Nexus One Vs. iPhone - Can Google Nexus One Be An iPhone Killer?

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageNexus One Vs. iPhone - Can Google Nexus One Be An iPhone Killer?

Nexus One, the much awaited smartphone from Google is here. In an "Android gathering" held at Mountain View, the company unveiled their Android based handset. Google claims that the Nexus One is a league ahead of the current crop of smartphones and hence has chosen to call it a "Super...

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  • Chop
    Chop Posts: 1
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    I hope its not i love my iphone, i would like to try the nexus out though to see if it lives up to its hype

  • Pyroskee
    Pyroskee Posts: 9
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    Have to admit the Nexus One is a good competitor, but I'm anxious to see what Apple has in store later this year. They always find ways to surprise me... Apple make me proud!

  • Gerbil Slayer
    Gerbil Slayer Posts: 8
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    Even though the spoon and fork were invented, chopsticks are still used. The iPhone is no chopstick.

  • Martin
    Martin Posts: 53
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    I think this is the device to make Apple stop their annoying restrictions on what we can do with our iPhones - i.e. install any app and so on. If not, ditch the iPhone and buy a Nexus One

  • 1hihum
    1hihum Posts: 15
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    I really think that it's time to bury the phrase "iPhone killer". I really don't think that any such device will ever really come. There will be competetors for sure, but none will KILL the iPhone. The device has such a devout following now, and is literaly becoming engrained in todays tech and social structure, that it is no longer looked at as just a phone. It has become a digital Swiss Army Knife, and because Apple was so far ahead of the curve, others are just now beginning to get the picture. I have no doubt that Apple will do what is necessary to stay ahead of the curve.
    The one thing that will help the competition is the fact that the iPhone is still only available on AT&T. That is where the Nexus will have an advantage, at least for a short time. Googles DEEP pockets won't hurt it's chances either. But if they really want to see it succeed, they had better focus on the software side of the game. The operating system and the applications available will need to be top notch if it to truely compete with the best.

  • bryan
    bryan Posts: 57
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    Competition is always a good thing for the consumer... at least that's what I have been told by my economics teacher.

  • phosphorus
    phosphorus Posts: 39
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    I agree 100%, without the iPhone we would still have phones with processors slower than 300mhz and irritating touchscreens. This is all for the best!!

  • Vishnu
    Vishnu Posts: 199
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    iPhone is the best
    nothing can beat apple mac os UI in iphone
    Just Wait till june or the conference about 4.0 this month...

  • Chuckie
    Chuckie Posts: 13
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    I totally agree with what you say.

    Now the main focus should be on the software side/OS. I have both a Iphone 3GS and a Hero I use every day. My Iphone gets a a+ and my hero a a-.

    The software means everything. That's also why Steve Jobs said when introducing the first Iphone - that the average user only uses two or three applications on a phone. Because it's to hard and time consuming to go through all the different menu's. I would says that Android on the Hero is the best I have tried after the Iphone. However there is still a big difference between the easy access to everything on the Iphone and the stuff on the Android.

  • hookem92
    hookem92 Posts: 5
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    No other smart phone has a chance at being the si called killer. iPhone is too widely used and accepted. And there are hundreds iPhone accessories that are taylor made to work speciffically with the iPhone/iPod. I was always frustrated with the lack of accesories available for non Apple mp3 players that I owned. No other company, google included, can touch the power behind the Apple brand. iPhone will live forever.

  • Ray
    Ray Posts: 121
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    I think all opinions on these type board are not at all predictive of the success or failure of a device.

    We the readers of this and other type websites constantly argue and debate about who will win or kill the competition, yet we are NOT the average user.

    Fact is, we complain about the restrictions of the AppStore and the freedom of Google's system and think that has something to do with how cool, good or successful the device will be.

    We need to realize that the average user cares not about how restrictive an app store is and care less on how difficult development is.

    Consumers just want what is cool and fun. They could care less about the applications they never get to see, use or download. As long as there is a steady supply of quality applications they are happy. Extremely happy.

    Freedom of development and application distribution may mean more application choices for a consumer and thus may seem like a better platform, but that's just from our point of view.

    More applications and tons of choices can be a heavy burden and confusing for the average consumer. This is what I think Apple is trying to do. They are guiding the consumer all the while marketing their product.

    Developers are great, but at the end of the day it's all about selling units and making money. A completely open free system will ultimately fail in the US and many other countries.

    Marketing is a very delicate balance of coolness, fun and options.

    In the end, I think Apple and the caring control they provide is the winner and the better product.

    Best phone ever? Nope. Better than XYZ? Nope. Still the best option most consumers have and they show it with the numbers.

    What will happen when Droid gets the "Baby Shaker app?" I'm just asking.

    We are hackers and developers here. We look for completely different criteria than consumers. We want a phone for us and we are a minority of the populous of money making consumers.

    Fact is, we'll deal with whatever platform the consumer picks. This thread is kind of a null point.

    I've rambled on enough.

  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    lolol palm got owned in that comparison

  • Richard Kaye
    Richard Kaye Posts: 2
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    Good afternoon everybody slightly different subject

    I had an iPhone now as long as they have been out

    It is obviously a new standard has been for some time

    The other day I picked up a friend of mines telephone from Moscow

    and it was certainly a surprise the new HTC hd2

    The screen and the interface is excellent considering it is Windows-based

    After playing with it for one hour I put it down and carried on using my iPhone

    But I feel completely deflated now the screen size of it the field is absolutely nothing compared to this telephone hd2

    Yes the Alps on the iPhone are still 10 times better but as a telephone message in Internet etc what an incredible piece of kit

    I don't know if you have reviewed this phone would be interesting to see if you have

  • kdm
    kdm Posts: 1
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    a jailbroken iPhone can multitask quite nicely

  • Tankueray
    Tankueray Posts: 18
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    I both agree and disagree. Yes, the average user doesn't really care. The average user upgrades their phone every time their contract comes up. As more average users start using smart phones (thanks to the saturation of the iPhone), they will be tempted by the newest, shiniest thing on the market. So you will have people that:
    a) buy one just to say they have one
    b) buy one because they are anti Apple/AT&T
    c) buy one because it's the newest thing

    But, I also wouldn't underestimate the users that are really fed up with AT&T and buy one because they can put almost any SIM card in it. Apple needn't worry about loosening their grip, because most users aren't like us. Apple does need to get the iPhone on other carriers fast though; if they don't, I think that's where they'll take a hit in market share.

    So I predict that Apple will meet android's standards with 4.0, and they'll start selling an unlocked (not jailbroken) version. They do that and they're golden.

    I was all ready to buy me a shiny nexus one the other night just to play with, but then I saw that it wouldn't work on AT&T's 3G network. How do you stream video and such without a 3G connection?

    Can anyone tell me if T-Mobile's data is as good?

    A list of US GSM providers is here:

    What major brand would be as capable as AT&T 3G for data? (I've always had an AT&T company, so I don't know any better.)