Apple Files Counter-Suit Against Nokia, Accuses Infringement Of 13 Patents

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageApple Files Counter-Suit Against Nokia, Accuses Infringement Of 13 Patents

In October of this year, Nokia had filed a lawsuit against Apple for allegedly infringing on their patents. Back then, Ilkka Rahnasto, Vice President, Legal & Intellectual Property at Nokia had commented that Apple was attempting to get a "free ride" on back of Nokia's innovation. Now, Apple has responded...

Read the full story here


  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
    via Wordpress

    I have been a long time reader of this site, but am tired of the Best Buy ads opening on EVERY page click. Sorry, but I will no longer be visiting this site. Too annoying.

  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
    via Wordpress

    U need to start fixing that computer u have with some pop up blocker. Have never happen to me. Ooh and u will be back. How u doin!

  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
    via Wordpress

    WTf you talking about never had a pop-up u need to clean that POS !!!

  • Irha
    Irha Posts: 37
    via Wordpress

    I think you are talking about the overlay video ads. The other two who replied either use firefox with adblock or blind to not see it. I suggest you do the same, just switch to firefox and install adblock. If you are using chrome (like I sometimes do), install flashblock extension, it at least prevents the video, though doesn't completely block.

  • Forrest
    Forrest Posts: 3
    via Wordpress

    Seriously? "Pattern and color abstraction on GUI" on number 6 million and some ****? I'd like to take some money from Apple as much as the next dude but this is ridiculous.