New Verizon Ad Attacks iPhone: Claims Everything iPhone Doesn't Motorola Droid Does

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageNew Verizon Ad Attacks iPhone: Claims Everything iPhone Doesn't Motorola Droid Does

We have been writing over the past few weeks about the declining possibility of Verizon selling iPhones anytime in the near future. That possibility is now virtually over with a new Verizon ad promoting the upcoming launch of an Android supported Motorola handset which is pretty much positioned as the...

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  • Benji
    Benji Posts: 18
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    Lol, I pitty them to be honest, lets see how well the sales compare to iPhone... They will be beaten month in, month out, fact :-) So take your crappy device and stop comparing it to our superior device.

  • brnxjojo
    brnxjojo Posts: 0
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    ithink..(haha) that healthy competition is necessary for future development as well an eye opener if the droid does in fact rival the iphone. Im a huge iphone fanboy but it is sad that i have to jailbreak a phone to change my alert tones or to customize it in any minor way.

  • Sam
    Sam Posts: 218
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    hah lol what a funny advert, in the UK, O2 Vodaphone and Orange have the iphone, no commercials have been made against eachother YET

  • ser
    ser Posts: 1
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    iknow , iknow the iphone is awesome!......Lol!...

  • Evil
    Evil Posts: 2
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    maybe it will have flash, video recording, multitasking, a real keyboard, but i will NEVER have App Store (including those wonderful applications), nor the high-tech 3.5" multitouch screen.

    Any ways, on the Droid site there is a count down, in some strange format :S. I've decoded that to be like 22 days. So we will see.

  • Al_X
    Al_X Posts: 22
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    Another set of idiots that call their phone the "iPhone killer" although it's a piece of crap.

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    yeap it seams like in 22 days according the website clock says that

  • Noons
    Noons Posts: 1
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    Dude honestly, how many "iPhone killers" have attempted to compete with apple? RIM, Nokia, Motorola, etc. Etc.

    Bottom line is the iPhone is not gonna be beat ;)

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    haha couldn't agree with you more noons.. all these phone companies and carriers competing against one device. its like 1 vs 100 lol

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    Motorola still in the smartphone market i thought they died longtime ago.

  • tigger and Pooh
    tigger and Pooh Posts: 8
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    I can understand not liking the iPhone. I can understand thinking that you have a better device, its personal choice. What don't understand is the blind faith or absolute hate. There is no single device that does it all perfectly. The iPhone does a lot very very well, but not everything. For those like our foreign friend "Jhon" who have hate for the iPhone due to its success and/or popularity, you are like racists. You hate for no reason other than to hate. How sad for you... Oh and the fact that you hate Americas furthers my point. Way to be objective with your thoughts and comments. Notice that no one else made stupid, short sighted remarks about what ever sh*t hole country you may reside in. So do you dislike the iPhone so much that you troll websites devoted to the iPhone just to spread your brain-damaged thoughts?
    America and the iPhone have some things in common. Everyone has opinions about them, most want to have or be like them (or one of them), but because they can't, they must take the low road and heap abuse to make themselves fell good.
    If everyone compares to a single device, that instantly pushes that common device to the top of the list. Will we see the term Droid killer in the future? Perhaps. Will WM6.5/7 continue to be a rival, perhaps. Will idiots continue to come to sites like this to bad mouth a product so they feel less inadequate. Definitely! Oh and before I get off my soap box, let me say, if you want a hard keyboard, why on earth would you buy a device that doesn't have one... Why is this comparison made over and over again...? I have a JB'N 3GS and the only thing I wanted to change was the screen size and resolution, I expect to see that next year... /end rant

  • Kashif Khan
    Kashif Khan Posts: 1
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    Thats a very clever add I must admit. I also think that apple will step its game up to make sure that functions like multi-tasking will be included in future updates.

    Lets remember one thing.....

    Its always easy to improve current technology, especially when you never even came up with or helped in the development of creating it in the first place. Apple (im sure) will finish what it started - that's why their Apple :)

  • BooKahKee
    BooKahKee Posts: 5
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    HAHAHA Jhon = epic fail. iLove how you consider THE ENTIRE POPULATION of the US "Idiots". Which is ironic since you can't even spell "mouth" right. Try again, DIAF

  • cody
    cody Posts: 101
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    Apple makes the heat products hands down.

    It's funny seeing Windows new comercials of having people buy their computers because they are a lot cheaper, and in one ad the guy said, "Apparently I'm not cool enough to be Mac"

    the day people stop trying to remake the iPhone instead of coming out with something new than their will he an "iPhone killer". Until than the iPhone will be the most popular smart phone. Than Apple will make their iPhone better and we will be back on top again.

    Notice how Apple hasn't released 20 different phones. Just 1..

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    There is only 2 smart phones iPhones and phones that wanna be iPhones. Just like there owners! Get it through your heads people NOTHING IS BETTER THAN AN iPHONE Period.

  • joe mama
    joe mama Posts: 0
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    As the saying goes once you go iBlack no I mean iPhone you don't go back! lol

  • kilajoe
    kilajoe Posts: 0
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    I dont seem to understand this "Droid does" campaign i mean my friends have physical keyboards on their smartphones but the iphone keyboard is like a hundred times better and easier to use. Also the multitasking is not on the iphone because it would suck battery life dramatically, apple thought about that Im sure. As for the 5 megapixel camera, my iphone camera takes really good pictures and amazing video for a phone, and if I wanted to get actual high quality pictures I would use my 12 megapixel camera, not move up 2 mere megapixels...

    p.s. also the night time pix....those are gonna suck on the droid just like they do on every other single phone, camera, etc...

  • iconoclast
    iconoclast Posts: 10
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    A number of improved features compared to the iPhone, but still undermined by blind insistence on a physical keyboard. Why ruin an otherwise good piece of hardware by saddling on the extra bulk and increased failure rate of physical moving parts? The only justification seems to be that it's "opposite of the iPhone". Truly sad to be so close and still not even see that they've completely side-stepped the target.

  • Jeff S
    Jeff S Posts: 1
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    I've had a ton of smartphones over the years, and now use an iPhone 3Gs. Most of the features listed in the ad I couldn't care less about, even though I am definitely an early adopter.

    I suspect that most of the buying populace (way back of the cutting edge) cares about these features even less.

    Physical vs. virtual keyboard? Who cares -- which one can *I* type on faster/easier?

    Multitasking? What *is* that again? But I think I can do that on my iPho -- what, I'm just doing fast persistence and switching? Do I really care?

    Night-time photos? Really? REALLY?

    Keep the innovation coming, but as others have said, blind hatred of any device is just silly.

  • katsuboi21
    katsuboi21 Posts: 13
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    I agree competition is good. I'm still waiting for a better camera w/flash on the iPhone. Perhaps these ads will spur apple to bring it sooner rather than later.

    Others keep harping on having a physical keyboard, I could care less, and dont want it.

    As an early Palm Pilot user, I got accustomed to a touchscreen interface, so when the iPhone came along it felt more natural to do my typing that way.

    With the physical keyboards, I hate all those tiny buttons w/multiple functions. But it really comes down to preference. There will apparently always be those who prefer one method of typing interface to the other, so quit making a big deal of it.