Wireless Customer Satisfaction Survey Indicates AT&T As Worst Carrier

Andy Posts: 1,127
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageWireless Customer Satisfaction Survey Indicates AT&T As Worst Carrier

There is no doubt that these are very testing times for AT&T. However despite their poor network connectivity, we have backed the service on grounds that the company is suffering primarily because of bandwidth-hungry iPhone subscribers rather than any poor service offering from the carrier themselves. Just how satisfactory is...

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  • Topsy
    Topsy Posts: 41
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    What do you expect, imagine over a million people sucking the wireless broadband out of them. We all know it won't be easy for them.

  • TEX
    TEX Posts: 7
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    I travel to major cities all over the country with my iphone. I am on the at&t network and experience very few if any disruptions in 3G service. Apple should open Iphone sales to every telecom. Then and only then will we be able to accurately determine if one service provider is actually "worse" than another. Until that happens everyone will still find disappointing aspects of at&t service to complain about. I am personally satisfied with my service.

  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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    I honestly have to say that my phone service has been good and fine since I began using Cingular/AT&T. Since getting an iphone last year, I've noticed the data/surfing speed has slowed down in recent months, but phone service has always remained good.

    I do believe there are people with legitimate complaints and problems with service in their area, but I also believe many people are just jumping on the "bash AT&T bandwagon" based on ads and other people's experiences.

    I still want iphone on other networks, but I'm only switching if that network lets you talk and surf the web/check email at the same time. i've gotten too accustomed to using that feature.

  • sherchap35@yahoo.com
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    I am a previous Verizon customer but switched to AT&T a year ago solely for the reason of having an iPhone. I have had no trouble with AT&T and can't tell the difference between the two. Service has been great and I have no issues with customer service.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I love the iPhone. I hate ATT. Their customer service sucks. Their voice cellular signal sucks. Their data connectivity speeds suck. Their customer service sucks. Their pricing sucks.

    It drives me nuts to hear the whining about how their network is soooo congested because iPhone users...actually use the iPhone! Maybe this is revolutionary thinking on my part, but isn't a cell phone company supposed to ensure they have adequate network capacity for the amount of cell/data users that are using the network? Isn't that their job? ATT gets an extra $30/mth from iPhone users just to cover the data, and then (for many people) an extra $20 for text messaging (that really costs ATT fractions of cents per message). That extra $50/mth is a 50% increase in revenue on the $100/mth unlimited plan. That (1) ATT's existing network can't handle the usage; and (2) ATT's 3G coverage is, at best, spotty, and at worst down right useless for much of the country, should not be blamed upon iPhone users having the audacity to...actually use their iPhone and services which they pay for.

    The blame should go squarely to ATT's management for not rushing to boost capacity and real 3G coverage areas! They've made a ton of money the past couple years - I'd love to know what the management bonuses are! But why hasn't their network grown to keep up?

    Perhaps the excuse "we didn't anticipate the iPhone use" might have been valid at one point. But come on - almost 3 years after the iPhone was announced, ATT has made few noticable improvements. ATT should have invested much more in their network, much more quickly!

    ATT dropped calls constantly. 3G was slow, spotty and not very impressive in major Florida cities (where I live). The price was super high, the customer service pretty low.

    And then about a month ago I switched to T-Mobile, and never looked back!

    I love T-Mobile! Their customer service is incredibly friendly and helpful. I pay $87/mth for unlimited talk/text/web/taxes, about $100/mth less than ATT. Here's the best part: THE CALL QUALITY AND SIGNAL STREGNTH ARE INCREDIBLE!!! I mean, T-Mobile's signal stregenth and call quality blow ATT away! Calls are dramatically more clear, I costantly have signal bars, and I HAVEN'T HAD A SINGLE DROPPED CALL IN A MONTH. Data speeds are 2G/Edge, but I haven't honestly noticed that much of a difference - and frankly, the speedtest app regularly shows download speeds of 100-130kbs - which is not too different than when the spotty 3G coverage on ATT actually worked. T-Mobile isn't perfect, but for the price, customer service, signal stregenth/clarity, and $100/mth cost savings, I'll take T-Mobile any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

    Here's my bottom line: (1) ATT sucks, now documented by Consumer Reports; (2) ATT's management is solely to blame for their suckiness; and (3) I don't care anymore how much ATT sucks because I'm using a superior service. :-)

  • Ray
    Ray Posts: 121
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    Clearly the problem isn't 'Bandwidth' since other carriers all over the planet are not having the difficulties that AT&A are having. This is simply put a poor network sorely in need of either rebuild or demolition.

    AT&T almost went out of business years ago. In hind site I think it would have been better if they had folded and went away.

    As soon as T-Mobile has iPhone here in the states I'm switching.

  • V
    V Posts: 38
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    you're joking you dont notice the speed difference of 130 kb to over 1000+kb of download speed between tmo and att? Idk where you are but all major cities and even rural areas with 3g coverage have been great for me.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I don't know where you are, but clearly it's not where I am! I've never gotten 1000kb+ in speed on ATT! Don't get me wrong - 3G is nice in theory when it works as intended, but 3G (ATT style, anyway) isn't gonna keep me (and didn't) when ALL other indicators point squarely towards SUCK! :-)

  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
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    AT&T is crying like babe to be
    iPhone exlusive and at same time
    they complaining about bandwith.
    The rule is sample if can not do it
    why ask about it

  • Chase
    Chase Posts: 35
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    I've had att for 2 years and get better service than anyone even my friends on verizon.

  • nonoie
    nonoie Posts: 62
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    you're right about ATT sucks......but telling me that Tmobiles is better....hahahaha....think again my friend,,,i use tmobile in florida. there slow as the snail.....probably the iphone u have is the 2g comparing to tmobile.....yes there not much of a difference.....but try the 3gs.....think again before you judge

  • hoss
    hoss Posts: 3
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    I have ATT and love the perks but service can and does suck at times. We do not have 3G in my area and I have spotty signal strength inside the building I work in. US Cell and Sprint are the two strongest, Verizon, then ATT. I do not know about TMob because I don't know of anyone who has them.

  • emdot
    emdot Posts: 4
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    i have absolutely NO problems with my 3g service no matter where i go.. my problem IS the HORRIBLE reception that i get. i barely have service anywhere, and i have NO SERVICE in my home which is starting to get rather annoying...

    my best friend/business partner who has tmobile has the opposite problem. he seems to get very good cell reception but practically ZERO 3g availablity....

    lets just make this really easy... iphone is the most popular thing since sliced break. everyone loves the phone but hates the service/3g coverage. with the billions of dollars they get from selling the iphone, how about they just start building towers or wahtever it takes to fix this? seems like an easy solution to me. yeah it might cost money, but you cant tell me they arent making money...

    i need service while im at home! PERIOD~

  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    Frankly, I'm happy with AT&T, although they can have sucky service, I live in a relatively small town (20,000 people, 40,000 when the college students are here) and I get great service most of the time. Verizon nickels-and-dimes you, which is worse. Even though I'm mostly satisfied with AT&T, WE SHOULD HAVE A CHOICE!!!!!

    And once again: Quit Yer 'Bitchin!

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Actually it costs at&t billions of dollars to sell the phone since they sell it for nearly $400 less than it costs them to obtain. last quarter at&t sold over 3 million iPhones x $400 discount each = over a billion dollars in capital investments just on the cost of the iphones they sold in one quarter.

    Still wondering where the money is going that should be making its way into the network? There's your answer.

  • Arran
    Arran Posts: 19
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  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    My max download speed was 1440kb/s (180 kB/s). It is really good. But I agree that the voice quality is superior at T-Mobile.

    I never had problems with 3G, but ATT has serious problem with the voice quality.

  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    I agree on the survey. Because I got so many trouble with AT&T serivce.
    Such as When I am outside of office, there is not signal problem, but If I come into office, it lost signal more than 90% of office area.
    I have spend around $300 to install a signal booster in my office. but still it can not cover all area.
    Last weeks, I have visit AC in NJ, When I stay in hotel if I move near windows, it shows 2-3 bar, If I move inside to stay in bed, it show no service.
    When I have used Verizon, I never been experienced this issues.
    If iPhone or similar one will announced from Verizon, I willing to change from AT&T to Verizon immediatly, even I need to pay couple of hundred dollars..

  • sampearson64@yahoo.co.uk
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    Everyone lives in different areas ffs, I live in the UK, and Orange and O2 here a great and never a slow speed, ATT i admit need to grow up and spend some $£$£$£$£$, but In VA where my family lives its 5* servcice where you live, it might be 1*, and again UK is a billion times smaller than USA aand I still get dropped calls, but i dont complain, and u guys in USA get ripped off $150 for unlimited data, calls and texts get real, i got a free iPhone UNLIMITED EVERYTHING, at £30 a month, ($80) a month, I laugh alot

  • va
    va Posts: 4
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    Anyone remeber when the only way to get a message was by party line or telegram?

    I've had AT&T for 20 years of cell service and am not complaining.

    Sure is better than what we used to have...

  • Harsha
    Harsha Posts: 84
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    PROBLEM PROBLEM PROBLEM... I have problem with ATT.. their service is choppy and bad... i travel all over the country... in major cities like NY, LA, Boston and others .. i will experience at least 2 failed calls...

    more over the worst thing is that if I am sitting in a high data consuming area for longer time without using phone.. like in airport or downtown.. my network goes to hibernation.. it shows me full bar.. but suddenly i will get a voice message or sms.. which were sent like 1hr before.. crazy..

  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
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    att should spend money to make money .

  • Mark
    Mark Posts: 267
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    Verizon has better coverage in remote areas in my general geographic area, but AT&T isn't too bad in terms of coverage - especially in most cases where I travel. The data network is always fast and customer service is good. I came to AT&T from Cricket though, so I think AT&T is basically pretty good . . . a little pricey in my opinion. I use the iPhone of course but would consider switching to Andorid or another iPhone carrier at the end of my contract.

  • Pria
    Pria Posts: 0
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    Very well said John!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Klasniedryg
    Klasniedryg Posts: 5
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    I dont get it, we pay our $40 a month for DATA service. That should at least cover the extra cost of putting up more towers or opening up to higher bandwidth. Att should not charge extra for data. Its enoght as it is... if it will, then I bet many people will leave Att.

  • Kelly lewis
    Kelly lewis Posts: 0
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  • Vivian
    Vivian Posts: 8
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    I started out with Cingular. ATT was a separate entity then, and I chose Cingular OVER ATT. But ATT soon took over Cing, and the quality of my service took a nosedive: places where with Cing I had a signal, now with ATT are WITHOUT a signal. An ATT rep told me ATT has taken down towers.