint. Just google it and you will find the actual results.

  • Harsha
    Harsha Posts: 84
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    True true and true... ATT sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    Well as a customer of both carriers, I'm just saying if the grass looks greener on the other side, they're tossing around a lot of bull. I don't believe everything I read or hear.

  • Sam
    Sam Posts: 218
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    ill said it once and ill say it again. T-Mobile or Verizon. All you idiots you signed up for AT&T just for the iphone lol. You should be sneaky and just buy withiout a contract yeah its like 600$. Then unlock its so piss easy, especially thanks to iPhone Hacks. I live in UK my uncle had ATT but i recently got his 3G when he upgraded. I unlocked it 20mins after i arrived home. iPhone is currently on o2 here but expanding to Orange and Vodafone. Now I dont no whether to go with who. BNecause Orange has best 3G signal in my area but poor reception. O2 is Opposite. Voda is Ok on both

  • JT
    JT Posts: 60
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    I don't care about AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, O2, Vodafone, etc.

    I'd just like to have non-locked iphone and pop in whatever SIM I want, on whatever pre-pay non-contract plan I want.

    There shouldn't even be an argument about this kind of "carrier lock" and "exclusivity". It's complete crap that needs to end.

    I already run any OS I want on any HW I want and connect to the Internet using any ISP I want. WTF is with the wireless world?

  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 9
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    Same here. switched to ATT from VZN to get an iPhone. Dropped calls DAILY and manmy areas of no coverage driving between Upstate NY and Boston. ......... I would switch back to VZN in a second.

  • Tieafly
    Tieafly Posts: 1
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    My last job used Verizon for both cellular and laptop data plans. the reception was horrible and I had to use my AT&T hpone to call the office to let them know the issues I was having trying to find a signal for my laptop through Verizon. I can not count how many times friends asked to borrow my AT&T phone so they could place a call since there service didn't work where we were at.

  • Natasha
    Natasha Posts: 7
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    I've never once had ANY problems with being on AT&T. The closest Verizon cell store around me is 20min away & the phones don't even work in my county, despite only being 20mi away.
    I went all the way from Western Maryland to Southern Michigan a couple years ago on my AT&T plan.. I had service the entire way, even in the little backwoods areas in Pennsylvania & Ohio (was riding the Greyhound).
    My friend I was visiting had Verizon & had absolutely no service in his apartment, but I had service everywhere in his town.
    I've had Sprint, Cellular One (bought by AT&T) & T-Mobile.. Must honestly say that AT&T is the best.
    I have 3G internet everywhere I go in my county & even have 3G internet in some backwoods areas in West Virginia. I also have 3G network all the way to DC & down to Williamsburg, VA.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I used to have verizon. I switched to ATT for the iPhone and it's working fine for me. I get 3g signal everywhere I go to on a frequent basis. I really don't notice any difference in network performance in my area. Not enough to force a switch to verizon even if they did get the iPhone.

    The reason I'd switch is if the prices were lower, and connections were actually faster (not just advertised). LTE?

  • MeMyselfandI
    MeMyselfandI Posts: 1
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    ATT service pretty much sucks, but only on the iPphone. In places where I would get 3-4 bars of EDGE on my Treo 750. I'd be lucky if I get even one bar of EDGE on my iPhone. When I am in a solid 3G coverage area it usually works great, but the problem in there are more fringe areas or EDGE only coverage areas. I often find myself, switch back to my Treo 750 just to make a call. Now everyone knows, the iPhone is a really cool, phone but damn, now i mostly only us it on the weekends. Because during the week I need to get business done, without worrying about dropping a call.

  • Alec
    Alec Posts: 5
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    I dont Give 2 shits about the back and fourth ****, whos better blah blah blah

    I own an Jailbroke Iphone 3G 16gb White

    i have never used Verizon been with aT&T for the longest time...

    I have no problem with at&T the 3G is fast as ****.. so im not argueing..

  • princetonE5
    princetonE5 Posts: 1
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    gosh, i am so glad i am with Singtel, no drop calls. full signal bar even 6 level underground. full 7.2mbps connection, where i alway doownload with 3g connection at 680 - 710 kbps. no complains for me, and soon 1gbps connection with optic fiber everywhere and wireless internet everywhere for free is comming up starting next year. Singapore FTW!! lol enjoy

  • jspre
    jspre Posts: 2
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    In a Heart Beat! The iPhone is the ONLY thing keeping me with at&...oops, guess I dropped the last "T".

  • Shanerrr
    Shanerrr Posts: 3
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    it depeneds where you live. I'm from MI and I get full service everywhere... and when we go into rural MI in the north all of my friends on verizon have no service and I have full bars... :/

  • Shanerrr
    Shanerrr Posts: 3
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    OH and the Michigan on verizon's calendar is completely red.... joke.

  • Nate
    Nate Posts: 58
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    Yeah... I live in FL and took a road trip up to
    NJ and had 3G ALL the way. AT&T is fine for me and I had verizon a while back and try are wayyyyyyy too expensive. Tmobile was a good cell provider and I was really worried when I left them just for the iPhone but after doing so, I pay $5 more a month and have had ZERO issues. I feel bad for all you people with problems. That sucks. Iphonehacks ftw!

  • Yuriy
    Yuriy Posts: 8
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    I was same situation and even try their wireless card on same time with Verizon - AT&T card was 3-5 times slower and they still claims that they have 3G network speed. just another BS that most of people catch. And yes - i switch because of iPhone.

  • flo
    flo Posts: 3
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    Ok Birol and everyone on here that just doesnt seem to get the big picture. Verizon does not have a 5 times larger 3g network then ATT. Notice they used a key word "Better" instead of larger. The real numbers are as follows. Verizon approx total number of 3g markets-400
    ATT approx total number of 3g markets-370. Although Verizon has more 3g coverage in rural areas, they are definately not 5 times bigger or better. And yes, ATT's GSM based HSPA 3g services is actually faster then Verizon's CDMA EVDO REV A network. Verizon tops out at 3.2mbps and ATT tops out at 3.6mps as it stands today. Look for changes though. And for all of you idiots that are soo quick to rag on ATT's coverage, hear this. IF Verizon was smart enough to grab the iphone when they could of, they would have the exact coverage issues that ATT is having today. The iphone sucked up soo much bandwith that it caused issues on the network. Dont believe me? Do some research. 4 million heavy data iphone users on one network in a short period of time will do that.

  • Djfx
    Djfx Posts: 3
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    Lol it's funny that verizon uses AT&T maps from like 5 years ago... Coverage with AT&T is great, If you ever have a problem such as a dropped call issue, you can always go into an At&t store or call 611 from your phone. They always have technicians to check out any kind of problems, and they are always adding new towers everyday

  • ethicalBob
    ethicalBob Posts: 3
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    In NYC, AT&T for the iPhone is about as good as 2 cans and a string. I dropped my sprint contract of 10 years for the iphone. DUMB move... Cute little pseudo computer, but a LOUSY phone.

  • G. Singh
    G. Singh Posts: 4
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    Last year lived in tempe, az.. right on ASU campus and to be honest, the 3g reception was a hundred miles past terrible in my dorms! Whenever I was outside the dorm building it was PERFECT, no problems whatsoever.. hence i kept my 3g turned off as i had wifi access all over campus anyway.

    One thing worth noticing is that once 3g was off.. edge gave me no signal problems whatsoever!!.. now i dont know if it's the iphone ( which i suspect it is ) or the network but if i have 3g on, but if i'm not receiving any 3g coverage in a particular area, shouldn't edge take over seamlessly? when 3g was on, I NEVER got any edge service or any coverage at all.. but when it was set to off.. perfect edge coverage!

    now, i've moved off campus and have no problems but for that one whole year I was bitching at myself for paying a mandatory $30 a month for the data plan that I almost never used.. JUST because i wanted an iphone 3g!

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    so VERY TRUE< they did have a chance. OUCH to Birol Kanmaz...
    That's why I have T-mobile 3g HTC powered by Google =) Android.