Apple Refuses to Return Stolen iPhone to Rightful Owner

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageApple Refuses to Return Stolen iPhone to Rightful Owner

Controversies are not new to Apple and here's yet another one, which has the blogosphere rallying against Cupertino for what they call is an illogical move. This is about a recent Consumerist report which vilifies the company for taking sides with a cellphone thief and not with a loyal Apple...

Read the full story here


  • dxs101
    dxs101 Posts: 52
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    hey guys here's my story first off I feel so bad for you over what happen people are effed!
    But apple was on my side sorta 2 months back my 3Gs had battery problems indie some self diagnostics and called apple blah blah they said so prob we'll send u an empy box u put your phone in send it to us and we'll give u a new one..

    K so 2 days later apple calls me said the box I Sent was empty :o
    I broke down lol my precious baby gone..
    Anyways after 2 weeks of my case apple and fedex had no clue so all I had to do was sign 2 forms and scan and send to rep bam new iPhone on the way:).
    So moral of the story be patient you'll get what u want and get a friends iPhone 3gs serial number say it's broke get a box re send it empy and get a second iPhone
    free :D

  • Jessiejames
    Jessiejames Posts: 3
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    Give it back!!! yay first comment!

  • jessie james
    jessie james Posts: 4
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    lol nv i got beat.

  • jessie james
    jessie james Posts: 4
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    haha i forgot the m too!

  • CristV77
    CristV77 Posts: 51
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    its is also a good idea to register ure products with apple, i had my computer stolen, and now, if someone takes it to the apple store to get it fixed, all over the globe there is an note from apple that says that my computer has been stolen; get all the info from any device: mac address, serial number, part num, everything, and then, just registered with same apple, ive done it, no computer back :(, obviously, but its a security policy (Y)

  • CristV77
    CristV77 Posts: 51
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  • CristV77
    CristV77 Posts: 51
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    btw, just imagine all that every single company would have to pay if they have to give devices back, just cuz ppl say so, and have no prove

  • JJBinks
    JJBinks Posts: 1
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    Me sah tinks: always 2 sides to a story, not enough info to judge. Police report: lesson learned!

  • Fitzer
    Fitzer Posts: 1
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    why cant the police get the address of the person who sent it to apple for a replacement(the thief) and then investigate further

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    She should show the serial on her box and match it with the phone of the thief,( if she has the box)

  • San
    San Posts: 10
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    but then she could of sold the phone to the alleged thief

  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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    Her phone wasn't even jail broken. Well if my iPhone would ever be stolen I guess it's over for me because if apple finds out my phone is jail broken I guess that would take me and a lot of ppl from getting there phones back. That's why I have backgrounder! Nobody get to play with my phone.

  • Mike S.
    Mike S. Posts: 4
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    I don't understand why Apple is being vilified over this. It's not up to them to determine who the phone belongs to. The only thing they know is that this guy turned "his" phone in to them to be fixed, and that's that.

    It's up to the police and the courts to return the phone to this girl, if it turns out that it's truly hers. But, without filing a police report, I'm not sure how much of a case she has. It's a "he said, she said" kinda thing.

    So, again, why is this Apple's fault?

  • sHAsHiLx
    sHAsHiLx Posts: 4
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  • Gilberto
    Gilberto Posts: 17
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    This has a chance of being a scam so apple cannot risk it and play police she oviously didn't care for the phone if she did not make a police report shortly after the incident.
    Remember that incident "there's a finger in my chili!" wendy's reputation suffered unfairly for that.

  • dxs101
    dxs101 Posts: 52
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    Bro... My iPhone was actually stolen in the mail.. I was saying that they don't ask for much and you could daily get a free iPhone... I paid for mine

  • Jonny H
    Jonny H Posts: 47
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    I think they should ask the other person, who might've stolen it, where they actually purchased the iphone BEFORE this became a public issue. If they said they bought it at the apple store OR they name someone ELSE that they bought it from then that may be proof that they stole it.

  • Countssebastian
    Countssebastian Posts: 0
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    You have a good point but still that would take one more step in the ligitimacy of her situation,

  • sahid
    sahid Posts: 57
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    nice try... anything stolen.... police report....lost... police report.. there was no way apple would give an iphone just like that.

  • nerdkill
    nerdkill Posts: 6
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    The real Apple policy that should be investigated is their moisture strip policy. Turned my phone in for warranty because volume button stopped working. They said it wasn't covered because one of the moisture indicators was activated. My phone was my baby and when I told them it had never been in water or out of my site they explained to me that it could be activated from something as simple as being in your pocket when you're sweating or too close to the shower. They don't mention that when they sell armbands to work out with. When I brought that up they just said tough luck. My new Droid has a much better policy including lost or stolen. This girl wouldn't have had the same problem if she had a Droid.

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    WOW, i think that legaly apple should have to give the phone back, the serial no. should show up on att's records showing that she is the original owner, unless the other person has some type of personal receipt or document "signed" by Alisa showing that the phone was purchased.

  • Tom K.
    Tom K. Posts: 1
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    Sounds fishy if she will not file a stolen property police report. If she did and the other person can show or prove she transfered ownership or gifted it, then she would be guilty of a felony. I think we are only getting part of the story! All she has to do is file a police report then sign up for the free trial of the Apple program that let's you "Find My Phone".

  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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    Apple is not wrong for refusing to turn the phone over to her. They need proof. Anyone can make up a story and put an "officer" on the phone to talk with apple.

    I hardly believe an officer would even offer to talk to apple about it if she didn't file a report. Simple answer: FILE THE POLICE REPORT.

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Everyone makes mistakes and I'm sure the cops blew her off or talked her out of filing one in the first place. Believe me, it has been done. The moral is yes, always insist on filing the report and I'd even go a step further and call Apple and see if they will put a flag on the phone serial number.

  • hoho
    hoho Posts: 1
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  • montklem
    montklem Posts: 1
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    shi she shouldve file a police report, just like with any other cell phone companys

  • guajira
    guajira Posts: 1
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    Apple called my company # yesterday and said your new replacement phone is ready for pick up... in New Hampshire. Problem is I don't live anywhere near NH and I didn't ask for replacement.

    I said I have a new iphone and everything is fine... but is this about my stolen iphone? Well it turns out the iphone and serial # I reported stolen to Apple and Police, Apple was not able to repair so they gave the little convicts a new iphone with all my associated business and personal info.

    Should I buy more iphones, MacBook Pros, software, iPads & MobileMe accounts for my company when they provide fabulous support to criminals?

  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    It's a phone. So there is a phone bill being sent to a name and address listed for that phone. If she can prove that her name and her address are the same as the phone bill, then she has proved that the phone is hers. End of story, end of drama, end of this thief and his stolen phone.