iDon't Run Widgets - Does Apple Need To Rethink on Implementing Widgets on iPhone?

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageiDon't Run Widgets - Does Apple Need To Rethink on Implementing Widgets on iPhone?

One of the criticism hurled upon the iPhone in the recently launched DroidDoes ad campaign by Verizon is the lack of widgets on the iPhone. For a long time iPhone users have wondered about this themselves - How can Apple miss one of the features that is omnipresent among the...

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  • Mchunu
    Mchunu Posts: 14
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    I never been a fan of widgets on the computer and definitely not on a smartphone. Widgets are a waste of time. This is one of the LAST things that apple should consider adding to the iPhone.

  • Aron Allen
    Aron Allen Posts: 0
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    The iPhone already support widgets, e.g. small utilities written with web technologies.
    You can actually configure your iPhone widget to hide safari's UI when the widget is added to the honescreen.

    Apple has done alot to make web applications an attractive choice on the iPhone, you can even define a splash screen, home screen icon, and cache up to 25 MB localy.

  • Distortedloop
    Distortedloop Posts: 64
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    Good point about what a widget is, but I think the furor is over the fact that you can't have little icons that provide live info with links to more on the lock screen (ala the jailbreak app intelliscreen - which I I'm advising using). Something quick and easy to get at without feeling like you're really opening a whole new app.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Plain and simple. The iPhone is an innovation, not a copy cat. I'm not a fan of widgets and do not want it taking up space/memory n my iPhone. Leave it to the copycats and let the iPhone continue to innovate. Not every new idea will be adopted, but so far it's been pretty good. If widgets are your thing, then get a phone that has it perfected.

  • edgatic
    edgatic Posts: 2
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    What the iPhone needs is FLASH!!!!!!!! desperately!

  • rebel09
    rebel09 Posts: 0
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    I don't really understand what I would do with widgets on my phone. Currenly, the Dasboard is full of sticky notes (notes app) iStat, which wouldn't be too useful on an iPhone, weather (app). The only thing i really think i would use it for is maybe a countdown widget or a tv tracker, both available on the app store. Widgets get a thumbs down

  • kyle
    kyle Posts: 67
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    UHhhh honestly what do u need widgets for! I would use them though just to have something else on my phone

  • Bravebellows
    Bravebellows Posts: 1
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    I just want status updates: iCal, Mail, Messages, etc on the iPhone before the swipe.

  • Sharkbitte
    Sharkbitte Posts: 8
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    Like a lot a lot of you have been said, widgets is a completely lost of time and resources. Innovation, thats what the f.... competitors must to learn and stop trying to imitate or copy the iphone. One thing i know at this time, i will continue with this brand and their models for a long long time.

  • D
    D Posts: 50
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    iphone display is cluttered enough without adding more stuff. unless they add more RAM and processing power "live" widgets will hog even more resources, this will lead to an unresponsive phone which nobody wants. Apple will never do that to their product.

  • iGenius
    iGenius Posts: 2
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    Personally, I'm gad that the iPhone does not support widgets.

    It was a HUGE disappointment to me when Apple added Cut and Paste. We were better off without it, just like we are better off without widgets. And multitasking.

    Face it Haters: The iPhone is perfect AS-IS.

  • Jo Daddy
    Jo Daddy Posts: 0
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    youre an idiot, widgets do suck but copy and paste? multitask? those are def needed. Im suprised u didnt say MMS is not neccesary. Idiot.

  • Hemingway
    Hemingway Posts: 0
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    I agree, I think its a waste of space. I think the other companies need the widgets because they have yet to bring out anything else that is useful or new. If I want to see the weather I click on the button, same with stocks etc. I dont need to have stock prices scrolling on my screen non-stop through the day. Apple made the right move, let everyone else continue to try to play catch up.

  • lmiah
    lmiah Posts: 6
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    SBS Settings is something I use pretty much all the time. So, I don't think implementing widgets would be the worst idea. A few things I'd like to access from where-ever I am. It wouldn't be the worst idea...

  • Wilfred
    Wilfred Posts: 1
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    couldn't agree more....

    Flash support(at least for web access, quite a number of sites need it) is a must, especially on safari

    widget really not a necessity in iPhone...

  • Christopher
    Christopher Posts: 34
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    There are plenty of jailbroken apps that do just that.

  • Christopher
    Christopher Posts: 34
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    For you... Once jailbroken it can do any and all of these things.

  • Hayden
    Hayden Posts: 7
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    "iDon't Run Widgets"-Come on!!The iphone was released in 07...all other phones are just now catching up....Widgets no way for me. Iphone will go down in history as the best consumer device. My friend,a big WM user keeps telling me "My windows mobile phone can do that" What I tell him "yea my iphone could do that in 07" People think all these new phones are better and have more features. Some do,most dont. Like I said, I could care less about widgets. What would I need one for? Stiky thanks...a clock that I can move thanks...twitter/facebook status updates scrolling across my thanks..I have an app for all of that when I want to see updaets i lauch the app in 2 seconds. I have the 3Gs and I love it. No phone has the interface like the iphone does. The scrolling and they way the iphone handles Safari,and just the GUI of the phone. NOTHING compares. I will not own any other phone. When I hear about a new iphone...its going to be pre ordered that day.

    I am also jailbroken and love it.
    What do I wish the iphone had?
    when u think of something let me knw.

  • JolietJake
    JolietJake Posts: 1
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    I've been thinking about buying one for my wife with the assumption she could sync her desktop widgets (mostly post its) to her iPhone. I hadn't heard yet that you couldn't. Probably won't prevent me from buying it but it was something I was excited to tell her she could do.

  • Bmh7524
    Bmh7524 Posts: 0
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    I have to disagree with what a lot of people are saying. I for one would really like to at least have the OPTION of using widgets. If you don't like them, don't use them. But I don't want to have to go from one app to the other just to check e-mail, calendar lists, or to-do lists. I want to be able to turn on my device and see what I want to see. They may not be needed for very much, but I would still like to use them for some things.
  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    People are only saying that they don't need widgets because they currently don't have them. Once you've used them, you'll want them, I guarantee it. I swear, if Apple came out tomorrow and announced widgets, everyone would be saying how awesome it is and how much greater the iphone is, even those people who said that widgets were overrated and that they did not need them. They aren't more than you need, just more than you're used to. Just because you don't have something doesn't mean you have to pretend that you don't like it/wouldn't like it or wouldn't use it.
  • James wake
    James wake Posts: 1
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    Not really all flash acutely does is put ads where you don't want them and spread viruses
  • Kelli
    Kelli Posts: 4
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    Hi, I was just wondering would you be able to help me get widgets on to my iphone I'm not sure what to do and all the websites use words that may as well be in spanish to me, thankyou.
  • Drew
    Drew Posts: 23
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    I would like to see widgets for turning on/off: Bluetooth, WiFi, Location Services, air plane mode, etc. I dislike having to go into settings and go through several steps to do so.