Adobe to Announce New Flash Player That Works On All Smartphones Except iPhone

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageAdobe to Announce New Flash Player That Works On All Smartphones Except iPhone

At the Mobile World Conference in Barcelona last February, Adobe promised to showcase a full blown Flash Player 10.1 for smartphones. That they will finally do today at the MAX Conference at Los Angeles. The new Flash Player 10.1 will serve as a one-piece software that will work across smartphones,...

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  • klutch
    klutch Posts: 54
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    Wow just another reason to jailbreak a iPhone.

  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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    F-You Apple! Just give these people what they want, so we can have flash on the f-ing phone already!! I wouldn't be surprised if they brought it out with next year's iPhone. They keep this crap up to force people to upgrade.

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    My guess is Apple is waiting because they have not figured out a competitive way to commoditize flash-based apps that anyone could write/create and sell, outside of the AppStore.

  • broSki
    broSki Posts: 9
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    Seems like all apple cares about these days is selling iPhones and making money instead of offering what the ppl want. First they take off the ability to jailbreak, the. They open up a fancy app store to try n make ppl forget about jailbraking. I wonder what's their next stance with full flash browsing...iPhone 3gsf lol. F being for flash support. It's rediculous that apple can be this bad with things. Makes me wanna return to the windows mobile platform, atleast there I have full control of my device.

  • James Hammond
    James Hammond Posts: 1
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    I am afraid BroSki is most likely correctly and while we may joke about it, I would not be surprised if the next iPhone in June was specically marketed with flash player being the major difference. Apple don't care what the people what, they care what makes money. The had the option to release stereo bluetooth at the original iPhone time of launch but waited and waited until 2 years later. And subsequently iPhone sales increased. I believe it may be another 2 years until we see an iPhone will substancial changes, in the mean time look forward to the 3GSF

  • PsychoKiller
    PsychoKiller Posts: 9
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    Without flash player we can't acces to a lot of sites its a problème, Apple we must give us what we want its a shame iPhone without flash.

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    I think Apple needs to put users first and think long term rather than being short sighted (which I don't believe they're) and worry about developers using Flash to develop iPhone apps and bypass the App Sore.

    Steve Jobs was probably right when he said no to Adobe Flash earlier. He is known to be very particular about user experience, which has resulted in brilliant products from Apple like the iPhone.

    Let's hope he/Apple revisit's their stance assuming Flash 10.1 is really made for the smartphone as Adobe is telling us.

  • Otakonx
    Otakonx Posts: 1
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    I think it has something to do with Flash games. A lot of great Flash games are out there on the net and I don't think Apple wants that to cut into their sales. God forbid there is an alternative, free, way to enjoy your mobile device. I'm not surprised - Apple has always been this way and yet we keep giving them our money.

  • E4tH
    E4tH Posts: 0
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    What is everyone angry about, I'm sure it will probably come eventually. Sh*t who knows what this new flash player will be like whether it will have security issues, how much battery it will drain, and how stable it will be overall. I bet if a bunch of issues would arise with the release of flash on the iphone most of you would be on forums cursing out Apple. So chill out! Lets wait and see how well this new mobile flash player does on other smartphones and if apple still doesn't decide to release it after it has proved itself then be angry.

  • ZedSefi
    ZedSefi Posts: 130
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    This brings an important question: during the past two years we saw developers making nearly everything possible for the iPhone including jailbreaking, unlocking (devteam) and wonderfully amazing apps on Cydia & AppStore. Ok forget about the AppStore for now but what makes me really surprised is that developers failed to port the full flash to the iPhone on the jailbreak world. Here I do not mean simple flash players like YouTube & mobileCinema. iPhone runs OS X right? Why nobody on the whole earth managed to use the flash player that works on the Mac and import it to the iPhone? If any smart developer can do this, it will make huge pressure on Apple & Adobe to seriously make an official flash player for the iPhone. Strange !!

  • E4tH
    E4tH Posts: 0
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    It't not as simple as porting the flash player to the iphone. Even if someone were to port the flash player the performance would be too terrible and it would be unusable. Have you ever seen how the HTC Hero does with flash. It doesn't run so smoothly and that flash player is limited. Now porting a full flash player that runs on a desktop to a mobile device like the iphone wouldn't work.

  • Kurt
    Kurt Posts: 25
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    This has mostly to do with Stevie's desire to maintain complete control over the what apps are placed on the iPhone. Brian 3 entries above has it right when he said: 'have not figured out a competitive way to commoditize flash-based apps that anyone could write/create and sell, outside of the AppStore.'

    Stevie is a control freak.

  • ShaQ
    ShaQ Posts: 0
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    Lol imagine 60 years into the future...
    The Apple logo more taboo than the swatiska...

  • ShaQ
    ShaQ Posts: 0
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    You speak the truth.

  • Nada
    Nada Posts: 70
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    Horrible ! Someone will eventually make this available for the iphone.

    " I've got one that can see !!! "

  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 9
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    how does JB help? is there an app on cydia?

  • Goku
    Goku Posts: 8
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    they will probly take out on next iphone like they did in video recordin i mean my iphone 3g can do video with cydia but yet no oficial video the next iphone will hav flash player

    dRuEFFECT Posts: 6
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    ignorance = embarrassment

  • Constant Gina
    Constant Gina Posts: 2
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    Missing from the line-up - at least so far - is Apple. Take a look at what Harry McCracken has to say about that - is Flash support on phones a promise for a multimedia future, or just going to end up meaning those annoying Flash-based ads will also play on your phone, sucking your battery power?