Is Motorola Droid's 5MP Camera Better Than iPhone's?

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageIs Motorola Droid's 5MP Camera Better Than iPhone's?

Verizon proudly flaunts Droid's 5 megapixel camera in the "Droid Does" ad campaign where it mocked iPhone's camera with the line "iDon't take 5-megapixel pictures". But is the Droid camera indeed better than iPhone 3GS's camera? Andy Ihnatko, a tech columnist at Chicago Sun has countered the argument with actual...

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  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
    via Wordpress

    wow thats sad about the picture quality 5MP cam and the iPhone 3GS has a way better picture so far it looks like droid isnt amounting to what its claiming to be. hope it does the other stuff a lot better but in the end they wont kill the iPhone

  • Chuckie
    Chuckie Posts: 13
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    I have a 3GS as my private phone and today I picked a new phone for work, HTC Hero. Hero was the last phone before Motorolas new Android phone that was called the iphone killer.

    My first feel of the Hero is good but not as good as the Iphone. Something is just more simply on the Iphone. But I have also just used it for 20min!

    I look forward to see how everything will turn out with this new smart phone match between the I and the O. I hope it will be a quick one because the next phone I will get is planned to be the next Iphone. I just don't want to be ruined when trying out all these phones.

  • phosphorus
    phosphorus Posts: 39
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    They should use a better method for rating camera's. Having a 3MP Camera that's better than a 5MP camera should be measured on some scale. Maybe naming the iphone's camera a 3MPA(on a scale from A to D) I'd rate the droid a B or even a C because it doesn't capture the beautiful aspects of the picture. (If anyone wants to use this, then send me a message at and donate 1 million Euro or something similar)

  • Distortedloop
    Distortedloop Posts: 64
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    As I tell any friend looking to get a camera, even a real camera, not a phone camera, it's not just the megapixels, it's the LENS and the SOFTWARE. Crappy lens = crappy picture, no matter how many pixels you're recording. Bad software, same thing, as we can see with the iPhone vs the Droid.

    All that said, a good photographer can probably do much more with a even 2 megapixel camera than the typical Joe with his 5 megapixel camera phone.

  • jewman
    jewman Posts: 19
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    couldnt of said it better myself good one

  • dxs101
    dxs101 Posts: 52
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    yes this is a perfect answer,
    i do very much agree apple as we all know has made some kick ass software for its camera like come on, take a picture outside on a nice sunny day, **** it looks like a picture taken on a 5mp digital camera. there spectacular

  • DJ
    DJ Posts: 38
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    Its early days for Droid yet but I think and hope it will gain pace and kick apple out of its position in the market I hate being trapped in the apple garden, if it wasn't for JB I for one would not buy an iPhone.

  • Vishnu
    Vishnu Posts: 199
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    imagine how it will be if droid has 2MP camera and iphone with5 mP

  • Kurt Vinny
    Kurt Vinny Posts: 1
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    Ummm....look at the pictures closely people...the flowers on the droid example are obviously closer which WOULD result in the subject being blurry. They just snapped pics with the iphone until they got a good shot and then put the droid close enough to where it could not focus. The iphone has the exact same problem. A picture is worth a thousand words? yeah it is. iphone junkies are pathetic. *disclaimer* I do not want an iphone or droid EVER. I will keep my simple cheap flip phone. I just wanted to point this out.

  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    Hi Kurt

    As Andy Ihnatko writes on his Flickr stream, "Yes, an unfair fight; here's a shot where "tap to focus" saves the day.

    I tried to "trick" the Droid into focusing on the flowers by getting a little closer, but no dice. Also, it's a flat, gray image. "

    So it seems to be a deliberate attempt to get closer to make up for the lack of the focus feature on the Droid.

  • Jeff
    Jeff Posts: 126
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    I doubt motorola can make a phone that is fast. Every phone I've owned by them is garbage. My Tandy is faster than any motorola will ever be. Anyone teaming up with motorola is in for a guaranteed fail. All their software is glitchy and crashes. They make some decent hardware, but they can't make even a calculator program that works efficiently lol.

  • ir1
    ir1 Posts: 1
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    it is fast.. same processor as the iPhone 3gs. There is no motorola software on the Droid... they just made the phone. UR just an idiot but id expect that from an iphone user.

  • The smart man
    The smart man Posts: 1
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    ir1 I think that you might have a problem. Have you've checked by a Doctor latly? Either you are slow, stupid or simply GAY!! whatever ot is everyone that has common sense knows that ther IS NO phone out there that can compete with the almighty iPhone.

  • Nate
    Nate Posts: 58
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    I just have to say that you're right. Same processor as 3G(S)... Now think about their add... Widgets, background apps, and third party development. With ANYONE able to create 3rd party software there are bound to be lots of glitches. With widgets and apps running in background you will see a lot of slowdown. I wouldn't expect a guy to consider these things tho. Not a guy that surfs an iPhone site and doesn't seem to be a fan of the iPhone. Sounds counterproductive. Checkmate, jackass.

  • bunchofapplefanboys
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    That is the most ridiculous apple fanboy stunt I've seen in months, the droid takes amazing pictures, far better than the iphone. Whoever took these pictures is obviously an apple fanboy trying to make the droid look bad, read the reviews on a site that isn't biased towards the iphone, EVERYONE RATES THE DROID CAMERA HIGHER.

    Stop being fanboys, it's rediculous

    Nothing can compete with the iphone, again you apple fanboy, many suspect the andriod OS itself (not the phone the os) will overtake apple by 2012.

    I've never read so many stupid comments on one page, the andriod is faster than the apple iphone, but again, you have to get your head out of your ass and actually go to a website that doesn't have iphone in its address to see the truth.

    Have fun being fanboys guys :) you make it so obvious

  • bunchofapplefanboys
    via Wordpress

    It's not like it's new, apple is notorious for cheating on benchmarking tests against pcs they have been caught several times, anyone who has decent knowledge of the computer industry knows that. The retard taking these pictures did the exact same thing, it's so apple of him.

    That's why macintosh represents 5% of the market share on operating systems, because you have to be a blatant idiot to own one, only 5% of the population believes anything that apple says, the rest of the 95% are smart enough to realize who's always been, and who always will be #1, the PC. Suck it apple fanboys.

    Macs don't get viruses, how many times was mac osx patched for security issues?

    Who bought 160 million in stock from apple in the 90's to keep them from going under, none other than microsoft.

    Once again, suck it apple fanboys...

  • simpletouse
    simpletouse Posts: 1
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    Are you kidding me? You intentionally take an out of focus shot and claim that that is how the Droid's camera functions.

    I've taken dozens of photos with my Droid and NONE of them look out of focus.

    If you understand how a camera functions, you can take an awesome photo with the Droid. Press the shutter button half-way down to focus, all the way to take the picture.

    If you cannot handle that, you shouldn't be using a cell phone without parental supervision.

  • Jerry
    Jerry Posts: 47
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    I just sold my Apple iPhone 3G on ebay, and bought a Motorola Droid and switched to Verizon. I can say first hand that the Droid is WAY faster than the iPhone 3G. I can also attest that the Droid camera is better. I use ebay a lot and had to buy a real digital camera because my iPhone camera was a little sorry.. but now, I really just use the Droid.

    The Google voice commands is simply amazing, from the home screen on the Droid I can simply say "Navigate to Bank of America" and it finds all the Banks of America near by and with one button push I am on my way with turn by turn directions, complete with spoken street names. This was included in the Phones OS, no app necessary.

    I have been an iPhone user for about a year, I have to say, as much as I liked it, I will not miss it.

  • 2.1droid
    2.1droid Posts: 1
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    There is going to be a software update on dec 11th for the cameras focusing bug. Then we'll see who's laughing.

  • asdfjk
    asdfjk Posts: 3
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    this article is extremely biased. they only manage to show you the one photo in the entire set where the droid fails completely. yes, the iphone's SOFTWARE is better than the droid's (as far as the camera goes), but this does not mean that the droid doesn't technically have a better camera. in a few of the photos on the full review, he notes that the droid's pictures preserve more detail because it has 2 megapixels over the iphone. the droid also has a very good flash, which he uses to rig one photo set by taking the pictures in almost complete dark. tell me that the iphone has the advantage there, please.
    it also happens that this article is posted on an iphone website...
    that just makes all of the comments more biased.
    there is nothing wrong with the droid's harware, because if you compared the phones' hardware with each other, i'm afraid we all know which would CRUSH the other. alas, at the end of the day, it is not hard which wins. it is the software and this is apparent with the quality of photos that the iphone takes compared to the droid.

    as the owner of an ipod touch, i absolutely love apple's products, but people, branch out and actually give another device some time to recognize it's pros and cons. i have used both the droid and the iphone, and each of them have the advantages and disadvantages.

    if you really want to get into a fanboy war, why all of you iphone users ask the people who have blackberries what they think about their phones. they have the market share after all...

  • asdfjk
    asdfjk Posts: 3
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    the other great part about this article is that it doesn't even give you a link to the actual comparison where the guy tells you about 5-6 different sets of photos, not just one.

  • asdfjk
    asdfjk Posts: 3
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    first of all, the iphone doesn't need to be killed. second of all, the droid lives up to exactly what it is supposed to be. you may not noticed because you are blinded by applefanboyitis (it causes severe inflammation in the eyes and mind), but the iphone has more than its fair share of flaws. you may say that they're minor (in the defense of your phone), but a non removable battery, little application integration and no multitasking are HUGE flaws that the iphone is plagued by.
    grow up and realize that just because you own an iphone and think that it's better than anything else doesn't mean that it really is.

  • asdfj
    asdfj Posts: 1
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    They also have the pictures very small. With the droids 5MP cammera, you could easily double the size of the picture, but with the iphone it would look blurry.