AT&T Snubs Blogger's Call For Choking Network to Protest Metered Pricing

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageAT&T Snubs Blogger's Call For Choking Network to Protest Metered Pricing

AT&T Mobility CEO Ralph de la Vega's recent suggestion about introducing a metered pricing plan in order to regulate data traffic being consumed by iPhone users has not gone too well among the users. While a lot of iPhone users have criticized the move, a few others are taking more...

Read the full story here



  • duston
    duston Posts: 26
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    damn id love to do this on the 18th!, just rock some internet tethering and start up some torrents eh!
    to bad i live in Canada!

  • Southpaw018
    Southpaw018 Posts: 2
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    If my data goes down on Friday because of the idiot children participating in this "protest," I'm going to be pissed.

  • T. Payne
    T. Payne Posts: 25
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    I won't be participating and I would be thoroughly annoyed if they crash out my service... But I would be so proud that the Internet and the power of ordinary people can orginize and band together to do such a thing ...! Reminds me of several months ago when AT&T tried to block 4chan, MISTAKE... Just like metering our Internet, the Internet can save those who do right by it... Or destroy those who try to restrict it. I hope AT&T realizes this

  • george
    george Posts: 88
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  • Playafied
    Playafied Posts: 55
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    All that's gonna accomplish is it's gonna push the metered pricing faster...

    Damn idiots...

  • LastBorn
    LastBorn Posts: 5
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    VERY STUPID... just like you said, it will just push metered pricing faster (and giving AT&T more bullets to justify it!!!)

  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    People are ignorant. It's been stated over and over that AT&T has experienced a 4000% increase in web traffic over the last few years, in no part unrelated to the significant investment they have made in their infrastructure. There is no quick and easy way to overhaul the network, especially in a time when the economy is down and most companies are laying people off. We would call AT&T irresponsible for laying off 5,000 employees because their customer service would deteriorate, and yet we don't know why they aren't spending more than 50 billion a year upgrading the network. People just like to complain. Anyone who doesn't believe the Iphone is part of the problem obviously hasn't used another handset. I had never understood what people were talking about with dropped call issues until i had an iphone. It simply never happened with my windows mobile phones. Not that they were perfect either, but to say the issue is all AT&T is obviously unfair.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
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    I believe, AT&T have to improve the speed and coverage 1st.

  • TS
    TS Posts: 8
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    ...And so we will cut off our nose to spite our face. An epic fail in waiting...

  • sushi
    sushi Posts: 0
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    I plan on protesting using my hacked iphone

  • Left hanging
    Left hanging Posts: 0
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    all you who participate are ignorant fools. Lives could be at stake here just because of this stupid childish game. Spoiled brats, remember when we didn't even have cell phones?

  • Left hanging
    Left hanging Posts: 0
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    BTW, sushi is gay!

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Wish I hadn't switched to T-Mobile so I could take part in this. AT&T has gotten even more pathetic lately with their threats...but fails to recognize their record profits (and executive bonuses) are due SOLELY to the iPhone. Give me a break... I think this website is sponsored by AT&T - I have never seen so many ridiculous "pro-AT&T" posts anywhere!

    There are few things as American as protesting. Standing up to the powers that be, whether it be by disrupting the supply of tea to Boston Harbor a couple hundred years ago, or piercing the arrogance bubble of an inferior cell provider, there is NOTHING wrong with protesting and demonstrating one's discontent.

    Protest away!

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    Holy crap, I would totally do it just to feel like I'm punching ATT in the face, they charge me $168.00/mo. On my 3gs And I don't have 3g, I only "sometimes" get edge, but like most of the other people on this page, I know it will NOT be productive but come back worse for us.
    And for some reason it seems to me like another network for example like verizon, is trying to attack ATT through this so called act of revenge. I just hope people don't ruin it for the rest of us that think about the outcome.

  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
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    Guys AT&T said they spend 65 million
    improve their network. Let calculate
    AT&T has 80 million customer if each
    customer paid 5 dollars a month AT&T
    will make 400 millions a month.AT&T
    can u tell me where is the rest of the

  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
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    Guys that s not the right move think about
    somebody who has to go the hospital
    for emergency and depend on his cell
    phone! Is mater of life or death! Guys be

  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
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    Guys that s not the right move think about
    somebody who has to go the hospital
    for emergency and depend on his cell
    phone! Is mater of life or death! Guys be

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Oh please... This whole "not right," "emergency," "hospital," etc stuff is the whole point of this protest! I am far less concerned about a lunchtime hour on a Friday than I am about the AT&T Suckwork not working when I really need it - and let's face it - is there anyone here who would depend on the AT&T Suckwork in a life and death situation? NO. BECAUSE IT ISN'T RELIABLE!

    Hello, 911, what is your emergency?

    Hi I need hel....[dropped call].

    Protest the AT&T Suckwork. That's the only way they'll improve! This whole "don't upset AT&T" is a crock! REMEMBER - AT&T SUCKWORK (is supposed to) WORK FOR US!

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    True, let's blame the iPhone customer who is paying to use the iPhone. Clearly it is irresponsible for them to actually expect to receive a service for which they pay. The AT&T Suckwork would obivously be much better off if iPhone users would just get with the program and pay their monthly fees but not actually use their iPhones.

    Shame on you, iPhone users, for using your iPhone! To decrease the use of the AT&T Suckwork, I did my part and unlocked to T-Mobile.

  • kbtat2
    kbtat2 Posts: 9
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    Lives could be at stake?!?! Lol!! Wow.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I disagree. I think it will further expose the joke that the AT&T Suckwork doesn't, well, suck. Protesting is the ultimate American expression of discontent - and there's a lot of discontent with the AT&T Suckwork.

    Protest away. Show the flaws.

    See AT&T Suckwork suck.

    See AT&T impose a data limit/rate on their Suckwork (beyond the $30 rate already)

    See Apple drop AT&T as a partner faster than AT&T drops our calls.

    See AT&T's Suckwork still suck.

    See AT&T's profits drop.

  • Noneya is fuck
    Noneya is fuck Posts: 6
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  • Noneya is fuck
    Noneya is fuck Posts: 6
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  • Noneya is fuck
    Noneya is fuck Posts: 6
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    waa it will be fine. Good luck in your operation. Be real.

  • Noneya is fuck
    Noneya is fuck Posts: 6
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    waa it will be fine. Good luck in your operation. Be real.

  • PM5K
    PM5K Posts: 3
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  • delco
    delco Posts: 4
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    Yes but hey they always complain iPhone takes up double that of a smart phone well no kidding maybe that is also why they charge us double to begin with for data.

    They have no problem locking people in and even lowering the price just before xmas for a refreb iphone for $49 to yet even kill the network more. They sure are not complaining about the amount of money the iPhone brings in or how many they are allowing on their network even though they know their network can't support it.

    They want to complain and they don't have the network to support it then open it up to other providers so they can let other provider split the load of the data. Oh no that will never happen cause then people would go to other providers and they would lose income better to screw the people and clog the network cause guess what crappy service still equals the same income as good cause if you want an iphone you can only have it with ATT.

    They are getting a ton of money from iPhone users period so why not make a bette network and stop complaining or open the iPhone up so other providers can have it. Or keep the price high on the iphone so they dont' have everyone buying it oh thats right again lower price mmore people more money and even less network and less bandwidth.

  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    Does anyone else reading all the comments here find the use of "AT&T Suckwork" extremely annoying after being constantly repeated? I realize this comment is completely useless... but I had to say it.

  • nsfw
    nsfw Posts: 35
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    Its funny. Why don't people talk about the "regionality" of the problem. In some places at*t is best and in other verizon, etc. It depends were you live.
    I live in NYC, a place where the iphone is supposed to suck. I've never had a dropped call and my data seems to be ok. So I don't know what the big issue is. Of course I don't drive around like an idiot in a car in manhattan, so maybe i don't see the issue. If anything its the GPS that sucks in nyc, but that has nothing to do with at*t.
    i'm also willing to bet that 10% of the iphone users take up 90% of the data pipe. most people are like my wife. maybe they check email once in a while. maybe they look at facebook. but she never streams video or radio on her device. I'm sure those 90% don't read blogs and don't really give a crap about metered pricing.
    I hardly doubt 1000 facebook users will be able to bring down at*t distributed over 1,000's of cell towers across the country. Especially when there are millions of iphone users in the country.

  • Hemingway
    Hemingway Posts: 0
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    This is exactly what I was thinking. Well said. Its time for ATT to spend some money to update their network and by update I dont mean just one small area in Northern California.