Adobe CTO Responds to Apple: "We Don't Ship Flash With Any Known Crash Bugs"

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageAdobe CTO Responds to Apple: "We Don't Ship Flash With Any Known Crash Bugs"

Apple's decision to not support Flash on the newly unveiled iPad has brought the company's war of words with Adobe back to the limelight. While a lot of users have expressed disappointment over Apple's position, Steve Jobs has maintained that Flash is "buggy" and that the world is moving to...

Read the full story here


  • Travis
    Travis Posts: 35
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    Adobe's position may have been right a few years ago, but times have changed. Ask anyone in IT. Over the last 10 years, I have seen a high percentage of Flash Crash. My company and many more are removing Flash and making it a company standard to not use it. I won't even go into the Acrobat issue we've had because of Adobe's laziness.

  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    Flash for JB iPhones and stuff the rest.

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    I thinks Jobs should realise that most of the iphone/ipod customers now are windows users. Apple should not release a new product without flash. And they should get it working in the current relases. Who knows maybe the new Zune phone will be an iphone killer. We need to wait and see but wake up Jobs give us flash now

  • samsungjack/iphone3g
    via Wordpress

    give flash to the jailbroken team then if apple not going to allow it.Apple have to many rules

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Apples refusal to allow Flash orientated gaming (and / or) software. Is in my mind a way of Revenue Protection hidden behind the 'buggy' comments.
    If allowed, Adobe could rip the guts out of their developers talents and produce a compatable iPhone Flash player in next to no time.

    Have said it before: Why don't Apple just open their doors to all devs? Host the standard Appstore alongside a JB AppStore. They could use Digital Signatures via whatever medium to allow 'Owners' like me to choose on activation whether I'd like a standard iPhone, with a Full Warranty, or a JB apps option with Hardware Only Warranty. Apple could still beast the standard devs with vague rejections and leave the JB crowd to the 3rd party guys/girls. All under one roof, money saved on labour (software issues) Money made from 3rd party devs, 1 iTunes, 2 sections, user chooses path on activation or some other foolproof way of avoiding the "I did it by mistake" screams
    (I'm well aware that when something is deemed foolproof, the world produces a better fool)
    if I were in Mr Jobs's position, I'd be considering it, Buy Cydia/Rock then integrate the whole kit & caboodle into a one stop iTunes shop, half policed, half tolerated.
    Reckon if they did adopt the above, devs would leave Android in favor of Apple, rather than the other way around.
    Make any sense to you lot??

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    yea give the jb team and flash and like snapture once we make it look good then apple will adopt it. apple needs to stop telling us what we need and give us what we want. it may be their product but without us buying it it dont sell

  • DSG
    DSG Posts: 6
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    ^That's not going to happen!!

    As flash is still so widely used buggy or not, Apple are making a mistake by not supporting it they could just fade it out as the newer HTML5 or equivalent becomes more wide spread.

    Apple decided that they know best and it doesn't matter what the consumer want, if you ask me that's one way of sailing up sh!% creak with out a paddle

  • DSG
    DSG Posts: 6
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    I was talking to TimW when I said 'Thats not going to happen!!'

  • E4tH
    E4tH Posts: 0
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    sounds like a mess that apple wouldn't want to deal plus it would be a real pain in the ass for apple store sales people to explain this to regular consumers and in the end create a lot of confusion. plus people can use software to misuse the hardware so that wouldn't work because there is going to be a-holes that are going to trick people into downloading apps like those just for kicks.. thats why apple has a controlled apps store so that the people that don't know what they are doing don't come running to apple genius bars screaming at them.. of course apple also controls the apps store for their personal gain but overall i believe its to protect the stupid people from themselves.

  • Anonym
    Anonym Posts: 18
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    Flash on iPhone would make me the happiest person on Earth.

  • asda
    asda Posts: 2
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    tell adobe to release it on cydia
    so we can see for ourselves if it works or not
    has anybody seen flash running on a iphone 3g ???

  • tiony
    tiony Posts: 1
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    i think it is selling just fine, no thanks to you.

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    Apple just wants us to have to buy games through their biggest success which is I tunes, if they allowed flash we could play 98% of those games and programs through any gaming website like

  • jefferson
    jefferson Posts: 1
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    Honestly, that's a childish excuse from apple to not support flash. I feel like they want to release flash later in the future for marketing reasons or something greedy like that.

  • LoneWaffle
    LoneWaffle Posts: 17
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    I agree with ASDA. Running Flash through the jailbreak community would quickly give us answers as to which side of the story holds more weight. One thing that I dislike about installing jailbreak apps is that whoever created the app could've easily implemented a routine to track my every move. I'm not as worried about that happening with AppStore apps. I still jailbreak and install apps through Cydia, but I sometimes wonder what could be going on in the background. Sort of makes me feel like I'm using a windows machine again...

  • E4tH
    E4tH Posts: 0
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    no really flash is a POS.. there is no lie there.. if they released flash for the iphone i bet the genius bar would double with people bitching about often crashing.. apple is making the internet a better place promoting html5 instead of going with flash.. adobe should have made it stable back in version 2 or 3.. and we are at what like 10 now..

  • Pyroskee
    Pyroskee Posts: 9
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    I know first hand how Flash can be buggy, and even unusable at times, and to be honest with an iPhone that's working harder - let's face it, a JB phone doesn't run as smoothly as a jailed one - why would i want such a buggy extension. All i'm saying is that Adobe could surely convince Apple of its "prowess" if it worked on the Mac version of Flash first. And just as a side note, it's obvious the lack of Flash isn't hurting the iPhone as it is still reigning high above the Droid, Palm, etc.
    We'll just have to wait and see how it all turns out. Hopefully iPhone OS 4.0 will have some kind of sit in for Flash. O_O

  • DSG
    DSG Posts: 6
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    Soz TimW I wish it would happen, but I belive Apple have become what they said they hate

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    it would end the cat and mouse game and if Apple utilised a request scheme, then the sales gompers wouldnt have to stress both brain cells at the same time.
    Device User fills in e-form, Apple submits iphone details into system, device recieves non reversable JB via itunes, warranty database updated, user goes to genius bar, ecid says JB, Genius gomper says sorry, cant help, No 'accidental' comments, and Apple have a ground breaking device open to all.
    wouldn't that be a major selling point over the world?? it could run medical, military and personal apps, be a device that could easily dominate the market. hardware to 128GB IS available for commercial use, a military device could be crammed with encrypted data and location devices. Medical devices could download masses of info for paramedics on the road, patient history on tap?? A business owner with their books on file could just hit send and IRS (v
    VATman over here) gets the data
    To me, it's apple limiting themselves

    @E4th....people will always try to do stupid things they shouldn't, thats why the UK banned guns lol. People submit apps to appstore and they're rejected.
    My comment said 3rd party guys, as in 3rd party app devs, aka jailbreak app devs. not left to run free, but a system similar to Saurick/Mario's. Do you find malicious apps on Cydia/Rock very often? I don't, so its a management system that works

  • Sean
    Sean Posts: 138
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    I think you're on the money.