Apple's Strategy To Generate Buzz: Controlled Media Leaks

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageApple's Strategy To Generate Buzz: Controlled Media Leaks

Every time a new device is on the verge of launch, we get to hear lots of rumors and speculations about it. While in most cases we have third party sources who claim to be 'in the know' regarding the product, there are times when the company themselves leak product...

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  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
    via Wordpress

    Well it all depends on how good this tablet is, Im sure it's not going to be as powerful as there mac books but on the other hand it's not really suppose to be just a labtop. I don't no I think it might cost around 1000 without contract since I heard maybe it will be with some carriers and should be cheaper like that. I sure don't want a contract with it. I have my own provider! I say 800 is a good price for it.

  • iPhone
    iPhone Posts: 104
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    It's over priced, even if it does have many more features then the kindle. $1000 is too much.

  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    maybe it has a core 2 in it, that would be nice (hacking anyone?)

  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    and for $1k it had better have something like that or at the very least a genie in a bottle

  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    Whatever it costs, it's gonna have to be so compelling that it will a) justify it's price and b) have a few very definite and very unique elements that would put it beyond standing between an iPhone and a MacBook/Air.
    Being as good or better a reading tablet as the Kindle could be one of the kind of elements I'm talking about. Connectivity could be another: ethernet, sd cards, firewire, usb, switchable batteries!!! etc. I'm sure there are many other things that can make it a must. I count on Jobs and his gang to surprise me (and then to disappoint, but that's another story).

    All this to say it could be worth the $1000, it may not.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Looks awesome, but no way I'd pay $1k for it... $500, 600, maybe even 7 or 750. Plus, I don't want to be stuck with the ATT Suckwork for data speeds...Hopefully it'll be compat with TMobile's 3g frequency...

  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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  • Macination
    Macination Posts: 14
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    With the slue of tablets being announced at CES 2010, at what seems to be a price range of $400-700, Apple had better aim low in pricing on this one or they will get left in the dust. Just look at NVDIA's new, little computer kit as a sign of where this is going. If Apple is going to come in around $1000, it better do a lot more than its cheaper rivals. And, if they have the outright stupidity to pair up with AT&T again, it's doomed out of the gate. We'll see...

  • Macination
    Macination Posts: 14
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  • Monkytits
    Monkytits Posts: 1
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    Hahaha...I love that "Popup" above is now a pop up ad!

  • ShaQ1nJ
    ShaQ1nJ Posts: 22
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    lol that's hilarious

  • kDub
    kDub Posts: 48
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    i just don't understand the logic behind everybody here complaining. if this thing has a 10" touch screen..and it does more than an iPhone..isn't it worth a $1000? if you don't wanna pay $1k, i get it...neither do i. but don't you know..the iphone 3gs was like $500-$600 (or was it more?) when it first came out? how the hell does it make sense to cost around the same price? consumers don't make sense..everything is just supposed to be cheap huh?

  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    I'm here at least once a day, I've never seen a single ad, popup, what have you on this site!! Ever! AdBlock Plus rocks! I'm waiting for it to be ported to GoogleChrome Mac, so I can use that. Don't go browsing with out it!