eBay Claims 1.5 Million Items Were Purchased via Mobile Site and iPhone App This Holiday Season

Andy Posts: 1,127
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageeBay Claims 1.5 Million Items Were Purchased via Mobile Site and iPhone App This Holiday Season

If there is one thing that this year's holiday season has emphatically proved, it is the coming of age of shopping via mobile phones. Following yesterday's news about App Store downloads reaching record levels this Christmas, eBay too is reporting a very good season. Thanks to the over 6 million...

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  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
    via Wordpress

    While holiday shopping this year, I made a purchase from Amazon.com via the iPhone app while looking at the same exact item priced twice as much on the shelf right in front of me. I use Amazon Prime so shipping wasn't an issue. It also comes in handy when something is out of stock, which is the most frustrating aspect of the physical retail experience.

  • ezmac
    ezmac Posts: 0
    via Wordpress

    eBay App??? Wow I thought that app was a dud....

  • vlad
    vlad Posts: 21
    via Wordpress
    Paypal functionality is available in Snappii apps. Everyone can add this useful feature to his apps to make purchases. It is really convenient.