Apple Hiring "iPhone OS Platform Security Manager" to Stop iPhone Jailbreaking

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imageApple Hiring "iPhone OS Platform Security Manager" to Stop iPhone Jailbreaking

AppleInsider is reporting that Apple is looking to hire a new iPhone OS security manager to stay ahead of the cat and mouse game between them and the iPhone hacking community. Thanks to Geohot, the iPhone hacking community has recently raced ahead by unlocking iPhone OS 3.1.2, Apple’s latest iPhone...

Read the full story here


  • bastian gatten
    bastian gatten Posts: 43
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    This would be one of those jobs for the potential jailbreakers like GeoHot. I bet this job pays really well.

    I mean really what else would you need to put on your resume. 'Um I found all the loopholes in your security and exploited them'

    Good enough for me!

  • S
    S Posts: 31
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    You know what they say, if you can't beat them, hire them.

  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    I honestly don't know why Apple even bothers stopping the jailbreak. Most people are scared off enough by the fact that it technically voids the warranty, and i think the people who aren't probably will stop buying their phones if they can't be circumvented. Wouldn't it be better to focus their energies on things like actually making the device secure enough for business users? Just a thought...

  • Ifone2212
    Ifone2212 Posts: 2
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    apple really come on...just open the damn software and stop paying insane amount of money just to have it secured. they will send more on the "team" than on actual improvements of the damn phone. apple just get the F*** over it.

  • asf
    asf Posts: 1
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    do it, i'll dump the iphone

  • dxs101
    dxs101 Posts: 52
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    haha yeah, people like geohot should really apply for this job TONS of cash in this area,

  • Lespaul79
    Lespaul79 Posts: 1
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    I would not take this job. There are a lot of smart people in the hacking community. When Apple thinks they have found a way to stop jail breaking, somebody will hack it again and whoever has that position is going to take a hike.

  • Distortedloop
    Distortedloop Posts: 64
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    @Scott - jailbreaking does not void your warranty. That is FUD. It is illegal to void a warranty due to user modifications unless the user modifications cause the specific flaw with the product. Example, if your speaker dies, that fact that you modified the software is not cause to deny warranty service for the speaker repair. If you have software issues, Apple might turn you away, but unless you've totally bricked the thing, I'm sure they'd just take it in the back and restore original firmware to fix it. If it is totally bricked and won't even turn on, don't tell them you jailbroke, how are they gonna know?

  • Distortedloop
    Distortedloop Posts: 64
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    Apple should hire someone to protect us from Apple approved programs in the AppStore that act as spyware, collecting your phone number and using it to telemarket other products to you. Check out this story if you haven't seen it:

  • Dustin2JZ
    Dustin2JZ Posts: 1
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    I disagree.

    it is possible that is waht this job is about. but you also have to realize that there many other security risks on a mobile device other than jailbreaking.
    Apple is still struggeling trying to tackle the Business market and thats a big deal to business minded people. lots of delicate information with high security is dealt with on smart phones.
    So this could just be the a job make sure there are no security holes like the whole SMS deal and 3.0.1

    So this doesn't really tell us for sure there is going to be job directly and soley dealing with jailbreaking prevention.

  • Greg
    Greg Posts: 106
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    when will people realise apple makes **** products and makes lots of money form it, if JB is history I will smash my iPhone and move on.

  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    I will ditch the iPhone if they stop the jailbreaking. I pay enough for it to be able to do what i want with it. Its mine! Apple does not own it after i've paid for it!

  • iPhoneinApplesAss
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    STEVE JOBs... read this... F*K Off...

  • pauldta
    pauldta Posts: 22
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    Come on Apple.Leave us fucking alone.

  • Kurt
    Kurt Posts: 25
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    I think there is more on this hire's plate than jailbreaking and unlocking iphones. wasnt there a news article recently that talked about how poor the encryption was on the 3GS and non-existent on the 3G? I think a security manager could make the iphone more usable in the enterprise environ and put a fight on the blackberry. we run BBs in our office for the sales force and VIPs (not me) and I think an iphone with a certain level of security would be a fine fit there.

  • Sean
    Sean Posts: 138
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    They are not really looking for someone who can just find exploits thou, they are looking for someone who can manage developers(and from the sounds of it security QA). The person who will fill this position will probably never find an exploit themselves, but prioritize known exploits, develop processes for finding exploits and manage people like Geohot who find them.

  • Dizi
    Dizi Posts: 21
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    I dunno what the big deal is. First, they can't stop jailbreaking. Not now, not anytime soon. Second, even if they manage to put a dent in it, by that time, what new phones will we be wanting to replace our old iPhones? Lastly, if your iPhone is already jailbroken, ONLY YOU CAN UNDO IT, not Apple! You can decide not to update again, if it means undoing your jailbreak.

    The future is bright, my friends.

  • Bill
    Bill Posts: 153
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    There is so much potential for the iphone, the platform and the hardware. However I don't think I'm going to buy the next iphone coming out. I love it, but the plans are to pricey and the iphone itself is pricey. I think that what it really has going for itself is the fact that it can be jail broken and unlocked. I'm really looking forward to the icontrol pad! In case you haven't seen this (I'm quite surprised if you haven't) check out and also while you are at it.

  • ZXC
    ZXC Posts: 2
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    It didn't void my warranty when I dropped it. Just gave me a new one

  • ded@lus
    ded@lus Posts: 1
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    So this is a challenge to all you out there Geohot,Dev-Team...and all the others to continue to what you do best!!! And for Apple all I can say is THE iPHONE is OURS once we BOUGHT the damn thing and THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO!!!! LIKE IT OR NOT!!!!!

    sorry for my bad English :-))))

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    awesome..... as soon as jailbreaking no longer exists ill be getting rid of my iphone..... the 'out of the box' iphone has been the biggest disappointment ever.... i thought apple was finally back, but i thought wrong.... im pretty close to disowning apple all together

  • Rex
    Rex Posts: 1
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    Look guys, be cool on what the security manager might do. If he needs to keep his job, someone has to JB the iphone if not he would has to leak the security code. Isn't what antivirus firms are doing now? Think again ... haha

  • RP
    RP Posts: 10
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    I am liking my Droid more and more!

  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    Haha well even if GeoHot makes an iPhone that is non-jailbreakable
    they might secretly release something that would be same as jailbreaking
    seriously they would.

  • Vytaras
    Vytaras Posts: 1
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    If there wont be fu****g locked phones i think no one would even know about the jailbreak and free apps. Apple team is a bit dumb I think. Most of people jailbreak their iphones just because the unlock thing(like me). Many people buy iphones from ebay and need to unlock them to use it. Iphone 3GS in Lithuania cost about 1.000$(now maybe less) and you could buy it in july 2009 for 700$ so everyone buys from US. Factory unlocked iphones cost 850$. Why to buy for 1.000$ or for 850$ when you can buy for 700$ and get it unlocked