Another iPhone App Developer Quits Protesting App Store Policing

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageAnother iPhone App Developer Quits Protesting App Store Policing

Another day and yet another app developer calls it quits in protest against Apple' App Store policies. Shortly after Joe Hewitt, the lead developer at Facebook's iPhone app development team quit, today Rogue Amoeba has announced that they are following suit. Rogue Amoeba is one of the earliest companies to...

Read the full story here


  • Wfm
    Wfm Posts: 1
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    Does anyone proof read a story before it goes on to be published? I had to read this twice to fully understand what the author was trying to say! By the way, does anyone really care if these guys quit? Good luck finding a better job in this Obama economy.

  • Mikeyxx
    Mikeyxx Posts: 19
    via Wordpress

    Apple needs to smarten up. Sure they loose a few developers, sure they frustrate the majority of the remaining, sure they frustrate purchasers who want Flash on their phones, sure they frustrate purchasers who want to put what THEY want on the phones, not what the maker of the phone wants.

    Will they loose? Nope. However, they are giving up a lot of extra profit margin by pissing so many people (developers) off. Where will these developers go? Perhaps another smart phone thus giving those phones more quality applications... something to think about.

    It's not the flood exodus that will cause the damage. It's the tiny dribble of unhappy people that will cause it.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
    via Wordpress

    Ok, so they've quit, No big deal.
    Joe whatshisname quit facebook, two days later an update (3.3 I think) appears in the Appstore.
    Loads of people start in arena's like the iPhone platform, loads will quit for whatever reasons, but where you find demand, you'll find supply close behind.
    I get pissed off with my trade, who doesn't from time to time? Don't meant I'll throw my teddies out of the pushchair and blame a company I don't directly work for.
    AppStore is just a privately controlled repository, if I owned one, I'd be choosy too. If I was a paying customer, I'd ask apple for a refund on products from companies that quit developing, no aftersales service is NOT what I paid for!!!

  • Daniel
    Daniel Posts: 173
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    Go android method! Diss-approve apps AFTERWARDS which get reports from users!

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    i hope apple dies and droid crushes them in the end i use to love apple but to hellwith them

  • Samuel
    Samuel Posts: 38
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    this app work as well in nokia it look like iphone

  • nsfw
    nsfw Posts: 35
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    I've got two words. Cydia Store. Buh bye apple. Look for more and more third party stores in the future and developers getting a bigger cut of revenue and look for more and more jailbreakers as the best apps become only available on third party app stores.

  • Chesire
    Chesire Posts: 2
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    I've got two other words for you: Mobile Web. Let's focus on making better and better web apps that will work on any phone like

    Yes, its an iphone directory, but it will work on any web kit phone. I've developed apps for the store, it sucks. Takes 12 weeks to get it through and by then you've missed your market window.

  • Nostradamus
    Nostradamus Posts: 1
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    Apple are becoming way too greedy, when the other phone manufacturers catch up and make a better iPhone type device, Apple will again be the losers!

    They can only rip people off for now; another Microsoft is about to land on them. Although I love my iPhone I along with my friends and many of their financially abused customers will gladly give it up as soon as there is an alternative. I hope they pull out their smug finger out and start taking care of their customers and developers before its too late.

    Knowing apple though, they won’t do a thing until the dog has a firm grip on their nuts!