Which one is Hotter? Apple iPhone or Helio Ocean

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageWhich one is Hotter? Apple iPhone or Helio Ocean

When Steve Jobs announced the iPhone during this January's Keynote address, he made it the landmark keynote, the reason: the Apple iPhone is a landmark device, and as Steve Jobs stated a really smart smartphone. So does it mean the iPhone will have no competition when it is launched, definitely...

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  • moodle
    moodle Posts: 1
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    Hi, #1 under Advantages of Apple iPhone as compared to Helio Ocean still contains reference to Nokia N95 (shoudl change it to show screen size of Helio Ocean instead)

  • Brady
    Brady Posts: 7
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    I have the helio ocean. It is not a smart phone. By definition, a smart phone allowes developers to create stand alone programs that can be ran on it. It is not open source, it is not a smart phone.....it's a helio.

  • Pierre
    Pierre Posts: 9
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    excuse me but I had a ocean and I don't have one now why you think that is I'll tell you why beacuse I got an iPhone and it does even start to compare with the iPhone trust me look all good now but get and thats when th problems start but no not with my iPhone and for all those other dumbphones comin at the iPhone I got one things to say "buttons" man this doesn't even start I got so much to say it can wait for another time
    and if any of you iphoners out got ant questions or comments hit me up at pierjefferson@aol.com

  • orland
    orland Posts: 1
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    well y have been with helio for 5 months but got my ocean 1 month ago and i love it, but i would capare it with the iphone,they are diferent in many kind of ways both are great phone but i will tell you this...if the ocean would cost 500 like the iphone how you think it would look like? chrome and toch screen? well the iphone like the ps3 its all about style but the xbox 360 with less money keep up with the ps3 right? with the cost of the iphone y buy my helio ocean and and an ipod with 30gigs.

  • crystal
    crystal Posts: 3
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    You people are ridiculous. You have no idea how to write properly. I believe (and this is completely my honest opinion) that the Helio Ocean is far better than the Apple iPhone. With the comparison listed above, I prove my point. I've owned an Ocean (until recently, because I dropped it in the pool), and I do say that the 3G network was exceptionally quick, instant messaging was a breeze (which the iPhone does NOT have), and picture messaging was great (which the iPhone also does NOT have). Other features not included in the iPhone (or that are inferior to those of the Ocean) are a GPS system like Google Maps, over the air music downloads, content sharing, mobile gaming, stereo bluetooth, myspace, a camera (WITH FLASH AND ZOOM), a video camera, and a removable battery. Case and point: Ocean kicks the iPhone's butt.

  • crystal
    crystal Posts: 3
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    Click my name for the link.

  • Daniel Thomas
    Daniel Thomas Posts: 1
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    the iphone is singularly the most advanced piece of phone technology on the market, both hardware and software wise. everyone on any similar boards who is complaining or whining about the lack of this or that on the current iphone incarnation is forgetting something very important. the iphone is running a modified version of LEOPARD! an extremely advanced and maleable system. apple has already said that a great deal of new functionality will be released in the current iphone once the new OS comes out in october. Because the hardware itself can already support at least another two or three years of advancement by itself, those early adopters among us of the iphone are looking forward to a solid year or two of "easy as pie" software updates through itunes and "capability releases" through the iphone itself adding all the functionality and task management, etc etc that we can ask for from a phone.

    Any other phone or company will leave you needing a new piece of hardware at the very least in a year at the most. The iphone IS the solution to the smart phone market... maybe not just this very instant, but very close as it stands now, let alone after a few updates and the iphone begins to feel more like a touch screen laptop, and less like a phone.

    I've had some great phones over the years, including some of the first ever gsm network phones in this country, and my iphone is better in every way than any one of them. even if some function is missing i know that space will be filled by either apple or web 2.0 developers. the helio, the blackberry, heck even Palm for that matter is about to learn the same lesson as microsoft vista... you're toast and its just a matter of time.

  • The00Outlaw
    The00Outlaw Posts: 1
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    Along with your so called 1-2 years or updates, you'll also be seeing the many 17 different generations of iphones in multiple colors and ridiculous storage for itunes songs and now ringtones which of course you currently have to pay to make them. Hence, you are simply paying into a giant cash cow. Oh, congrats on Apple for taking a page from computer companies and making everyone feel out of date every 6 months. Finally, if I am going to pay 400+ not including the 2yr sc with ONLY ATT and T all for the joy of having a scroll coaster with virtual keypad minus anything for the business world, it better make me some f****ing toast in the morning.

  • Kevin
    Kevin Posts: 154
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    Sorry to you idiots who own Oceans and for some inexplicable reason came to an iPhone Hacks site: iPhone is better. It's much more modifiable and already, in it's first generation of life, just under 4 months after its release, has much better capability than the Helio.

    And learn to type, dammit, you all look like you've had a major stroke and are trying to type with your tongue. Idiots.

  • Blake Messick
    Blake Messick Posts: 3
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    um, duh
    why are you helio people on an iphone site anyway
    u idiots
    wait a second...
    u were checking out the cool stuff on the iphones weren't you...
    naughty naughty

    but that's cute how you guys hide your true feeling for the iphone by dissing it.

    grow up, get a PHONE
    the iPhone

  • Logan Taylor
    Logan Taylor Posts: 1
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    Internet is free to surf and free to debate on...everyone is free to the magic of self centered opinions they themselves create. Secondly, who decided to start up the English police?

    From personally owning both phones (Both Iphones & Multiple Helio phones) I have come to these facts.
    -Helio phones seem to break EVERY TIME they upgrade to a new product...I am on...phone 8 now.
    -Though they break all the time, I have never had a problem switching out for the next product they put out.
    -My iphone, though I have dropped it numerous times...it fails to break for me.
    -Though I say that, my sensors and audio all started getting sketchy around 2 months.
    -When I want to switch out to get the latest iphone, I have TO PAY for the latest iphone.
    -Seem to aim for the,"OoooOooh look at what I can do!" demographic.
    -It sells.
    -Don't aim for the corporate users (though the iphone is slowly making it there)

    Though replacement may not be a big thing for some, I find it crucial. If I want the newest thing, and I am paying for your plans...I might as well get some good service.

    Honestly, neither of these companies phones are currently doing anything for me that makes what to flaunt them in public, or parade with them down the street and pretend im the only,"cool kid in town" with one.

  • Gee-Hoff
    Gee-Hoff Posts: 3
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    Blake Messick...if thats you real name. lets break it down to brass tacks. both phones are good overall and both out way the other of aspects. iphone shiny yes and the stronger media player being a open program and all. the ocean far beats apple for customer service and with a stronger network. so all it comes down to is what you want to pay for, and media player that can call people? or a phone that can move more ways than one?

  • Gee-Hoff
    Gee-Hoff Posts: 3
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    Blake Messick...if thats you real name. lets break it down to brass tacks. both phones are good overall and both out way the other of aspects. iphone shiny yes and the stronger media player being a open program and all. the ocean far beats apple for customer service and with a stronger network. so all it comes down to is what you want to pay for, and media player that can call people? or a phone that can move more ways than one?

  • Gee-Hoff
    Gee-Hoff Posts: 3
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    Logan Taylor...if thats you real name. lets break it down to brass tacks. both phones are good overall and both out way the other of aspects. iphone shiny yes and the stronger media player being a open program and all. the ocean far beats apple for customer service and with a stronger network. so all it comes down to is what you want to pay for, and media player that can call people? or a phone that can move more ways than one?

  • thehitman
    thehitman Posts: 7
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    Gee-Hoff...if thats your real name. And I don't think it is because Gee Hoff sounds like a pretty silly name.

    But lets break it down to the brass tracks. The Iphone IS shiny, and it DOES uberpwn the Helio Ocean.

    Regardless of what others say, I still fail to understand what the heck you are doing on an iPhone forum. Is it because you want to be a troll, thinking that making fun of a way superior product will make you feel better about your Helio?

    Why don't you just get an iPhone and get rid of your piece of trash? After all, its not a phone dude. Its just a Helio.

  • kyle
    kyle Posts: 67
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    You know, just because this is an iPhone site, does not mean the people on here are any more intelligent and that this site can be just exclusive for the iPhone.

    I have a Helio Ocean, and while browsing the web(funny thing about that, YOU SEE EVERYTHING.) I came across the review of the Ocean and the iPhone. Funny how I ended up here.

    Now, as far as some of you Apple FanBois(girls) are reacting to people trying to review your own phone, I just have one question; Are you 12 years old?

    By the way, I have ALL Apple Products at my house, except the iPhone. Funny, huh?

    Now, as far as my comparisons:

    The iPhone:

    Well, a great product from an amazing company, it still lacks something.

    I am a BIG texter, I text up to 3000 a month, however, even after getting somewhat used to the virtual keyboard on the iPhone, I still had some trouble with it. I like to be able to feel the buttons when I type, that way, I don't always have to look. However, on the iPhone, I have to constantly pay attention to what I'm typing.

    The EDGE network from AT&T sucks. That is all that can be said about it. It just plain sucks.

    The e-mail, virtual voicemail, Youtube, and other features on the iPhone are an amazing idea, not to mention including a full version of OS X. And Safari! Oh Safari.

    Now, on the Helio Ocean:

    This phone is amazing. It may not be as pretty and shiny, as some of you have stated as your reasons for buying, but it is JUST AS functional. If not more.

    The UI is easy to navigate and gets you what you need, right there and then. I love the interface for the messenging center, everything in one place is an awesome idea. I love I can just go to the messenging center and check my text, AIM, YIM, MSN, and e-mail.

    Also, when I am in landscape mode, I love that I can search my contacts or the internet! just by typing. And the fact that the search hits Google, Yahoo, and Wikipedia is very nice.

    Unlike the iPhone, I can make custom ringtones, and I can download music wirelessly.

    Oh and did I mention that it has 3G? Downloads, the Internet, and searches are extremely fast. It may not have Wi-Fi like the iPhone, but I use my MacBook Pro to browse the internet Wi-Fi, not my phone.

    So, all-in-all, each phone is great. However, what sold it for me was Helio's plans. I have unlimited everything, for the same price I would pay for a 1000 minutes and 3000 text messages. I don't believe you can top that.

    Also, AT&T's customer service is the worst, if not worse than Sprint's. I had a little misunderstanding when I first received my Ocean, but I couldn't even muster up anger at the lady, she was too nice.

    Oh and by the way, I had a Sidekick3 for a really long time. I hated it the whole time. I've also owned a PPC6700, same thing goes, hated it too.

    Oh and just an FYI, if you're going to try and prove a point, next time, you shoud make it legible and grammatically correct. Otherwise, you just look like an idiot from the get-go.

  • kyle
    kyle Posts: 67
    via Wordpress

    You know, just because this is an iPhone site, does not mean the people on here are any more intelligent and that this site can be just exclusive for the iPhone.

    I have a Helio Ocean, and while browsing the web(funny thing about that, YOU SEE EVERYTHING.) I came across the review of the Ocean and the iPhone. Funny how I ended up here.

    Now, as far as some of you Apple FanBois(girls) are reacting to people trying to review your own phone, I just have one question; Are you 12 years old?

    By the way, I have ALL Apple Products at my house, except the iPhone. Funny, huh?

    Now, as far as my comparisons:

    The iPhone:

    Well, a great product from an amazing company, it still lacks something.

    I am a BIG texter, I text up to 3000 a month, however, even after getting somewhat used to the virtual keyboard on the iPhone, I still had some trouble with it. I like to be able to feel the buttons when I type, that way, I don't always have to look. However, on the iPhone, I have to constantly pay attention to what I'm typing.

    The EDGE network from AT&T sucks. That is all that can be said about it. It just plain sucks.

    The e-mail, virtual voicemail, Youtube, and other features on the iPhone are an amazing idea, not to mention including a full version of OS X. And Safari! Oh Safari.

    Now, on the Helio Ocean:

    This phone is amazing. It may not be as pretty and shiny, as some of you have stated as your reasons for buying, but it is JUST AS functional. If not more.

    The UI is easy to navigate and gets you what you need, right there and then. I love the interface for the messenging center, everything in one place is an awesome idea. I love I can just go to the messenging center and check my text, AIM, YIM, MSN, and e-mail.

    Also, when I am in landscape mode, I love that I can search my contacts or the internet! just by typing. And the fact that the search hits Google, Yahoo, and Wikipedia is very nice.

    Unlike the iPhone, I can make custom ringtones, and I can download music wirelessly.

    Oh and did I mention that it has 3G? Downloads, the Internet, and searches are extremely fast. It may not have Wi-Fi like the iPhone, but I use my MacBook Pro to browse the internet Wi-Fi, not my phone.

    So, all-in-all, each phone is great. However, what sold it for me was Helio's plans. I have unlimited everything, for the same price I would pay for a 1000 minutes and 3000 text messages. I don't believe you can top that.

    Also, AT&T's customer service is the worst, if not worse than Sprint's. I had a little misunderstanding when I first received my Ocean, but I couldn't even muster up anger at the lady, she was too nice.

    Oh and by the way, I had a Sidekick3 for a really long time. I hated it the whole time. I've also owned a PPC6700, same thing goes, hated it too.

    Oh and just an FYI, if you're going to try and prove a point, next time, you shoud make it legible and grammatically correct. Otherwise, you just look like an idiot from the get-go.

  • sergio
    sergio Posts: 13
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    well 1st of all i was going to get an iphone then xcame acroos the ocean read some reviews on both tried them both out and decided to get the ocean, i got my ocean for 99 dollars with a rebate thats 300 dollars less then the iphone, since my parents were going to by the iphone while i play the plan i also got some things for my ocean

    ocean- 99
    sbh500(bluetooth headset,good)-70
    extra battery with charger-50
    car charger - 15
    2gb micro sd- 25
    helio carrying case-20
    screen shield- 6
    garmin car holder- 30


    with taxes and ship equals 370
    which is still less then the iphone and i got more accessories then the iphone.
    plus th plan is better u got unlimeted everything for
    $99 a month, and they recently added a youtube app which is more youtube integrated then the iphone, and opera mini isnt as good as safari but ide say its around their shows exactly what original page shows,i do like the iphone but no questions asked i would choose my ocean with all those accessories over the iphone any day

  • Special-K
    Special-K Posts: 2
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    well i don't own either of these phones, I'm looking at this site because I'm trying to figure out which to buy. heres what i do know so far:

    the iPhone is awful nice looking. shiny and smooth. the touch screen is great and the looks of this device attract everyone like a bunch of flies to a bug zapper. (this is how apple does everything) no i am not saying microsoft is better than apple..they both suck the big one..but i think apple is worse overall. the apple does have a few nice features and does look MUCH more attractive than the Ocean..

    but the Ocean, has much better features in the long run. it has Video (period). as in the iPhone does not make video..how Lame. the Ocean lets you make your songs ringtones (period again). as in the iPhone does not do this at all..how Lame. i do believe i saw somewhere that the iPhone does not support some form of IM, which is very lame because thats all some people use phones for in some cases. like a lot of women for example. there is no comparison on the connection speeds: iPhone uses EDGE (ghey) and the Ocean uses 3g (awesome). and dont forget the batteries..why is apple so stingy that they cant let you take care of the battery yourself? why must they make you send in all their little toys so they can do it like they want to be everyone's mama? and of course the iPhone uses ONLY apple formats on music and video..the ocean uses many more than just those. and of course the iPhone doesnt work with certain microsoft software because they want to be a pain. and lets not forget the fact that you MUST USE AT&T with the iPhone. dont even get me started on how HORRIBLE AT&T is.. with the Ocean you get sprint or Helio (which uses sprint towers and FREE roaming with Alltel and one other company) so you have service everywhere. and the Helio has great customer service, they were telling me jokes and we had a ball on the phone.

    i think i'll name the iPhone a beautiful disaster..who agrees?

  • Special-K
    Special-K Posts: 2
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    ah yes, i forgot some things about the Ocean. it has a flash and zoom..iPhone has neither. and all the GPS capability with that buddy system feature. no..the iPhone doesnt have that either. oh yes, you can send pictures with the Ocean!! isn't that so great and revolutionary? no? oh yeah, thats been around for years..but the iPhone cant do it.

    i know, the iPhone has this wonderful browser that works great on any page, i don't deny it. but i would take the awesome speed of the Ocean over that wonderful browser any day.

  • divine0313
    divine0313 Posts: 1
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    i looooove my helio ocean... i'm so easy to reach and it's just as easy for me to reach anyone i wish, the reception is great. i live in manhattan and can sometimes receive a call even when i'm on the train. and the all unlimited plan is just great... peace

  • Fingers
    Fingers Posts: 71
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    Have you any idea how sad an boring you all sound????

    Thats one of the biggest human rights isn't it? The fact that we are all allowed to have different tastes! You like the iPhone, buy it, you like the ocean, buy it!!! Either way, quit bitching! Nobody really cares! I have an iPhone, and i love it! Others may hate it, in which case, all you have to do, is not ask to borrow it!!! SIMPLE!!!!!

  • Dave Dent
    Dave Dent Posts: 1
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    chill out you bunch of 8 year old girls - who gives a **** as long as i can make calls send texts and browse web & email? they are probably both good. i got an iphone and i love it - update 1.1.3 is fantastic but people who like the ocean great good for you. its all mines better than yours etc. grow the **** up

  • brain
    brain Posts: 2
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    I had a Helio Ocean for a year prior to changing to an iphone, the reason being service where I live and pressure from my wife. I tried to return the iphone 17 days after I got it but was unable to because of their funny 15-day rule. Note, I tried to return it. Surely the Ocean is not considered a smart phone but there were some things I needed on my phone that the iphone was unable to provide. I have a 2 year old son whom I like to take pictures and recordings of and so does my wife but, the problem with the iphone is the camera is plain ridiculous, no zoom, no flash and no recording. In the 21st century, a phone that can't record! Let's just say I get the picture, I can't text it to a friend neither can I recieve picture texts from a friend without going through a very laborious pathway of user ids and passwords. With my Ocean, I could do all that and it was cool. It's not a phone, it's an Ocean. After 9 months of using my iphone, I come to the conclusion, that it's only good for going online because of it's browser and for checking my email. Were my Ocean service good where I live, I wouldn't be on this site.

  • The00OutIaw
    The00OutIaw Posts: 1
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    you sir are a retard... people didnt directly type in iphonehacks.com and look for this shitty forum... they googled it like i did and are then directed to this forum by the search engine

  • Carroll B. Merriman
    via Wordpress
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  • Davis Rochat
    Davis Rochat Posts: 1
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    Totally any thumbs way up. All of the best!