Steve Jobs on Google, Adobe Flash, Next Gen iPhone, New Macs and more

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imageSteve Jobs on Google, Adobe Flash, Next Gen iPhone, New Macs and more

Wired is reporting that Steve Jobs had a town hall meeting with Apple employees late last week following the launch of their latest creation, the iPad. At the town hall meeting, he is rumored to have spoken on quite a few topics such as rivalry with Google, reason for not...

Read the full story here


  • Bnort
    Bnort Posts: 0
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    Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is an "A+ update"?

  • karl
    karl Posts: 113
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    what does he meen by a a+ update?

    EL GRANDE NERDO Posts: 2
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    i am wondering the same what is a A+ update

  • DD
    DD Posts: 15
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    it's like an A+ mark ;)

  • phosphorus
    phosphorus Posts: 39
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    Everyone above me has never had an A+

  • Jmags
    Jmags Posts: 1
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    Dont get me wrong, I like the enthusiasm and Im excited for the update but shouldn't everything released be A+ ? It shouldn't take Google to kick start Apple.

  • Munjintsen
    Munjintsen Posts: 1
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    Jmags, what are you talking about? Apple got a kickstart years ago when Steve came back to Apple and they have been on a dead-run of non-stop innovation ever since. Google just may have given Apple a rallying-cry, probably bad for Google.

  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    Hummm, I like A+ but according to what standards...
    New macs may be giant ipad displays that work with wireless keyboard n you can take on the go...

    In the future everyone will be walking round with their led touch computers in the I~man bag looking for flash

  • Rusty
    Rusty Posts: 12
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    Who the hell does Steve Jobs think we are. "Flash is too buggy" First it was it wouldn't run smoothly now its too buggy. If its so f****** buggy then why are the vast majority of videos on the internet flash based. HTML5 is at least another 4-5 years off am I supposed to wait that long to watch a simple movie even the lowest end laptops can play today. Just come out and say it you don't want the iphone to support flash because flash games would cut into the app store's profits. Flash will also never come to the Ipad since the iphone and ipad basically run the same OS it would easy for hackers to port it over. F*** you Apple. As soon as google works out the bugs with flash I'm getting an Android.

  • Alessandro91
    Alessandro91 Posts: 4
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    I am a web developer. I've been making web sites for 8 years, and 4 years ago I started making WebApps in JavaScript/AJAX.
    I TOTALLY AGREE with Steve Jobs.
    To use Nietzsche's words... Flash is dead!

  • klutch
    klutch Posts: 54
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    The sad part is even with out flash a jailbroken iPhone is still years ahead of anything out there. But personally I love pogo games and hope to play it one day on my iPhone. Buggy? Crash? It's my iPhone let me make a choice for myself. Like turning off spotlight god i hate it.

  • dxs101
    dxs101 Posts: 52
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    lolll, has no one ever had a A+!.

  • aaa
    aaa Posts: 19
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    I agree with you. Yes flash has issues but Apple could say to Adobe "you need to meet these requirments to get flash on iPhone and tamPad." or just say "flash will destroy the app store."

  • aaa
    aaa Posts: 19
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    If you read the adobe flash pm page, they are 18 months ahead of their anticipated flash distribution on computers and mobile devices with back in feb 09 having flash player on more than 1 billion devices. Other than in you fanboi world is it dying. Besides what is going to take it's place? QuickTime with it's ever changing gamma, propritary codecs? I doubt it very much. Show me an html 5 framework that allows me to play and I will switch. Till then flash is the only way to get this sort of thing done quickly and easily.

  • aaa
    aaa Posts: 19
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    You are right - I think apple has been coasting on the iPhone. While the first iPhone was revolutionary, the next two have been evolutionary. Oppenheimer was defending AT&T on their last earnings conference call. If you are blind to users feedback on AT&T then you aknow that they are absolutly living in their own cloistered world and flash, multitasking etc are nit going to make it till either the competition cleans their clocks or consumers stop buying their product. I don't think that the ipad will be revolutionary - it is hardly evolutionary being just a large form iPod touch and when people don't buy it maybe it will send them for an infinity loop an wake them up to what consumers want.

  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    The whole reason iPhones, iPods, and the iPad don't run flash is due to memory limitations on the devices and Flash was built for desktops.. For example, the 3GS only has 256 MB of ram. Also, if Apple allowed Flash it would make things possible that they have control over in the App Store. So obviously HTML 5 makes more sense since these devices exist and the standard for HTML 5 is being drafted out. I kinda think it might be quite a wait...

  • Phaiz
    Phaiz Posts: 4
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    You were just bagging on Apple for not implementing flash because it was too buggy... and say you are going to move to the Android "as soon as google works out the bugs with flash"..... isn't that the same thing that's stopping Apple from adding flash?

  • Jonny H
    Jonny H Posts: 47
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    So the new iphone is not going to be a new iphone, but merely an awesome update? lame.

  • DarthRa
    DarthRa Posts: 0
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    Jonny H...I think he meant the "next iphone," (and not the next update) will be an A+ update. So, I def interpret it as a new iphone altogther that will be a superior update to the current 3gs. But hey, who knows.

  • unreal
    unreal Posts: 51
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    Google is not trying to kill the iphone. Google is trying to kill the iphone business model; single company gatekeeping between providers and their users.

    If google could release any software and provide any service they wanted to iphone users, and had a guarantee that Apple wouldn't stick them up for a "toll" while threatening to lock them out, Google would not have given a rat's ass about iphone any more than any other end-user platform.

    But for Google to allow itself to base their future business on the "kindness of Steve Jobs heart" would be criminally negligent.

    Steve Jobs wants to control everything the user can do. For the users own good, of course. Because Steve knows best.

  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    ipad will sell like hot cakes my friend. your just a nerd, apple doesn't market to you, they could careless about you.

  • aaa
    aaa Posts: 19
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    @s and read around, most people have a wait and see approach on the tampad. I am a nobody to apple but the power of many nobodies no buying an ipad can send a message. Anyway, who are YOU Nick? An ATT troll? Ooo suc a big shot you are who can use words like 'hot cakes' - I should change my mind on the ipad just because such an 'important' guy like you says I should? But strangely I won't.

  • ybt
    ybt Posts: 102
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    Hah, that's funny iPhone will always rule the phone market that's for sure. They will come out with something that will blow our minds, and that will blow the nexus one right out of the water. Apple doesn't want there stuff to be laggy and buggy like googles android os is.

  • ybt
    ybt Posts: 102
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    And steve is right about flash it is very buggy and i completely understand why he will not implement it into the iPad, iPod touch, or iPhone.

  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    Ok, remember Steve is talking about flash for a mac and not windows. According to just about everyone with a mac, flash does not work to well.

    Adobe and Apple need to come to terms and work together. I am tired of not being able to go on all websites jsut because these two companies cant agree.

    We pay good money for these iphones, make them work with everything. Not much left to make that happen.
    We all love our iphones, we just need them to continue to get better.

  • gbwiz
    gbwiz Posts: 1
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    Ipad is not the device that fits to you rather than you fitting to it. It does not just work. If it did I would be able to view flash if I chose to on a device I purchased. Flash crashes mac's?? Fix it¿¿. Make no mistake.. We the people.. We the consumer.. are not stupid. Alot of us love your product(s) and vision(s) but we demand to heard as customers. I love the Ipad but will not purchase one after being burned on the Ipod touch I and II, as well as the Iphone. Why is there no simple USB port on the Ipad? I may want to print from it. The one I find the most interesting is that you can not multitask with the device... Nuts!!!!! No offense but you need to get off the ship more often. Keep this up and you will lose momentum as the competitors creap up. They are hungry.