Top 5 Advantages | Apple iPhone VS Nokia N95

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Top 5 Advantages | Apple iPhone VS Nokia N95

The revolutionary Apple iPhone is probably the most awaited gadget after a very long time, but the Nokia N95 is also an impressive device, and one that has been dubbed to be one of the top high end smartphones for 2007. So will it be the iPhone killer?? In my...

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  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Actually, there's a 4 GB microSD card coming out for the N95.

    Do you think it matters that the N95 integrates with several online services (flickr, vox etc.) out of the box?

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Hi Chris,

    The 4GB microSD is definitely a positive for Nokia N95, however the evaluation criteria was to look at what the smartphones have on offer out of the box.

    I believe the 4GB micro would need to be bought as an add-on and would imagine will be quite expensive. The N95 is already more expensive that the iPhone and such essential addons will make it even more expensive.

    As for N95s integration with several online services out of the box, iPhone with its advanced Safari browser should be able to make it easy to access such online services as well.

    Thanks for writing and do come back again.

  • LarsG
    LarsG Posts: 1
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    As an owner of an N95, let me add a few points:

    You ask for it, the N95 has it. Well, that's an exaggeration but when it comes to hardware features the N95 has the iPhone beat hands down. The most notable would be GPS, 5Mpx camera with video at 480p30, 3G (HSDPA class 6 = max 3.6Mbps. EDGE maxes out at 300Kbps on a good day), stereo bluetooth and the MicroSDHC memory slot. There is also accelerated 3D in there, which most software unfortunately doesn't take advantage of.

    It does come at a cost - both in $$$, size and battery life - but having everything in one single device is great. One negative is that it doesn't come with much internal storage. There is that memory slot, however. 4GB cards are available now, and the SDHC standard goes to 32GB.

    The Browser:
    The browser that comes with the N95 is, like Safari, based on webkit (see ) so it should be able to handle the same pages that the iPhone does. So both phones have a 'full' web browser, as opposed to many other smartphones out there. The iPhone is however superior when it comes to navigating the pages.

    The OS:
    Smartphones are seriously lacking when it comes to the operating systems available. Symbian (e.g., SonyEricsson and Nokia) has improved over the years and does provide multitasking, but it is still a quirky embedded OS. Windows Mobile is.. well, the less said, the better. Writing applications for smartphones is harder than it should be, and the mainstream smartphone OSes have more in common with embedded than they have with what is running on our PCs. There are some fringe devices that run Linux, but they don't have a large enough market share.

    So when Apple announced that OSX would be on the iPhone, I was absolutely thrilled. Finally a real OS in a mainstream phone! Which makes it even more disappointing when Apple locks it down. With webapps being the only option for 3rd party developers at the moment, one would be hard pressed to call the iPhone a smartphone - unless Apple opens up, it is a fixed feature phone with a great browser. Oh how I wish it wasn't so, because we desperately need someone like Apple to force the industry to put proper OSes on the smartphones.

    The iPhone wins on the OS. Please please please with a cherry on top Apple, open it up for 3rd party devs or the potential is simply wasted.

    As a stopgap measure, Apple could at least have provided J2ME. While Java Mobile Edition has its limitations, it is the only cellphone Lingua Franca at the moment and there are a lot of nifty little J2ME apps out there.

    The UI:
    iPhone wins. No question about it. The N95 also has a 'full' browser, music and video players but in terms of making it all 'just work' in a seamless and pleasant way Apple is still king.

    This really makes me wonder what would happen if you could marry the N95 hardware with Apple's design and software.

  • tanais fox
    tanais fox Posts: 1
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    The comment:

    "5. Radio: ... you'll have to use the included headset to access the radio, since it acts as the tuner."

    Is not true. Both my iPod earbuds and my Etymotic ER6i's both work with the N95 without need for any controller so the radio is obviously built into the N95. All tuning functions are implemented on the screen. When an incoming call happens it uses the N95 in handsfree mode, it cuts out the radio volume and passes the audio to the earbuds.

    Plugging in ordinary ear buds prompts the N95 to ask which hardware is being plugged in and then it adjusts itself accordingly.

    You might want to adjust your comments in section 5. of this article accordingly.

  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    Hi... i've had the n95 in Australia for about 2 months and i have to that im pretty impressed, there is not alot that this phone cant do. 3G service is very good however one of the very many features i really like is its ability 2 make VOIP calls through either W/LAN or the the phones service provider (though im not sure of the costs of the second option) as far as im aware the iphone does not support this option.

    *Note - some phone company's lock this feature... do a search in youtube for more info

  • Kim
    Kim Posts: 29
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    To start off I must admit I'm a bit of a fanboy of Nokia but N95 blows. The whole N series IMO is just a bad idea. I do however like the E series they have now.

    And then this review. Now I must say I'm quite happy with my iMac. But the iPhone... Ok Apple did bring the MP3 player to everyones awareness and made it popular to boot but the phone is just not a phone. It's a flashy iPod with something on the side. And a bad side at that.

    There are a few things that I think sucks in this review...

    1. Advanced Safari Browser
    Apple can't code a browser for the iMac and I'm supposed to believe it works on their phone... Yeah right... It's doesn't even work properly on Win Xp.

    2. UI... has been done before. Nokia made it earlier it just never gained any popularity.

  • Alex Reyes
    Alex Reyes Posts: 1
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    First I would like to say that the iPhone is a much sexier and slicker phone but the fact that it can't record videos annoys me... hopefully they make some kind of software update that I can sync so it would do so.

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    hi. I think it really comes down to the fact that the nokia has so many more features than the iPhone, but what the iPhone does, it does exceptionally well. I had a nokia n95 and now I have an I phone. I love how smooth the iPhone is at everything but I loved how I could do everything on the nokia! And rob, safari doesn't work too well on windows because its made by apple for an apple os, apple have only ported it to windows. After raving on to everyone about my nokia, then getting an iphone, i think i prefer less features but smoother fjnctionality, and web browsing is far better because of the screen size and great input methods

  • Miguel
    Miguel Posts: 23
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    OS X as an advantage for the iPhone is a joke. It's used as a fancy menu. What a waste.

  • Ricardo
    Ricardo Posts: 14
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    lol..n95 looks like a ugly.

  • Barry Whitefeild
    Barry Whitefeild Posts: 1
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    Wlndows Mobile 6 professional absolutely murders Symbian.Most problems were due to sets not having enough ROM and RAM.Use a TyTN II and you will see a far better os and phone than osx I-phone and the vastly overrated symbian and n95

  • anonymous
    anonymous Posts: 106
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    I have both the iphone and the N95. Im using both on 2 dieferent networks at the same time.

    Although I have a few issues... Iphone is a good device. The best infact. Hands down no arguement. It is the best ipod ever! I love the touch screen interface. the videos are nice not like those small screen ipods(well except for a dead pixel). Its beautiful design and the os is just the best yet in phones right now. Its a really interesting piece of equipment. I cant remember the last time I've taken this much interest in a phone...

    Now that I'm done praising the Iphone. lets start looking at the flaws. As I said its the its the best ipod ever...
    Sorry for you guys who are really die hard iphone fans, but your not gonna like what i have to say.
    I send a lot of sms a day and make enough calls. With the lack of features in my iphone it really is a drag. I send more than 100 sms messages a day, and calls more than enough.

    The Iphone as a phone is really lacking. Iphone wouldnt even be in the top 10 for me if we look at it as a phone(maybe bottom 20 even). Lets face it. I like the way they designed it but it lacks a lot of features. Features that you can find in almost all the handsets available now in the market including most china branded phones.
    features like being able to save some of the sms you recieve in a folder for later use. features like being able to selectively delete messages and calls.
    features like being able to type a few letters to find contact you need. Sure you can scroll. but having close to 500 contacts will take a while(so apple designed this phone to be used only with a few contacts then).
    and its really anoying that sms doesnt have a draft folder which could save unfinished messages. or not being able to highlight and copy paste a few words or sentences.
    no hands free dialing. Fragile earphones that broke just after a day of use. small loudspeaker and not even stereo(cant hear it in a noisy place which causes me to miss quite a few calls and messages). You cant change the sms ringtones and a few other alerts like alarm(i use alarm to wake me up with all my other phones and this one just dont cut it. Not being able to change the alarm tone to a louder and longer alarm just wont work). The vibration alert is much to short.

    What ever Iphone can do it can out do most of what N95 can. But if why compare it to an N95 its not phone enough yet...

    If you ask me it feels like the guys from apple where to busy developing Itouch then figured they just slap in a sim card. Concentrate locking the hardware and network and be greedy. I still like the Iphone. But its just my backup phone. N95 is still more phone than Iphone...

    If apple continues to lock these Iphones it wouldn't be too long for Iphones clones to appear. Considering that Iphone users cant add 3rd party apss and might not be able to connect update. Im begining to think Iphone clones just might be a good idea...

    I hope windows and other os would start making phone os as good as the iphone. Then Steve Jobs could keep his iphones. If he wants to sell them dont lock em. best way to lock anything is not to sell em!

  • Paul
    Paul Posts: 239
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    Barry Whitefeild is right. N95 is still more phone than Iphone...
    I have iphone from june 07. I hate iphone. I realy hate it guys. too many thing to explain... I never use n95, but after blackberry pearl iphone functionality make me anger. what I like from iphone is safari, no more.

  • anonymous
    anonymous Posts: 106
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    Still Iphone is the best Ipod ever. I just hope Apple stop being acting like microsoft. Microsoft wanna be!

    Actually I think Apple is worst than Microsoft right now... At least microsoft doesn't try to lock any hardwares!

  • Swoosh0217
    Swoosh0217 Posts: 3
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    Iphone is far better than N95. Iphone is much sleeker,sexier and the screen images are just amazing! What else would you want with a phone? Allot of people complained about Apple didn't put enough features on this phone but come to think of it. It's a simple multi task smart phone that lets you surf the net(built in wifi),txt message,listen to music,watch videos,check emails and answer a call. It has all the functionality you need on a phone. That's how simple yet innovative it is...

  • Swoosh0217
    Swoosh0217 Posts: 3
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    We found the reasons why they made the phone as simple as it is... so the main functions, SMS, internet, iPod, phone calls, calendar, mail, etc... all work when you want them to.

    People complain that Iphone lacks features although you can unlock your phone and download 3rd party application but the more stuff you install, the more unstable it becomes. There aren't any third-party apps that I can't live without anyway. The iPhone already has everything I need. =)

    Being Filipino, I was influenced by others to basically use Nokia phones. We had the 6600, 8210, 6610 and our latest was the n73. But after using the iPhone... I think Nokia has to rethink what to do with their phones.

  • Swoosh0217
    Swoosh0217 Posts: 3
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    We found the reasons why they made the phone as simple as it is... so the main functions, SMS, internet, iPod, phone calls, calendar, mail, etc... all work when you want them to.

    People complain that Iphone lacks features although you can unlock your phone and download 3rd party application but the more stuff you install, the more unstable it becomes. There aren't any third-party apps that I can't live without anyway. The iPhone already has everything I need. =)

    Being Filipino, I was influenced by others to basically use Nokia phones. We had the 6600, 8210, 6610 and our latest was the n73. But after using the iPhone... I think Nokia has to rethink what to do with their phones.

  • raihan
    raihan Posts: 1
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    i like iphone its way better then nokia n95

  • Peter
    Peter Posts: 110
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    I phone is just a waste i love my n95 8gb it has everything i need plus a ton of extras i dont plus it comes factory unlocked

  • Johnny Tep
    Johnny Tep Posts: 1
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    I just want to quickly say that most flaws described can easily be adjusted by downloading 3rd party apps and/or new software version. Unlocking your iPhone is a joke now with ZiPhone. I've been using it for 2 weeks now. I had the same dislikes as most ppl. And, naturally if you have something you dont like about your iPhone, odds are, some else has the exact same dislikes...that's why and how applications are created. Hacking your iphone allows you to tailor it to your needs. Sure it sounds complicated but I knew nothing about it and became very familiar with installing apps and tweaking my iPhone within 2-3 days.

    I recently converted from a SE W960i. Most ppl would think i'm insane for doing this (as most reviews lean in favor of the Sony Ericsson), but I honestly dont see the problem. I have a better resolution, a more tactile screen, safari kicks the crap out of Opera for web browsing, and i can download any program or game or anything i want as long as theres a nearby wi-fi connection. Some things that you can't argue:

    -the fact that there's no flash for pics (but the only time i use flash for pics are in the club and I'm so wasted the pics come out blurry ne way..also due to the fact that the flash makes your snapshot slower...)
    -limited plug and play: with the SE you just plug it and you have a folder and you simply drag and drop music, pics, videos and unplug..then you're ready to go! now you need itunes and syncing and blablabla
    -No marking and mass deleting (which is good for the clumsy ppl i guess)

    Conclusion: I love my iPhone since I am at liberty to change whatever i don't like about it thanks to applications.

    That's all I can really think of right now.
    (Sorry for going on about the SE..I am aware that its a N95 VS iPhone thread)

  • Ash
    Ash Posts: 40
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    That is it, I am sold, N95 its is, especially since they have the 8GB out now, NOKIA still rocks!!! thanks for all the input guys, it helped me decide, really!

  • Mufassa2
    Mufassa2 Posts: 1
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    See the N95 might not kill the iphone, but there is alway the N96 with 16 gigs of built in memory, yeah thats the same as the new iphone but uh oh wait it can take a 32 gig micro sd card, that just pushed the memory to oh umm 48 gigs of memory, personally i think both the phones are great, that bein the N95 an the iPhone, i own an N95 used to own an iPhone, but personally the 95 is the way to go for me an cant wait for the 96.

  • SP
    SP Posts: 14
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    hi there i am writing from Singapore. actually both iPhone and N95 are the best phones mankind ever created. Nokia fans out there, we are sure to agree that a whole lots of tasks can be accomplished just by clicking the centre button repeatedly on an N95. Nokia phones seem to understand what i wanna do next and all i need to do is simply press the centre button most of the time.

    connecting it to a wireless access point is a breeze. can u imagine when launching the browser, the next thing N95 does is to search for the wi-fi access points available. u just select the appropriate wi-fi access point and click. if no authentication is required, u r into the site u want in seconds. oh yes, i dropped my n95 several times and it still works fine. iPhones will be coming to Singapore (and as announced by Apple, it will not be lock-down) in September 2008 and the service provider which won the contract is SingTel. i have 2nd thought to get an iPhone now after playing around with the iPhone belonging to my manager (he got it from the internet which is non lock-down). i am both a MAC and Windows user. MAC does not bother me with viruses, malwares, spywares, worms, etc. It saves me lots of time from meddling with the hardware and wiring as what i am always doing to my Windows PC. but the iPhone is still an ideal phone for me yet. i am surprised that iPhone feels like my iPod (video). Heavier, looks fragile coz of the glass screen and not sweaty-palm friendly. My current N95 is like a unseparable companion to me. it has multiple alarms which i can set and i can even enable or disable them accordingly to my lifestyle. the alarm clock is just like windows task scheduler. try uploading photos taken with ur N95 and uploading them to friendster or facebook via wi-fi. no problem at all. try to view and play Youtube video or MTV using emTube apps. u can even save the flv files and play offline. Podcast? yes, it play podcasts. just subscribe to any free podcasts and get them updated just by connecting to any wi-fi access point. no problem. there r just so many things i depend on my N95. i am looking forward to upgradeing my current N95 to N96 or the 8GB N95. until Nokia rolls out its multi-touch phone, i may be getting Linux-based Nokia N810 too.

    oh yes, almost forgotten to let u guys know i read news web feeds in my bed until i dose off (and N95 dropped off my hand)....


  • roshaun
    roshaun Posts: 1
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    i wouldnt call the n95 a iphone killer but i would chose it over an iphone. Yes, the iphone does have more appaeal but with the thousands of free downloadable apps (look it up) and countless great games for the n95 (the only iphone games ive seen are ones on the web, thats lame!).

    Id rather have a phone that does what i want and need than a phone that looks cool for everyone else.

    The only reason the n95 is sold here in the us is because ther was such a demand for the n95.

    Anyways since im going to be paying so much for a phone im going to wait and buy a n96. YOu can take videos and pictures and it will actually tag where you took them, "flipin' awesome!"

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    Well since the announcement of the iphone 3g, i just switched my old iphone to a new nokia n95 8GB
    its my first day using the n95, i know what its capable of but to installs apps, now, i find the iphone easier xd, I really miss web browsing with safari, and when conected to a wifi, i think the old iphone was more stable ( i mean keeps more signal strengh )
    the N95 speakers really are way much stronger an clearer than the iphones, but when using the handsfree headphones, the iphone really won there, they looked just like regular headphones, the mic was so small and cool to answer chancge music...
    not like the big box that the n95 has, and i tried conectic the iphone hands free, to the n95, it doesnk work :(. anyway, im still happy with the n95, cause of all the apps im thinking to get, but the iphone now has lots of usefull and cool apps,, since people that develop apps por n95 usually do for symbian phones, they arent as many accelerometer apps, as the iphone, i love nokia phones , always did and always will, but with the price deference and comparisioon of what both can do, i will definitly trade the n95 for the iphone 3g

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    Well since the announcement of the iphone 3g, i just switched my old iphone to a new nokia n95 8GB
    its my first day using the n95, i know what its capable of but to installs apps, now, i find the iphone easier xd, I really miss web browsing with safari, and when conected to a wifi, i think the old iphone was more stable ( i mean keeps more signal strengh )
    the N95 speakers really are way much stronger an clearer than the iphones, but when using the handsfree headphones, the iphone really won there, they looked just like regular headphones, the mic was so small and cool to answer chancge music...
    not like the big box that the n95 has, and i tried conectic the iphone hands free, to the n95, it doesnk work :(. anyway, im still happy with the n95, cause of all the apps im thinking to get, but the iphone now has lots of usefull and cool apps,, since people that develop apps por n95 usually do for symbian phones, they arent as many accelerometer apps, as the iphone, i love nokia phones , always did and always will, but with the price deference and comparisioon of what both can do, i will definitly trade the n95 for the iphone 3g

  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    i wanted to ask a question does nokia n95 have a full web browser like the iphone ?so it can open any web page you want and in the normal design of the normal comptuer ?please reply on my e-maim

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Yeah i agree with SP. There's lots of s60 apps popping up every day for the n95. There are also greater exploitation of the inbuilt accelerometer in n95. I would say the only clear advantage of the iphone over the n95 is the stunning user interface.

  • Iphone SUx Cock
    Iphone SUx Cock Posts: 1
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    1. I like the fact that N95 can scan barcodes. I use that function often.....
    2. Also, try to make that into a media server.. works great..found this accidentally!
    3. Control your computer, ie playing movies and pause, stop, new movie, etc like a remote control..hey I am bit lazy. :)
    4. Try Irremote.....lolz

    ......and the countless others not even worth comparing to iphone.

    With that saying, IPHONE CAN SUCK MY BALLS.

  • anu
    anu Posts: 1
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    The iphone hacks info is something different & new also.But unlocking an iphone is not easy. But unlocking Nokia,LG,Motorola etc. canbe done @ easy only. i got the unlock instructions from & unlock code from ebay.