Pepsi's 'AMP UP Before Your Score' iPhone App Comes Under Severe Criticism

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imagePepsi's 'AMP UP Before Your Score' iPhone App Comes Under Severe Criticism

Pepsi's sneaky attempt at viral marketing has backfired. The company recently launched an iPhone app to market its AMP energy drink. Called "AMP Up Before Your Score", the iPhone app claims to help men to 'score' or in other words have a successful night with a woman. However, the company...

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  • John
    John Posts: 790
    via Wordpress

    I think it's an awesome app! People should view it as a joke and not take it so seriously. Today's society is getting way too critical of every little thing. Relax?

  • Ray
    Ray Posts: 121
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    The funny thing about humor is that not everyone finds it funny!

    People way overreact to the silliest of things. Apparently the human race has lost the ability to delete something it finds offensive, instead resorting to whining and complaining until someone does the censorship for them, and sadly the rest of us too.

    Pepsi should keep this application up. If you don't like it don't use it, please don't make the decision for the rest of us.

    Remember, with freedom comes great responsibility.

  • LoneWaffle
    LoneWaffle Posts: 17
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  • jackie
    jackie Posts: 8
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    This is a great example of what NOT to do!

    I actually think it's a cute idea, but goes horribly wrong as Pepsi attempts to tie in social media, encouraging men to “share” their triumphs with each other on their social networking sites.

    Also interesting that they divided women into 24 categories… I can think of one category in specific for the guy who came up with this…

    I've posted more about the app here:


    via Wordpress

    should PepsiCo suddenly be responsible for values of society?

    - myra