Research Firm Blames AT&T's Poor Network On Disproportionate Wired Network Spending

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageResearch Firm Blames AT&T's Poor Network On Disproportionate Wired Network Spending

The problems with the AT&T network is well known and documented. According to Gerard Halleren, the director of research at TownHall Investment Research, the reason behind the network woes is not just because of the exponential growth in data usage, but also because the company has "shortchanged" its wireless infrastructure...

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  • Tofani_chokro
    Tofani_chokro Posts: 1
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  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
    via Wordpress

    i told you that long time ago.att does not want to spend money because ceos want
    all the money .but once verizion will have the iphone att will out of business.

  • Guest
    Guest Posts: 44
    via Wordpress

    Well yeah, they've got U-verse to worry about, and since bundling services is the "way of the future," they're trying to get U-verse service out to everyone as fast as possible so that more potential customers can get all their media services through AT&T. And fiber is expensive.

    Not justifying their decision in spending money the way they did, but I can easily see why it's the case.

  • Zac
    Zac Posts: 0
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    I have been a happy customer with AT&T for over 5 years. I live in a small town of around 70 thousand and we have had 3G service for about 2 years or more now. My calls never fail, I never have poor call quality or reception and data speeds constistenly top 1.5mbps.

    However, I live about 2 hours away from the bay and each time I get into the heart of SF my service is spotty at best, and im forced to switch to EGDE unless i want to constantnly switch back and forth to 3G.