Apple Tablet's Software Will be The 'Game Changer' and Won't be Priced 'Anywhere Near' The $1,000 Ma

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageApple Tablet's Software Will be The 'Game Changer' and Won't be Priced 'Anywhere Near' The $1,000 Mark

Folks at 9 to 5 Mac have revealed that according to their contacts in the publishing industry, Apple is in talks with publishers to bring their content to Apple Tablet, which is widely speculated to be unveiled at the media event on Wednesday. According to the report, Apple is claiming...

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    CHO_MAMA Posts: 1
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    I Hope it's Somewhere around 400 - 500 $$$

    I Might consider buying it!

  • Xattica
    Xattica Posts: 16
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    If is $400-$500 this will be my first time doing a row for something!

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    if apple dropped prices on computers and their products they could take over all of computing and sink microsoft by saturating the market with their computers and other products. so if they price this tablet lower then that 1000 dollar mark they could crush the kindle and other e-readers

  • ohjayp
    ohjayp Posts: 21
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    lets be realistic, theres no way it will be $400-$500, the iphone is a 10th the size of this thing and is retail value is $699. it will be at least $1500 and up from there. Probaly depending on hard drive size.

  • NyxoLyno Cangemi
    NyxoLyno Cangemi Posts: 0
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    The Apple Tablet will NOT be just an eReader. Hence, it will cost more than a Kindle. It's larger than an iPhone, hence, more than the iPhone ($699). It will probably cost $1,000 with subsities to reduce it's cost, or a 3G-free version for a lower price like the iPod touch. And yes, Apple could flood the market by dropping prices, but they're not the kind of company that makes "cheap computers."

    if you want a cheap piece of crap, buy a Dell, HP, Acer, etc. If you want quality, buy a Mac. It's what seperates Apple from the rest of the industry.

    Sure, Apple may have about 6% market share, but you know who else does? Porche, BMW, Rolls Royce, and Jaguar all combined .... And THEY'RE all doing just fine.

  • Rcas
    Rcas Posts: 53
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    Apple computers are only good because of their hardware specs.. I'd submit to you that if you put a windows machine with the exact same specs against a Mac, the windows machine would be just as good if not better. Anything running a quad core with a SSD is gonna out perform a dual core with a HDD.

  • at&tHaTer
    at&tHaTer Posts: 21
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    Get it straight fools.. they say "Nowhere Near"...

    so you can expect this thing to cost around $3000


  • aj
    aj Posts: 82
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    NyxoLyno!!! i respect your opinion to an extend, i do agree with you, i lov apple's laptop designs, and how sleek and simple they look yet look fashionable as well, but i will never, and i mean never use a MAC OSX OS (I AM AWARE that you can run windows OS in the MAC OS)!!!! its not a bad OS in fact its quite good, but im used to having 10 ways to do one task (WINDOWS),as with OSX THERE'S REALLY ONLY ONE IF NOT MAYBE TWO WAYS TO DO ALMOST ANY PARTICULAR TASK, at the same time, that's the main reason why many people new to computers lov it, there isnt 10 different ways they have to learn, there's only one or two which makes it look, and feel much simpler to next computer novice!!!

    Now, when talking about quality!!! the CPU is from intel, HD from seagate, western digital, ect. and the motherboard from ex. ASUS!!! and the video card is only a nvidia IGP 9400m with shared memory (its ok, but nowhere near my expectations). I will again give exclusivity props again towards apple in their physical laptop design,and their awesome tech support, but that's where it ends!!!

    in other words, their insane prices, dont justify the means/quality+specs

    SONY VAIO's are also great but your paying for their brand (SAME as APPLE)!!!!

    HP's are great, affordable, yet good specs!!!, but lacking in physical design in my opinion!!!!

    NOW to the subject at hand!!!

    in my opinion, i know that people are stating that this tablet is gonna be more expensive than an iphone because its bigger which in return, parts are more expensive, so in other words, realistically the tablet might be close to the 1000 dollar price point.

    but personally, to me, a tablet is not a cellphone, even if it has the gsm antenna built into it, the reason i paid top dollar for an iphone is because of how small and portable the device is with the amount of power and funtionality built into it all in one!!! so to me, an iphone is worth more than a itablet any day of the week!!!!

    in all

    if this tablet is more than $400 dollars, then id much rather stick to my alienware netbook, and my iphone

    FYI: the most powerfull netbook being realeased this feb is the alienware m11x which can run almost any video game on high settings for under 1000 dollars, if i had to pick between itablet and this netbook at the same price!!
    id pick the netbook

  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    Apple makes their own motherboard designs dumbass