New Apple Patent Talks about Stylus for Capacitive Touch Screens

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageNew Apple Patent Talks about Stylus for Capacitive Touch Screens

When the iPhone was first launched, stylus based touch screens were the norm. The iPhone thus revolutionized the mobile phone space with finger operated touch-screens. However, going by a recent patent filed by the company at the US Patent and Trademark Office, it appears that Apple could well be looking...

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  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
    via Wordpress

    My take is I can't wait till the 26th like this all stops. But does it really ever stops. NEVER!

  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    I would love the option to use a stylus, but not be required to use it. I have kinda big fingers and find that sometimes I have trouble with precise movements and I feel that a stylus would really come in handy. Just dont MAKE me use it, offer it as an option.

  • Jomir
    Jomir Posts: 3
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    I hope that Steve Jobs don't introduce an stylus into iphone because criticizes all the phones that use stylus pen when he was presenting the first iphone in the apple events 2007.

  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    yea even if it were a good idea, they most likely wouldn't, because they already bashed styluses in '07. but then again, they bashed those stupid intel processors in what was it? 1996? and in 2006 they introduced them in all of their macintoshes and mac has never been better.

  • Jo3
    Jo3 Posts: 2
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    It would be nice for artists who want precision when drawing because we all
    know those USB based boards suck to draw with.

  • CheeseEater
    CheeseEater Posts: 40
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    A stylus on the tablet would be a must for taking notes- electronic paper style, you just can't write with your finger as fast or accurately as with a pen/stylus. The iphone, not so useful a feature.