The Cat and Mouse Game Continues: Palm Pre Syncs With iTunes Again

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageThe Cat and Mouse Game Continues: Palm Pre Syncs With iTunes Again

It's been a week since the USB Implementors Forum chided Palm over their blatant violation of policies by letting Pre users sync their phones with iTunes using Apple's unique USB identifier for the Pre. Now, Palm is at it again. Today, the company has released an update to their users...

Read the full story here


  • ej
    ej Posts: 19
    via Wordpress

    Apple should let other things sync with iTunes but should pay some sort of fee like 5$

  • Ed
    Ed Posts: 110
    via Wordpress

    Apple would be stupid to stop the syncing of non apple products. Think of the revenue they can generate by allowing it.

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
    via Wordpress

    Yeah I would have to agree. I don't know why anyone would try and stop people from going to their store. What Apple should do is not only let all phones be able to sync to iTunes, but have an iTunes app directly available so customers can shop for music on the go. I would even try selling that app like they do the App Store to iPod users already.

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
    via Wordpress

    I would do it one more time to be dicks to palm and then open iTunes up and create an app for other smartphones to use like hcxlos said

  • ShaQ
    ShaQ Posts: 0
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  • Ray
    Ray Posts: 121
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    Apple should file suite with Palm and then settle out of court. A small fee for Palm to pay for the right to be licensed to sync with iTunes and a boon for Apple. This could be a win-win for both, but it seems clear that Palm wants to be the big looser in this.

    What Palm is doing is nothing more than fraud and/or identity theft. (Making their products pretend to be something they are not.)

    This really is silly. If they ask nicely, Apple may help them out. This could lead to a whole new income stream for Apple. Licensing sync ability.

    Still, if Apple doesn't see it my way they are completely within their rights to just refuse any and all unauthorized syncing with iTunes.

    That's my two cents. :p

  • Johntey
    Johntey Posts: 1
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    Very informative site=)