AT&T Drops Lawsuit Against Verizon Over Their "Misleading" Ad Campaign

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageAT&T Drops Lawsuit Against Verizon Over Their "Misleading" Ad Campaign

AT&T and Verizon on Wednesday decided to put an end to the legal battle underway over Verizon's "There's a map for that" ad campaign. This comes after the Federal Court declined an appeal from AT&T to stop Verizon from airing its commercial which AT&T claimed was misleading the TV viewers....

Read the full story here


  • LawerJohn
    LawerJohn Posts: 0
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    ATT dropped the silly lawsuit because it had ZERO legal merit, and had ATT continued there was a strong chance Verizon would have won a motion to dismiss hearing and ATT would likely have been liable for Verizon's lawyer bill. The smart move for ATT was to drop the lawsuit. The smarter move would have been to never file the silly suit in the first place.

    Verizon's ad campaign is a home run for them - it clearly stays within applicable law (which is all Verizon is required to do), and it makes ATT look like the lesser cell phone company. That specific facts and details may (MAY) indicate otherwise is irrelevant - these are commercials, not detailed and balanced analyses or encyclopedia articles. Comparative advertising means highlighting the strengths of your products while highlighting the contrasting weaknesses of your competitions. That's exactly what Verizon did.

    ATT could have hit Verizon back with smarter ads highlighting their speed, the value of their network, whatever ATT thinks are their strengths - instead of Lukie flipping 2G postcards, which I still don't really understand. ATT's silly suit only added further fuel to the fire and made ATT look like a sore loser by resorting to (pathetic attempts at) legal tactics, which clearly backfired.

  • Ggaalan
    Ggaalan Posts: 1
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