Google Nexus One Specs Revealed - Launching On January 5; Should Apple be Worried?

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageGoogle Nexus One Specs Revealed - Launching On January 5; Should Apple be Worried?

Google Nexus One is coming sooner than we thought. Folks at Engadget have unearthed some interesting information about the upcoming Android 2.1 handset from Google. The tech specifications of Nexus One looks pretty solid and what's more - the first commercial launch is less than ten days away - starting...

Read the full story here



  • jonny bravo
    jonny bravo Posts: 1
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    well thats enough to get me out of my itunes hell, t-mobile here i come

  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    I want one. They should let me try it. Everyone I know asks me what phone to buy, lol.

  • Vishnu
    Vishnu Posts: 199
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    They Cant beat the Operating system and multi touch, UI
    Mac OS

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 134
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    can this phone b jailbrake n can it b like iphone ..create themes.....if no,then there is no phone better then iphone....

  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    yea, apple should not be worried about current users; i only see a small number of people moving over to this. As for power users, google may come close but can never beat the iphone gui and apple's service. But if this phone is real, then its obvious that they will lose some people to google phones

  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    by real i meant not completely sucky btw

  • Distortedloop
    Distortedloop Posts: 64
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    I'm just not interested in a phone created and controlled by a company that's sole purpose is to find new ways to track, monitor and index every aspect of my life so that they can find ways to bombard me with advertising.

    The hardware specs sound great, but I'm pretty sure iPhone 4 will be a step ahead of this; just in time for my contract renewal on one of my current iPhones.

  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    I don't know what you're getting at here... Google's search engine became so successful because of its non-obtrusive word only sponsored advertisements that are also relevant to users searches.

    Their algorithms track how many sites reference each site and list search results based on this (they do not make money off search results unless it says "sponsored ad!").

    Google completely respects privacy issues. In fact, when the U.S. government asked for private information to help track down child pornographers, they refused to give it to them! They said they are obviously against child pornography, but the privacy and security of its users comes first.

    Google is certainly not attempting to "track, monitor and index every aspect of your life" and as I said before their advertisements are subtle not "bombarding" which is one of several reasons why its search engine is the best in the world!

    It sounds like I work for Google--nope just a college student learning a lot about the company, and I completely respect their innovation and what they have done for the world and the U.S.!

  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    Wanted to add this too--you are going to have ads either way when surfing the internet--wouldn't you rather have ads relevant to you that you might actually click! Have you never gotten anything positive out of an advertisement! Facebook ads are extremely targeted, which has given me some useful information on concerts, tv shows, etc.

    Bottom line--targeted advertisements = much more useful to surfers.

  • Distortedloop
    Distortedloop Posts: 64
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    Ah, the false wisdom of youth...

    All it would take is a court order for Google to be forced to hand over anything they I find that whole child **** tale you tell to be apocryphal.

    Google tracks and indexes everything you do, and are so set on doing it that they are now dropping cookies on your computer to track where you go on the web whether you used Google to get there or not.

    Just login to your account to see what all they have on you and how long they keep it.

    And yes, it's every aspect of your life they can get you to buy into it letting them track by using their products. Look at all the products they offer free of charge and what information about you they gather in the process: Your web searches, your email, your spreadsheets, your powerpoints, your text documents (Google Docs), your chat messages, and if you use GoogleVoice, they also have your voicemails, and some suspect even your actual voice sessions. All of it being scanned, indexed, and saved for future reference. Now they want to give you a phone so they can see what apps you run.

    I won't argue that targeted ads are better or worse than non-targeted, that's not the point.

    You can blindly put all your faith in Google's publicly stated intent to "do no evil", but I'm far from alone in thinking that they are gathering way too much information about us, all in the name of giving us better targeted ads. Google is a huge invasion of your privacy, and while you may be comfortable with that, many are not.

    You make the assumption that Google's info on you will never be hacked, never be sold, never be subpoenaed, and even that Google won't change its mind about what it can and will do with your indexed life history. I won't make that assumption.

    Bottom line for me - I'll use some Google services, I won't use others. Android and a Google phone currently do not offer enough benefit over and above other options that I am willing to give up that much more of my privacy to Google to use either their OS or their phone. I respect your right to choose a different path...

  • Matt K.
    Matt K. Posts: 1
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    The Apple iPhone pioneered all of these "spin-offs". Personally, although I strongly dislike AT&T, I believe that although it may be a competitor, it will not come close to the iPhone's lush user interface and simplicity. The iPhone really is a BEAUTIFUL device, standing still, and in action. Judging by the video above, the mere sight of all those tacky looking folders on the home screen repulses me. Live on Apple, the next iPhone will be the next device all of the competitors must raise their bar to compete with.

  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    I'm sorry to say... but I don't think anything is going to compare to the iphone anytime soon.
    Only a small percentage of iphone users know how to use there phone. The other ones just bought it because they thought it was cool.
    It has too much popularity among the dumb crowd who purchase whatever is the next big thing.
    It will never go out of style.

    So we can all stop saying "OH EM GE is this the new iphone KILLER?"

  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
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    iphone is the best phone ever.

  • Distortedloop
    Distortedloop Posts: 64
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    Oh, I'll add some missed points as well.

    There's plenty of documented news stories of people being convicted of a crime based in part on law enforcement authorities obtaining their search queries for links to the crime. 60 Minutes did a story on a guy who murdered his wife and then shot himself in the chest to make it look like they were both attacked. The authorities went to Google and found the several months early the guy had googled things like surviving gunshots to the chest. Google it yourself. ;-)

    Meanwhile, if you happen to have CNBC as a channel, coincidentally, I just turned it on when I got home and they were in the middle of their Inside the Mind of Google special - you should watch the 10 minute segment that begins about 16 minutes into the show. It raises some of the privacy concerns and has talking clips from both Google employees and EFF lawyers and other college professors and privacy advocates. I'm sure there's plenty of stuff out on the web to do some more research on whether it's something you should be concerned about or not. The EFF raises very good issues, and would be a fine place to start.

    Also, add your pictures, your contact lists, and your datebook/calendar appointments to the list of private stuff you're willing to hand over to Google in the name of better targeted ads being served up to you.

    So, Google knows what you and your friends look like (Picassa), what their names and phone numbers/addresses are (contacts), what your appointments with them are (calendar), what movie or restaurant you ate at (search engine), and what kinky habits you have (again search). And all of this is tied to you by your Google ID if you're logged in, and even if you're not logged in, it's tied to your computers ip address (easily revealed by your ISP) for at least 18 months.

    Are you really that comfortable letting a company that isn't regulated by any kind of privacy laws, just its own internal (and changeable) policies gather and keep such intimate details of your life, especially when their stated business model is to build a profile of you for advertising purposes...?

  • Simey
    Simey Posts: 1
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    "iphone is the best phone ever."

    amen to that :)

  • Caddouch
    Caddouch Posts: 35
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    TO DistortedLoop : i am so rigtht about Google **** man , i just Googled my name and i found some personal information that i would never want to disclose to people , oh thank you.. thank you..thank you...

  • Caddouch
    Caddouch Posts: 35
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    i meant to say :"you are right "

  • Caddouch
    Caddouch Posts: 35
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    I say NO NO NO .. Iphone is the **** Yeah Yeah Yeah

  • Caddouch
    Caddouch Posts: 35
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    i am not impressed at all by this Google **** , it sounds from the video that it is actually slower than the iphone 3GS , not as fluid and tactile as the iphone , the zooming is ok but lacking some stability , i would say some of the widgets are cool but the Apps seem silly and not impressing , i mean seriously guys , check the apps for the Iphone , some of them are made by freaking genius people and the games are amazing , thanks Google but No thanks ..

  • Krew_92
    Krew_92 Posts: 30
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    Hmm.... Why does everybody go for the iPhone.OH Wait! I know this is an iPhone website! hahaha Now I get it... This world isn't as one-sided as I thought!

  • Martin
    Martin Posts: 53
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    I am sick of iPhone's OS, its not live, the springboard isnt as manipulative as Androids...Widgets, live information, Desktop for customization options, open source code to create what you want...

    ...come on people apple is a closed box! Amazing software to hardware relationship in there products but to slow at providing what we want now!

    And you jailbreak to get features like this, i am sick of jailbreaking and installing all the things on my iPhone which only then makes it a good phone but by the time i have installed all the wicked programs to make it an up-to-date phone its running so much stuff that its the slowest phone in the world!

    I am moving on to Android and seeing if i like it better then apples closed money taking box!

  • Whizkid
    Whizkid Posts: 135
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    Google Nexus One has the best quality AMOLED display - way better than what the latest iPhone has. If you put iPhone next to Google Nexus One you would get the impression iPhone has a dust covering the display - so much better is the Google Nexus One's AMOLED-display. Something you have never seen before. Oh, and by the way, Nexus One has Qualcomm's Snapdragon processor which is running at 1GHz - that's about 2 times faster than the newest iPhone.

  • Whizkid
    Whizkid Posts: 135
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    Whatever you do, avoid Nokia products ;) Nokia has put out crappy products like N97 and N900 lately. Previous flagship product N97 turned out to be a major flop and now users are reporting the new Nokia N900 is constantly rebooting, has issues like dead microphones etc. Avoid that brand.

  • ruely
    ruely Posts: 1
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    and you don't think Apple has tracked your every move? ...

  • bob marley
    bob marley Posts: 8
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    Yea I'm definitely going to take a recommendation from a random person on an iphone hacking site...

    Read the post - this has nothing to do with Nokia products. No one cares or should care about your opinion unless the original article at least mentions a Nokia product. It doesn't.

    If you insist on posting an annoying rant anyway, then you better provide more substance other than just simply stating something like "this sucks. avoid it."

    For instance, do you have statistics or reputable sources that reference how many users are dissatisfied or how many handsets have failed? Do you know where to find them? Your personal experience with a specific Nokia product doesn't matter. A large sample from a population of Nokia users does, however. You are one statistic. Sorry, you don't matter. But the sum of everyone like you does matter.

    So get off your soapbox or go to another forum. Until then, try to stay on topic.

  • rolisqo
    rolisqo Posts: 8
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  • Krew_92
    Krew_92 Posts: 30
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    Please don't use caps it hurts the eyes!

  • Q
    Q Posts: 7
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    lmao - must be a bunch of 10 yearolds reading this site - "google sucks, my iphone is so much better"

    I have an iPhone 3G S, had the original iphone, upgraded to the 3G -- but believe me, Google knows what it is doing...and this phone and the android platform will surely put a hurt on apple and AT&T.

  • Gilberto Arellano
    Gilberto Arellano Posts: 32
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    I disagree because this phone should have been released a month ago in time for Christmas.
    But I think the android platform along with windows mobile 7 will bite off more chunks off of the famous Apple.

  • NO
    NO Posts: 15
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    YOu're a dumb duck