Why Do We Need A Tablet If We Already Have an iPhone And a MacBook?

Andy Posts: 1,127
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageWhy Do We Need A Tablet If We Already Have an iPhone And a MacBook?

With rumors about an Apple Tablet launch more or less confirmed to be true, it is only a matter of time before we actually get to hear from Steve Jobs about this. Rumors about an Apple Tablet have been floating for a long time now. Nevertheless the delay in the...

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  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
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    if you own an iphone and a macbook apple should sell itablet to you for half
    price because you don t know what to do with it.

  • Humberto Massa
    Humberto Massa Posts: 1
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    I know I want something like that (supposing it will have an affordable price tag) to read books and scientific articles, while at the same time taking notes and searching the web for references, all while lying in the bad, or at the club by the pool, or while commuting. A macbook is just too bulky for that. An iPhone is just too small.

  • David
    David Posts: 225
    via Wordpress

    There was a great cartoon that touched on this very point a few days ago on TouchMyApples--check it out here http://touchmyapples.blogspot.com/2009/12/reality-check.html

  • ZedSefi
    ZedSefi Posts: 130
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    I have lost my Dell Laptop recently, I got only iPhone 3GS & Toshiba Desktop PC. I was thinking about buying a MacBook or a MacBook Pro as a Laptop/Notebook replacement, until I heard about the iTablet, so here is the deal:
    I will buy Apple Tablet only if it can run Windows like how MacBook does and can run full Windows Desktop PC games like any proper PC or Windows on a Mac, otherwise I will go for MacBook or I may consider buying a gaming laptop (Windows based).

  • M
    M Posts: 30
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    I see it as a device for people with larger notebooks; and as an extension for those times when you want to do collaborative work. If I had one, I would use it for reading stuff on the bus while taking notes - Look Ma! No Clamshell, and no fiddling with a super-tiny keyboard. I would also use it during meetings to write - instead of type - notes [even though I am a fast typist, it is more distracting to the client to write on a laptop, than write on a notepad], and to easily share notes and information with the client, without having to turn a laptop around all the time.

    Then again, this may also go the direction of the Segway. Only time will tell.

  • zathrak@gmail.com
    via Wordpress

    I happen to be this exact candidate. I have an iPhone 3GS and a MacBook Pro. I'm very much torn on this little tablet idea. I think for $500-$750, it would be worth it. $1000 is too steep to justify for a netbook with touch capacity on a mac/touch platform. By the way, this is coming from the guy that admits to needlessly spending too much money on things like the Viper SmartStart app (total ending $750).

  • Todd Mengay
    Todd Mengay Posts: 1
    via Wordpress

    I believe that in addition to taking the next step in the evolution of personal computer, Apple is finally in a position to capitalize on the last and probably largest media/content market. Reading.

    Amazon's Kindle paved the way for electronic reading much like the early MP3 players did. But both products were limited in their design. While the Kindle does a good job of getting the printed word on the screen, it uses up valuable screen space by putting a physical keyboard on the device. Apple already addressed this issue with the iPhone.

    Also, the Kindle display gets the job done in terms of making reading comfortable on the device but it's doesn't do what Apple can which is give it the "Wow" factor. Just like Apple did when it introduced iTunes and the iPod.

    From the rumors that have been going around about the Apple tablet the interface is supposed to be the thing that makes the device exciting. Look at what they've done in other areas of user interface. Cover Flow for iTunes and the iPod, Touch Screen on the iPhone, and now adding album art to iTunes music. All of this flows very naturally into reading.

    I image that the interface on this device will take all of their previous work to the next level. They will make reading on the tablet much more like reading an actual book. Flipping pages instead of hitting a button, Book covers, color pictures, pages that look like actual pages. None of this is done by the Kindle. Apple gets what the other manufactures don't. Reading very much a tactile experience.

    In addition, add Apples existing web technology from the iPhone to reading, now you can click on word or phrase and go to the web to find out more about it.
    It's the perfect time for Apple to capitalize on reading. iTunes is now the largest retailer of music. They are continuing to grow market share in Movies and TV. And with the rumored subscription package for video, they could solidify their position here. Books, magazines and newspapers are the next natural step for iTunes.

    Also, publishing is looking for any help they can get to gain back the sales they have lost over the last few years. Books are taking a beating with the price wars between Amazon and Walmart, Newspapers and Magazines and looking to get back readers who actually BUY the product rather than get it for free on-line.

    It's a perfect storm for Apple.

    And just image when they take this concept to education. Imagine what they could do with text books for students kindergarden through College....

    I can't wait to see this product!!!