iDroid Can't - Apple Rejects iPhone App Promoting Motorola Droid

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageiDroid Can't - Apple Rejects iPhone App Promoting Motorola Droid

Motorola Droid has been the most vociferous campaigners among all 'iPhone killers' till date and it comes as no surprise that Apple as well its fanboys are miffed with Verizon's "Everything iDon't, Droid Does" campaign. Given such a climate, you wouldn't expect Apple to approve an iPhone app named after...

Read the full story here


  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Apple has every right to reject any app for any reason and personally, I think it's great. The app store is a privilege, not a right. The sooner people realize that the better.

  • Buff
    Buff Posts: 3
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    lmao they dog us & now they wanna use us wtf!!!!!!

  • Mercuryshadow
    Mercuryshadow Posts: 5
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    Maybe you're content with spending hundreds of dollars on a device and letting Apple dictate what you can and can't do with it, but not everyone shares that opinion.

    I personally can't wait until my contract is up.

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    lol iDroid so sad this is kinda funny to me dont matter one way or another but would have been interesting to see how many people would have actually got this app

  • T Payne
    T Payne Posts: 11
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  • isotopes
    isotopes Posts: 2
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    LOLs, the Droid folks probably thought everyone would get a kick out of this had Apple actually approved it, lol!!

  • pere
    pere Posts: 0
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  • p8ntbllplaya
    p8ntbllplaya Posts: 3
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    apple has every right to approve or deny/ban dont see target advertising in walmart

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Actually, the iphone is pretty cheap nowadays. You should definitely move to a different phone. The iphone is definitely not for you. I'm sure you'll find other phones that are fully customizable with no limits whatsoever. If you can't but still want full control, then maybe you should create your own phone. That'll give you 100% control. Otherwise, you're stuck with whatever limits are placed by the creators. Fact.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    This is so true. It's too bad that the majority of consumers are indeed idiots. Companies are in no way required to tailor to your every need. We as consumers are not required to buy the products that don't meet our needs, period. People need to stop asking companies to do this and that for them. They're not that special.

    As a business owner myself, I can truly appreciate what apple's doing to protect their interests. I wouldn't allow my competitors to post their flyers on my windows.

  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    Although john i agree with you on some points (namely that we should all stop bitching and appreciate the thousands of apps WE ALREADY HAVE AND THAT SATISFY MOST OF US EVERY DAY) i disagree with you on the point that they should dictate what we (smart people, as opposed to dumb people) can and can't do, which is why we jailbreak. This solves all problems.

  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    Why are you so against the app store being open and not so restricted?

  • Jonathan Christman
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    That's bull.

    Apple shouldn't have any control over which apps can get in. That's like saying Microsoft can control which programs I install on my PC. Next thing you know Apple is going to limit iPods to playing only the music that is downloaded and paid for through iTunes.

    I almost bought an iPhone today but changed my mind when I found out their so-called 'real web' doesn't include Flash. Do you think they did this to protect me, or to protect their sales through the app store and ultimately their bottom line? Even if it is for my own protection, perhaps I'd like to decide for myself.

    Perhaps you think Apple is some benevolent savior of mankind, but it is not. It is a control freak money hungry corporation just like every other. If you give in even a little bit, Apple will take that as permission to find some more ways to brand you like the cash cow livestock that you are.

    As an example, my PC may be a little buggy, but at least I know every module in that crappy plain black case and can modify it at will. I can put in aftermarket parts, or streamline it for special purposes, really whatever I want. Granted, that level of personal control comes with risk and responsibility, but at least I have a choice.

    Does Apple give you that choice?

  • Jonathan Christman
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    The point you seem to be missing is that first and foremost, the iPhone is a tool. When I buy that tool, it becomes MY tool to use as I see fit. If I want to see some glowing red eyeball, then Apple shouldn't stand in my way like some disgruntled kindergarten teacher.

    What if you bought a screwdriver, but was told you could only use that screwdriver to drive one company's screws but not those of some competitive company. You'd think that was pretty silly.

    Well, Apple is doing worse than that. They're blatantly denying you permission to even LOOK at those other screws. Did you ever think you'd need permissions like that? Next time, maybe they'll prevent you from visiting the Verizon website through your iPhone.

    If Apple is allowed to control how you use a tool that you spent a lot of damn good money on, then they will use that control to continue to brand you. That makes you livestock, useful only as long as you keep producing cash regularly, and no different than a cow being milked on the farm. When the milk runs out, you'll get shipped to slaughter.

    BESOUL Posts: 2
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    to jonathan.
    The tool analogy was absolutely TERRIBLE. If i want a phillips screwdriver that is what Iʻll buy. If one complains that it is not a flat head, then they truly are a fool. If you want to get what you ask for, then buy what you want. i.e. if you want a TOOL that does both, than buy a "screwdriver" that can be both a "phillips" and a "flat-head". If want more customization freedom, without jailbreaking the phone; buy another phone, genius. Next time do research on your future purchase (iPhone) before you buy it. Doing so will allow you to get what you want. Plus, no one else will have to listen to you crying like a school girl.

  • Jonathan Christman
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    Who said anything about phillips or flat? I never mentioned either of those words in that post.

    I'm talking about who CONTROLS MY USE of the tool, and the takeaway point you got from that post is that I bought the wrong screwdriver? I might be a crying little school girl, but at least I'm a critically thinking crying school girl.

    Understand that this is not trivial. Access and control of tools alters our culture. For example, suppose Apple becomes nearly monopolistic in the distribution of music. Further suppose that, for arguments sake, they refused to sell Green Day songs. What do you think would happen? I'd surmise that within a generation Green Day would fall significantly out of favor, and within two generations may be completely unheard of. All this despite any current levels of popularity there may be in this musical group.

    Now put the name of whatever you happen to think is the best damn music you ever heard of in place of Green Day. Ask yourself, do you think that group would fare any better? That is the power of control over tools.

    And by the way, I did do research on the phones. I spent from wednesday to friday testing out virtually every phone. I went to every major seller and said "Show me" until they were sick of my face. I spent three hours on the phone with technical support departments until I got answers from someone who knew what they were talking about. I even made the store manager whip out his own phone to record and email me videos so I could see what they'd look like on a desktop. They claimed DVD quality, I wanted to see for myself. Who wouldn't when a top end phone nowadays is a bigger commitment than my last car purchase? That's why I bought a Motorola Droid last friday. It's pretty kickass, despite my having to wait until next year for them to get real Flash. When I called Apple, from the apple store while testing out the iPhone, when they would get real web Flash support they effectively told me they never would. Guess it would cut into their app sales.

    Anyway, my point is that you shouldn't keep yourself in ignorance, and you shouldn't let Apple keep you ignorant either.

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    Crap on it go buy a Zack Morris phone and see how much you enjoy it.

  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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    Oops like like that email address is getting closed, lol.